Chapter 176 Ah Jin, trust me!

Huajiujiu touched the warm bed, turned around comfortably, curled herself up, and fell into a more sweet dreamland contentedly.

Lou Sijin couldn't help stretching out her big hand and gently stroking her face. Feeling the warmth from the palm of her hand, the corners of her mouth slightly raised an arc.

He was suddenly reluctant to leave.

Then, stay a little longer.

Just for a while.

Yue'er had already hung high, and Lou Sijin had no intention of leaving.

Just because Hua Jiujiu had said a dream.

"Ajin, trust me!"

What do you believe?
Do you believe that she can cure the poison?
Does this little woman care so much about herself?

Lou Sijin wanted to see if there would be other sleep talk.

But, not until dawn, nor.

Because he was afraid of scaring Hua Jiujiu, Lou Sijin left here.


When the sky was slightly bright, Hua Jiujiu woke up.

She sat on the bed in a daze.

She clearly remembered that she slept at the table last night, how could she be on the bed?
Looking towards the window, the window was closed tightly.

Did Lou Sijin come back last night?
Then when he saw her sleeping on the table, he hugged her on the bed?

Huajiujiu touched his face.

She couldn't remember whether it was a dream or reality, anyway, she felt Lou Sijin's big hand gently touching her face.

However, those eyes were full of dead silence and despair.

She comforted her distressedly: "A Jin, trust me!" I will make your eyes shine bright again.

Like the stars that night.

Still the most beautiful eyes.

So, these are dreams.

Hua Jiujiu felt hopeless.

Lou Sijin can be dreamed of even in a dream, maybe it's because he contacts too much on weekdays.

Then think about it every day and dream at night?
Hua Jiujiu felt that she should reconsider her feelings for this man.

It can't be as simple as just friends!
However, there is no time to think about this now, she still has to go to the town to continue selling flowers.

Huajiu got up in a hurry.

After washing up in a hurry, I went to cook, and after the meal was ready, I took the hair flower that my family made yesterday and went out.

Still going to Teal Ya Village to take an ox cart.

People who go to town today are very different from yesterday.

But some people who went there yesterday recognized her when they saw Huajiujiu.

"It's you!"

Hua Jiujiu looked at the woman in puzzlement.

I don't know her.

"Yesterday she was the one who saved the evil star." Once the woman explained, everyone in the bullock cart knew about it.

Apparently, the story of her saving lives yesterday has spread throughout the village.

"Little girl, are you a doctor?"

"Little girl, how did you learn medical skills? It's too good."

"Yeah, even such a severe wind and cold can be cured, so let my family have a look."

"Little girl, show me too."

"Genius doctor, show me first."


For a while, the bullock carts became noisy.

In the end, the more he said, the more exaggerated he was, and he directly called Hua Jiujiu a miracle doctor.

"What kind of genius doctor, but a broom star!" At this moment, an extremely discordant voice broke in.

Everyone looked over.

I saw a mean-looking woman looking at Huajiu with disdain.

Hua Jiujiu always felt that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

Until she said the next sentence, Hua Jiujiu could be remembered.

"Not only is she a broom star, everyone in their family is a broom star, otherwise, how could they have killed their own father, made their grandma mad, and even tore apart a good family, you said What kind of person would actually break up with his grandparents, isn't he just a broom star?"

 PS: Babies, it will be on the shelves in the early hours of tomorrow night. Xiaoyu will burst into [-] chapters. I hope you can continue to support Xiaoyu. If you have the conditions, I hope you can give Xiaoyu a full subscription. Your support is Xiaoyu. The biggest motivation, love you guys~
  The plot will become sweeter and sweeter in the future, after all, we Jin already understand our own feelings~
(End of this chapter)

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