Chapter 177 Vicious Woman

This person was Hua Jiujiu's cousin before they broke up. When Mrs. Xu took her family to play in the autumn wind, she often bullied her.

When the people on the bullock cart heard about this, they all showed disbelief.

It turned out to be a broom star, no wonder there would be nothing wrong with the evil star.

People around were talking.

"But, he does know how to heal." Some people are still reasonable.

"Who knows if it's just a coincidence, I've never heard of her medical skills before." Xu Yue continued.

"How do you know?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Why don't I know, I'm her cousin, and I used to be amiable." Xu Yue mocked.

In fact, she couldn't see Hua Jiujiu living so well.

I heard that after the divorce, not only did she not live in poverty, but she was so lucky that she met a master who was good at medicine, learned to distinguish herbs, and made money by selling herbs.

Xu Yue didn't know if the herbal medicine was worth money, but looking at Huajiujiu's outfit, she knew that it must have sold for a lot of money.

Of course, that wasn't what made her the most jealous.

The most jealous thing is that this broom star has become so good-looking because of the good food and drink!

It was obviously like a cucumber in the wilting bar before, it was disgusting to look at.

But now, just looking at it casually, it makes people's eyes shine.

Take another look at yourself.

With ripped clothes, freckles all over her face, and withered yellow hair, she is ugly to this day, and she hasn't married yet.

This made her psychology more and more distorted, and she hated Huajiujiu more and more.

I hate why she broke off the relationship. If she didn't break off the relationship, this new dress would be hers!

Huajiujiu saw the jealousy in Xu Yue's eyes.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's just a clown.

Hua Jiujiu's smile completely angered Xu Yue, and she pushed towards Hua Jiujiu forcefully.

Hua Jiujiu avoided the body in time.

Xu Yue fell off the bullock cart because of too much force.

This bullock cart is still moving, it's not easy to fall down.

Everyone in the car exclaimed, and the driver stopped the bullock cart in fright.

Soon someone went down to check on Xu Yue's injuries.

It's not a serious injury, it's just that the already ugly face has become even uglier because of the scratches.

"Ah, my face, Hua Daya, you dare to push me, I will kill you!" Xu Yue screamed at Hua Jiujiu.

Hua Daya...

The name Huajiujiu almost forgot.

"Xu Yue, the big guys are not blind, are you going to push me, or am I going to push you?" Hua Jiujiu sneered, completely ignoring Xu Yue.

"That's right, it was Miss Xu who pushed her, then fell herself, and ended up trying to beat him to death."

"This girl is cruel enough. If the little girl hadn't avoided it in time, she would have pushed her down, and her head would have landed on the ground. It's not just a light fall."

"It's too ruthless. After all, she is also my younger sister. Even if the relationship is broken, the bones and tendons will be broken."

"No wonder you can't get married. It's okay to be ugly, but you have such a vicious heart."

"That's right, I have to tell my girl to stay away from her, who knows if she will push me like this."


For a moment, everyone was pointing at Xu Yue.

Xu Yue stomped her feet angrily, obviously things shouldn't be like this!

You are the victim yourself!

There were more and more abuses, Xu Yue didn't have the face to stay in the car anymore, asked the driver for the money back, and went back to the village angrily.

It was also because the ox cart had not been out for a long time, so the driver would refund the money, otherwise she would be left alone.

(End of this chapter)

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