Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 173 Practicing Chinese Characters

Chapter 173 Practicing Chinese Characters
After packing up, Hua Jiujiu pestered Bai Zhi to teach her how to write.

Bai Zhi asked her to write a word first, so as to see where to start pointing.

When seeing the words written by Hua Jiujiu, Bai Zhi fell silent.

Well, she might as well start from scratch.

Hua Jiujiu blushed.

She swears that she must practice calligraphy well, otherwise she is really not worthy of her status!
Hua Jiujiu was curious about Bai Zhi's characters, so she pestered her to write one first.

The result is that every stroke is a landscape, which is very eye-catching for her.

It is said that by reading the characters, one can see a person's character.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Xiu Zi in front of her, feeling a little complicated in her heart.

My own mother must have been an extremely good woman in the past.

Bai Zhi taught Hua Jiujiu stroke by stroke, but for some reason, Hua Jiujiu's writing was horrible.

How can I not write the idea.

Bai Zhi was very gentle in guiding her at the beginning, but she became numb in the end, and she couldn't figure it out, why her calligraphy is so indescribable because her daughter is so good in everything.

Huajiujiu was also a little frustrated.

In fact, she just isn't used to holding a brush...

This made her think that when she was in elementary school in Huaxia, there was also calligraphy class, but she never took it, and the reason given was that she could not afford a pen, ink, paper and inkstone. In fact, only she knew that she did it because The handwriting is horrible.

But I don't have the economy to practice and practice all the time, so her calligraphy is just like this.

Hua Jiujiu just didn't believe in evil, so after dinner at night, he practiced calligraphy there again.

Of course, Bai Zhi was not allowed to teach, after all, she had taught enough.

After that, you have to practice on your own.

After practicing for a while, Hua Jiujiu was a little tired, so he propped his chin with his hands and stared blankly.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blows.

Hua Jiujiu came back to his senses and looked in the direction of the window.

The window was wide open, and a tall figure stood in the darkness.

With just one glance, Hua Jiujiu recognized him.

"Ajin, why are you here?" Hua Jiujiu walked over.

As soon as I got close to the window, I felt the biting cold wind hit.

It's getting colder today.

"Come in, it's freezing outside." Hua Jiujiu rubbed his arms.

Lou Sijin hesitated for a moment, then jumped in and closed the window.

"Is there something on your mind?" When Hua Jiujiu brought him a meal today, he had a worried look on his face, which made him a little worried.

Could it be because of those lecherous people last night?

If so, there is no need to worry, because they can only lie in bed for the rest of their lives.

But, after all, it was his fault.

He didn't protect Huajiujiu well.

"No, I was just thinking about how to practice my calligraphy well." Hua Jiujiu sighed with a sad face.


Nothing troubled her, but a single word troubled her?
Lou Sijin walked towards the table covered with papers.

"Don't look!" Hua Jiujiu rushed over, trying to cover up the horrible words.

However, it was still a step late.

Lou Sijin had already picked up a piece of paper on the table.

At the first sight of that word, Lou Sijin couldn't help laughing.

However, he smiled subduedly, and the corners of his mouth were only slightly raised.

Hua Jiujiu grabbed the paper and looked at Lou Sijin angrily, "Did you laugh?"

"No." Lou Sijin replied against his will.

Hua Jiujiu didn't believe it, and approached Lou Sijin, "You're just smiling, I saw the corners of your mouth curl up!"


It's really subtle.

" can't laugh at me, I just wrote it like this for the time being." Hua Jiujiu's face turned red, and he didn't know if it was shy or something.

 PS: He is here, he is here, he is coming with familiar steps~
(End of this chapter)

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