Chapter 144 What About Fang Xiaoxiao
It was only when Hua Jiujiu saw Lin Jiao that he remembered about Fang Xiaoxiao. Looking at her anxious look, did she not bring Fang Xiaoxiao back?
"Aunt Lin, what's the matter?" Hua Jiujiu asked directly without guessing.

"Hua girl, smile at's too late...she..." Lin Jiao became anxious and lost her words.

"Aunt Lin, don't worry, speak slowly." Hua Jiujiu comforted her.

Lin Jiao paused for a while, and then said: "When I went to my mother's house the day before yesterday to look for Xiaoxiao, she had already gone to town with her cousin, and it was too late, I couldn't go to town, Xiaoxiao They didn't know what was going on, and they didn't come back all night."

Didn't come back all night?

Hua Jiujiu frowned.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the two girls to live in the town.

Could it be that they have already gone to the Zhu Mansion, and the Zhu Mansion left them behind?

If so, I'm afraid it's a little dangerous.

"Early yesterday morning, I rushed to the town. When I went to Zhu's Mansion, I realized that Xiaoxiao and her cousin signed up yesterday, and they stayed overnight in Zhu's Mansion. Not only they stayed overnight in Zhu's Mansion, but all the girls who signed up I stayed overnight inside, saying that it was to better screen out maidservants." Lin Jiao continued.

"Then did you talk to the butler of Zhu's mansion that Xiaoxiao should not be a maid?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

Everyone spent the night there just to screen out better maids?
How could she just not believe it!

"I said it, but the housekeeper said that, except for those who were eliminated, you can't leave by yourself after entering." Lin Jiao said in a panic.

She wandered around the Zhu Mansion for a long time yesterday and heard some bad news about the Zhu Mansion.

Then where is going to enjoy the blessing, it is clearly a pit of fire!

As for himself, he actually pushed his daughter and niece into the fire pit with his own hands.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiao's eyes were full of despair.

"Did you say when the results will come out?" Hua Jiujiu always felt that there was something tricky in the Zhu Mansion, otherwise why did they keep so many people in vain, and it was clear that some bad ones could be eliminated directly.

"Tomorrow, but I'm afraid it will be a foregone conclusion." Lin Jiao said anxiously.

Huajiujiu is also worried about this.

"By the way, do you know that Hua Meili has gone?" She suddenly thought of what Hua Lao Si said in the restaurant two days ago.

"No way, I saw her this morning." Lin Jiao looked at Hua Jiujiu with some puzzlement.

What does this have to do with beautiful flowers?
"What did she say when she met you?"

Hua Meili knew that Lin Jiao had some tricks, so she would ask Lin Jiao to help her get in too, but Lin Jiao only had two places, and they were all close to her own people, how could she help a family with no character? What kind of person?

Lin Jiao tried her best to recall, "Yes, she told me very proudly that she is about to fly up the branches and become a phoenix."

After hearing this, Hua Jiujiu was sure that this was what Hua Laosi was talking about.

"Aunt Lin, do you know how many people the Zhu Mansion will recruit this time?" Hua Jiujiu thought, Hua Meili did not participate in the selection, that is, they were airborne, and someone would always be squeezed out.

I don't know if I can squeeze Fang Xiaoxiao out.

I'm afraid that Fang Xiaoxiao will do his best to make money, and his ranking will not be low.

"It's said to be about ten people." Lin Jiao can have two places in her hand, which is really very capable.

Recruit so many at once?

Hua Jiujiu always felt that he should inquire more about the affairs of the Zhu Mansion.

"Aunt Lin, how about this, I'll go to town tomorrow and ask you about it." It's useless to think about it now.

Lin Jiao looked disappointed, she thought that Huajiujiu would have a solution.

It seems that she still has to rely on herself.

(End of this chapter)

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