Chapter 145 Raising Wolf Cubs
After Hua Jiujiu said goodbye to Lin Jiao, she planned to go home and cook.

As for raising a dog, we can go to the town tomorrow and ask together.

The people in the village can't afford it, but the town must be able to. No matter what, you can find a family with babies.

When they were about to get home, Hua Jiujiu saw Lou Sijin staying in their yard.

I thought he was waiting for dinner.

"I just went out, and I haven't made dinner yet, so wait a minute." Hua Jiujiu walked into the yard.

Just as he was about to invite Lou Sijin to enter the room and wait, he handed her a fluffy animal.

"Dog?" Hua Jiujiu took it in surprise, and while running along its white fur, asked, "Where did this come from? I'm looking for a dog to raise."

Before Lou Sijin answered, it spoke first.


It howled softly, and didn't know whether it was protesting against Lou Sijin giving him away at will, or protesting against the use of flowers and wine to wipe his hair.

This call?
Hua Jiujiu looked at it suspiciously.

"It's a wolf cub. I rescued it on the mountain." Lou Sijin heard that the village was full of wine and wine and asked who had a dog, so she thought of a wolf cub she rescued on the mountain not long ago.

"Wolf cub?" Hua Jiujiu was speechless.

Is it really good to raise a wolf cub?

"Dogs are too docile." Lou Sijin felt that dogs could not protect them.

"But, I don't know how to raise wolves, and I don't know how to train wolves." Moreover, I will be swallowed by wolves accidentally.

"When you were young, you fed the dog the way you fed it. When it grows up, it can go to the back mountain to forage by itself." Lou Sijin didn't want Hua Jiujiu to serve this wolf cub all the time.

Phew, it deserves it too!

The wolf cub howled again, probably to protest against Lou Sijin not treating him as a wolf cub.

"I'll train it for you." Lou Sijin said again.

He will definitely help Hua Jiujiu train the wolf cub well, even if he can't kill him, at least he can delay the time.

"Great." Hua Jiujiu responded happily.

"Then I'll give him a name." Hua Jiujiu looked at the wolf cub with gentle eyes.

Girls have always had little resistance to cute things.

Not only is this wolf cub small, but it is also white all over without a trace of stray hair.

It's so beautiful that Hua Jiujiu can't help but want to kiss it.

With that in mind, I really did.

As a result, all the kisses were mouthfuls of hair, but Huajiujiu was disgusted.

It is easy to lose hair at a young age, but what should I do when I grow up and marry a wife?
If you accidentally make your wife angry, why don't you get shaved by your wife?
Not to mention that when you get old in the future, the hair will fall down without plucking.

When Lou Sijin saw this scene, he immediately cast cold and murderous eyes like a wolf cub.

The wolf cub seemed to feel something, and the fur on his body exploded.

"It's still fried, what's the matter, you get goosebumps after being kissed by me?" Hua Jiujiu said amusedly.

Mao is still frying.

Hua Jiujiu continued: "Since you like fried hair so much, let's call you croquettes."

This name made the wolf cub very resistant.

Aww, owwow kept barking, I don't know who thought it was abusing it.

"This wolf cub is not good, I'll find you another one." Lou Sijin was talking nonsense seriously.

He just turned the whole mountain upside down to find a female wolf cub for Hua Jiujiu!

"No, no, no, I think it's pretty good. What's more, if it's not good, you have to teach it." Hua Jiujiu waved his hand.

After a while, she fell in love with this wolf cub.

(End of this chapter)

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