Chapter 136 Exceeding Expectations
Su Mo came to Hua Jiujiu out of breath, "Little Miss."

"Slow down first."

Hua Jiujiu looked at his sweaty face, wondering where did this young man come from, how could he be so tired, moreover, he looked vain.

Could it be that he hasn't eaten for two days because he didn't give him money?

Originally, she thought that Su Mo could sell things with his own ability, and then use the money to buy food.

Now it seems that I overestimated him a bit.

After Su Mo slowed down for a while, he finally said: "Miss, I came from the pier, so I was delayed for a long time, and I kept the lady waiting for a long time."

Hua Jiujiu gave him a meaningful look.

"Miss, this is my money for selling fish sauce."

Su Mo took out a big bag of money and handed it to Hua Jiujiu, without any nostalgia in his eyes.

Hua Jiujiu weighed the purse and found that the weight was a bit beyond her imagination.

"Su Mo, how did you sell it for so much money?" It was obviously more than what she agreed on.

When Su Mo was about to speak, he noticed Lou Sijin beside him and became a little vigilant.

Since just now, this man has been by Hua Jiujiu's side. What's their relationship?
Lou Sijin was about to evade, Hua Jiujiu spoke first, "It's okay, just talk."

It was obvious that he was not regarded as an outsider at all.

Lou Sijin's eyes flashed involuntarily.

Su Mo glanced at him suspiciously. The man's demeanor looked a lot like his former family's guard.

No, this man will be more fierce and terrifying!
Since Huajiujiu said that there is no problem, then there must be no problem!

Su Mo withdrew his gaze, and said to Hua Jiujiu, "Miss, I sold a tael for 380 Wen in total, but I spent a penny to buy a steamed bun."

He said the last sentence a little cautiously, obviously because he was afraid that Hua Jiujiu would mind.

Hua Jiujiu's attention was entirely on the number in front.

It turned out to be more than 300 articles more than originally planned!

How did this boy do it?
She originally thought that selling five hundred Wen would be the best.

"How did you do it? Tell me in detail." Hua Jiujiu asked curiously.

However, something soon came to mind.

Just now Su Mo said that he came from the pier, so he suddenly had a suspicion in his heart.

Seeing that Hua Jiujiu didn't blame him for wasting money, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't want to spend money, but he was really hungry. He was afraid that if he didn't eat, he would faint from hunger. .

"When the lady gave me fish sauce, my first reaction was that it couldn't be sold, but when I opened a bottle and tried it, I found it tasted very good."

At that time, Su Mo still felt that Huajiujiu was playing tricks on him.

"I took the fish sauce to the restaurant to sell, but the shopkeepers just took a look at it and refused, and kicked me out, let alone try it."

What Su Mo didn't say was that he almost went all over the restaurants in the town, and finally found someone who was willing to meet him, but when he saw the fish sauce, he didn't even taste it, and kicked him out directly.

In fact, Su Mo also knew that it was not only because Yu Rou Jiang didn't look good, but also because he didn't dress well.

Anyway, the whole day yesterday, he was treated with cold eyes, and he didn't sell a single bottle.

At night, he was really cold and hungry, so he had to shrink in a corner and think of a way.

He suddenly had an idea until he heard the gossip of the workers who came back from the dock.

 PS: Babies, let’s continue with the sixth update today, I hope you guys will continue to support Xiaoyu, I love you, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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