Chapter 169
"Dongfang Lan, I should really draw a portrait of you, and show your good friends how romantic and suave you are."

Suddenly, there was a sound of gloating in the carriage.

Nangong Yu recognized Hua Jiujiu from the very beginning, and had to praise her for her wit, and she actually used this method to resolve the crisis.

And if it doesn't work once, come again.

Don't worry about people becoming angry at all.

Is it all insight, or is it just a coincidence?

Nangong Yu believed it was the former one.

Then, how could such a smart little girl say that kind of thing before, obviously she still has some confidence.

"Nangong Yu, don't come here!"

Dongfang Lan couldn't tell why, this man was laughing that he deserved it.

If he was kind enough to help the little girl, how could he be thrown another egg.

Dongfang Lan looked at the group of local snakes in a bad mood, and said in a cold tone, "People like you who harm the common people, what's the use of keeping them!"

A group of people knelt down in fright, "My lord, we were wrong."

"Give me a beating, and if you are disabled, throw it at the gate of the yamen, and let that old fox take good care of this town!"

Dongfang Lan was already angry.

After leaving this sentence, he got back into the carriage.

However, before going in, he took a cool look at Huajiu.

The meaning is obvious, it's best not to let him see it again, otherwise she must make her look good!

Hua Jiujiu looked at Dongfang Lan blankly but innocently.


Well, probably really not on purpose!

"My lord, have mercy!" Seeing Dongfang Lan's guards approaching, the hooligans cried out in horror.

However, what awaited them was punching and kicking.

Ghosts were crying and wolves were howling outside, but inside the carriage it was a different scene.

"Nangong Yu, why didn't you remind me just now?"

He said why Nangong Yu suddenly lowered his head just now, so he was waiting for him here!

"I pulled you." Nangong Yu replied lazily.

"I thought you were going to beat me up!" Who made him make a joke about Nangong Yu just now.

Nangong Yu acted like you deserve it.

Dongfang Lan couldn't help but move closer to Nangong Yu.

"Dongfang Lan, stay away from me!" Nangong Yu said unbearably.

"My son is going to get close to you and make you laugh at me!"

Why should he be smashed by eggs, and I insist on letting this self-esteemed man also be stained with egg liquid!

"Okay, let's roll the carriage together~ I have never tried this method~"


Hua Jiujiu listened to the sound coming from inside their carriage.

Inexplicably shivered.

She felt her ears were polluted.

It is necessary to wash!
Hua Jiujiu was still sitting on the bullock cart, looking at the people who were dragged away, showing a smug smile.

It seems that my luck is still very good.

After that, no one would dare to trouble her.

"Come on, go home."

Hua Jiujiu happily said to the stunned coachman.

The coachman finally came back to his senses and set off in the bullock cart.

Not far away, a probing gaze fell on her.

It was Yuchi Mocheng.

Because of the fact that he was thrown into the beggar's den that day, people have been investigating for the past two days who threw him there.

However, after checking and checking, no one can be found.

The only clue is this woman.

Before he passed out, he landed in this woman's room.

However, he knew that this woman definitely didn't have the strength to move herself so far away.

Is there someone behind her?
However, after so many days of observation, no one was found behind her.

So, what's going on?

(End of this chapter)

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