Chapter 170

Hua Jiujiu always felt that someone was staring at her, but when she looked back, there was no one there.

Is it because I think too much?
Regardless, I had a big harvest today, so I should be happier.

Not long after the bullock cart had left, Hua Jiujiu suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly told the driver to turn around and go back.

"Master, wait for me here first." After saying that, she jumped off the bullock cart and headed into the town again.

She just suddenly remembered that she told Yang Ke'er in the morning that she would go to her after finishing her work.

Hua Jiujiu didn't see Yang Ke'er outside the town, presumably her things haven't been sold yet.

Then I went to Poor Street.

This is the first time Huajiujiu entered Poor Street.

It was indeed as she had imagined, a little messy and dirty.

In the surrounding vendors, you can hear all kinds of bargaining voices.

For poor families, a copper coin should not be broken into two petals to spend.

Huajiujiu looked around.

It can be regarded as in a corner, I saw a Yang Ke'er who was trying to fight for the price with the customer.

Probably because she didn't have much contact with people, so she stuttered a bit.

I was completely rhythmized by that guest.

If this continues, Yang Ke'er will sell things at a loss.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't stand it any longer, and stepped forward to say a few words for Yang Ke'er.

In the end, it can be regarded as keeping the cost for Yang Keer.

People were very upset and took out money to buy clothes.

After they left, Hua Jiujiu looked at Yang Ke'er, who looked excited and admiring.

"See more, learn more and listen more."

Yang Keer nodded heavily.

She also hopes that one day she can be as powerful as Huajiujiu.

"Is everything sold out?" Hua Jiujiu glanced at her empty basket.

"Yeah." I can count myself as able to eat for a few days.

After that, Hua Jiujiu accompanied her to buy food, and then took her to the ox cart he rented.

Knowing that the whole cart was full of Huajiu, Yang Keer's eyes widened in shock.

This is too great!
"If you follow me, you will definitely be able to achieve such an achievement." Hua Jiujiu said without exaggeration.

Yang Ke'er hesitated a little.

She was really afraid that she would get Hua Jiujiu into trouble.

"Think about it carefully. If you think about it clearly, go to the bamboo house at the end of Dashan Village and find me." Hua Jiujiu didn't force her.

After sending Yang Ke'er back, Hua Jiujiu returned to Dashan Village.

Because there are too many things, we can only let the bullock carts enter the village.

Once you enter the village, it will be a disaster.

Everyone gathered around.

When they saw that the person in the car was Huajiujiu, they all showed shocked expressions.

Is this a fortune?
How to move the whole town back.

There are so many things, it's really enviable.

"Hua girl, what kind of fortune is this?" someone couldn't help asking.

"It's a medicinal herb." Hua Jiujiu had already thought up his words.

Everyone is not convinced.

Why haven't they heard that selling medicinal materials can make so much money?

"I went up the mountain two days ago and dug up a ginseng. However, I almost couldn't come back from the mountain."

Who knows if these people will run desperately into the mountains in order to make money, so I still reminded them.

Wealth and danger exist at the same time.

Everyone stopped thinking.

Could it be that they can go up the back mountain casually?
I heard that many people went into the mountain and couldn't come back.

Even hunters dare not go in casually.

This flamboyant girl, in order to make money, really worked hard.

But also, the situation in their family, how can we not fight a little bit?
Therefore, although a group of people were envious and jealous, they didn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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