Chapter 174

Before Lou Sijin said anything, Hua Jiujiu put his hands on his hips again, and said confidently, "Hmph, that's how I wrote it, what can you do!"

Lou Sijin looked at the pretty and lovely woman in front of her, her heart tightened slightly, and an unspeakable emotion flashed across her.

He collected himself and said in a low voice, "I'll teach you."

Hua Jiujiu's eyes lit up, and then he felt a little frustrated, "It's useless, my mother taught me all afternoon, and I couldn't write well."

"No." Lou Sijin was still a little confident about this.

Huajiujiu think about it, why don't you try another person?
He immediately sat at the desk and asked Lou Sijin to teach him.

Lou Sijin stood behind her, bent down to hold her hand holding the pen, and led her to write stroke by stroke.

Those eyes were extremely focused.

Hua Jiujiu sensed the aura of the person behind him, and felt a little confused, unable to write properly.

"It should be like this here." The warm breath fell on Hua Jiujiu's ear, making her face turn red all of a sudden.

When Lou Sijin accidentally caught a glimpse of her like this, her heart beat a little fast.

Tried hard to sink his heart, and said in a low voice: "Relax, you need to find the feeling first."

Only then did Hua Jiujiu realize that he was practicing calligraphy.

He calmed down and focused on the words.

It is probably because I put it into the words, so Huajiujiu can find a little feeling.

When Lou Sijin took her to finish writing a word, he immediately stepped aside, and if he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he might not be able to control his heart, which was always beating violently.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the writing in front of her, and felt that she could still save it.

This word is really beautiful!

There is Lou Sijin's shadow in it, as well as her own shadow.

There is a feeling that there is me in you and you in me.

As soon as this idea came out, Hua Jiujiu panicked, why did he come up with this idea? !

They are just practicing calligraphy!

However, looking at this word, Hua Jiujiu seemed to be able to see a certain side of Lou Sijin.

This man is arrogant and arrogant.

Even in the abyss, never give up that unique luxury.

Looking back at the man with dead eyes in front of him, Hua Jiujiu felt a little distressed.

He shouldn't be like this.

"Just practice according to the feeling just now." Lou Sijin noticed Hua Jiujiu's complicated eyes, looked away, and said softly.

He couldn't bear that look.

Too heavy and sad.

And he didn't want this woman to be like this.

After all, it has nothing to do with her.

"Cough, I can't remember, can I teach you again." Hua Jiujiu coughed in embarrassment.

There were too many distracting thoughts in my mind just now, even if I restrained my mind later, I ignored the first half.

Lou Sijin nodded.

Standing behind Hua Jiujiu, she bent down, wrapped her big hand around that little hand, and wrote stroke by stroke.

Look at the word "wine" on the paper with profound meaning.

Hua Jiujiu's mind moved again.

She turned her head to look at Lou Sijin, her eyes were shining like stars.

Seriously said: "A Jin, I will detoxify you."

Lou Sijin froze for a moment, "You practice calligraphy first."

"No, I'll detoxify you first." You can practice calligraphy at any time, but it's not good if the poison stays in his body for one more day.

She wanted this man to return to his peak.

That kind of him is the realest him.

But it is also a height that she cannot reach...

Hua Jiujiu lowered her eyes, hiding the sadness she didn't know why.

Is it because if the poison is undone, the man will leave and he will lose a friend?
Huajiujiu doesn't understand.

 PS: Oh hoo, just around the corner~
(End of this chapter)

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