Chapter 172

However, Huajiujiu thought of a serious problem.

"However, my handwriting is also ugly, so I can't teach you."

She also needs to practice handwriting, if she is asked to teach, I'm afraid it will lead them astray.

Then they will ask for a wife.

I heard that it costs a lot of money to hire a dedicated female wife.

My poor wallet...

"Mother can write, mother will teach you." Bai Zhi said suddenly.

"Mother is amazing."

Hua Youyou felt that her mother was so powerful that she could do everything.

Hua Jiujiu didn't speak, but lowered his head slightly, hiding his worried eyes.

Bai Zhi didn't know why she did it, she felt that many things seemed to be done naturally recently.


Suddenly, Bai Zhi covered her head.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Hua Jiujiu asked nervously.

"I suddenly have a headache, don't worry, maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night." Seeing the worried expressions of the three children, Bai Zhi immediately comforted her.

"Mother, let me take a look for you." Hua Jiujiu suggested.

"It's all right."

"Mother, just take a look at how much I have learned from my master." Hua Jiujiu wanted to see why his mother lost her memory, and whether it was possible to recover her memory.

Bai Zhi was a little surprised that she was able to see a doctor so soon?

Is it because my daughter is too talented, or is her master too powerful?

But, how can you spoil your daughter's happiness?

Bai Zhi immediately stretched out her hand for her to check.

Hua Jiujiu checked the pulse for a while, and finally confirmed what happened.

"Mom, did you hit your head before?"


Bai Zhi didn't remember how she hit her head, she only knew that after waking up, she couldn't remember the past.

She also tried hard to think back, but every time she thought about it, she got a headache.

Later, after being bought by the husband, the husband felt sorry for her and took her to see many doctors, but the final result was that there was no way to recover.

She thought, since she was living happily enough, there was no need to think about the past anymore.

Maybe those memories were bad, so I forgot all of them?

Hua Jiujiu nodded.

As she guessed.

My mother's head was congested, which caused amnesia.

If the congestion dissipates, it is likely to recover.

As for why my mother thinks so much recently, it probably has something to do with Lingquan.

That spiritual spring can take care of a person's body, not to mention the congestion in the brain.

I'm afraid it won't take too long, the congestion will dissipate.

Huajiujiu doesn't know whether this is good or bad.

Everything, just let nature take its course.

"Mom, there's no big problem, but you are still a little weak, I'll prescribe some medicine for you." Hua Jiujiu didn't say much about it.

"What's wrong with it, I've gained a lot of weight recently." Bai Zhi immediately refused when she heard that she was taking the medicine.

Not to mention the medicine is very good.

It was the bitter feeling that made her choked up.

In my impression, I have taken medicine many times, but it seems that it is not so bitter.

It seemed that someone gave her a candy after she drank the medicine, and she didn't feel the pain immediately.

who's that person?
Why, it feels so warm, so I want to think of it!
Bai Zhi had some headaches again.

Hua Jiujiu's face changed slightly, and he brought her a glass of water, "Mother, drink some water slowly."

After drinking the water, Bai Zhi felt much better.

But I didn't dare to think about it anymore, for fear that my head would hurt again.

 PS: Babies, there will be a sweet plot tomorrow, and there is going to be a big breakthrough in our relationship, we spoilers, let's watch for yourself tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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