Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 179 Mrs. Zhu's Temptation

Chapter 179 Mrs. Zhu's Temptation
The one who is not poisonous is the most powerful, how can he make small moves?

However, Huajiujiu remained calm and calmly gave Mrs. Zhu an injection.

"Where is Mr. Qianzui from?" Mrs. Zhu's voice sounded.

"It's a small place, I'm afraid it will pollute the old lady's ears." Hua Jiujiu felt that this old lady Zhu's aura was too strong.

Is it really just the mistress of a small Zhu family?
Mrs. Zhu took a deep look at Huajiu.

"I don't know where the teacher came from?" Mrs. Zhu continued to ask.

"Master likes to hide from the world, and has never revealed his fame to the outside world. Please forgive me, old lady." Hua Jiujiu answered impeccably.

Mrs. Zhu looked at her more and more deeply.

However, he didn't ask any more.

After Hua Jiujiu applied the needle, he said, "Just apply it again tomorrow."

"Mother Zhang, reward."

The nanny who served Mrs. Zhu immediately took out the golden beans.

Grab a hand for Huajiujiu.

When Hua Jiujiu saw Jindouzi, his eyes lit up slightly.

After evading it for a while, he happily accepted it.

When turning around to leave, Hua Jiujiu obviously felt that Mrs. Zhu was not exploring herself a lot.

This Mrs. Zhu is really not a simple character.

It was really necessary for him to inquire about her identity.

I always have a hunch that I will have some intersection with her in the future.

Huajiujiu earned these bounties for nothing, and dispelled some old Mrs. Zhu's suspicions, and she felt much better.

Just as he was about to leave the mansion, he saw a familiar figure.

The flowers are beautiful!
She was coming in from the outside with a servant girl, her eyes were full of excitement and greed.

Oh hoo, the killer is here.

She wants to see what will happen to this beautiful flower.

Do you really think that you are here to enjoy the blessings?
Hua Jiujiu had a wicked smile on his lips.

Hua Meili just looked up, saw this smile, and was immediately surprised by Hua Jiujiu's handsome appearance.

What a handsome boy!

If it is possible, she should not be this maid, but be this son's woman!
Hua Jiujiu's scalp was numb from her wolf-like eyes.

How much this woman lacks a man, this look can completely swallow a person alive!
I'm afraid I'm afraid!

Huajiujiu left here quickly.

Hua Meili wanted to catch up and ask her name, but was pushed back impatiently by the maid leading the way.

"Do you still want to be a servant girl? What you don't want to be is a human being."

Scared by this, Hua Meili immediately settled down.

That young man can be seen but cannot be touched, but this maid's errand is real and tangible. Who would give up the current prosperity for an unrealistic dream?
After Hua Jiujiu left Zhu's mansion, he took a deep breath of the outside air.

Just feeling refreshed.

Sure enough, the Zhu Mansion was too smoky.

After dealing with this matter, Hua Jiujiu changed back to women's clothes.

Go to the tooth shop to find the toothmaid who told me yesterday.

Seeing that it was Huajiujiu, the matchmaker immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Miss, you mentioned your requirements yesterday, so I searched everywhere for such shops, and finally found three shops that meet your requirements. Would you like to go and have a look?"

Hua Jiujiu was amazed at the speed of the matchmaker.

This is not the Internet era, and the town is big enough to find a shop that meets the requirements so quickly. It seems that this matchmaker still has some skills.

"Take me to have a look." Hua Jiujiu nodded.

The prostitute immediately went to the first shop with a smile on her face and brought Huajiu.

Don't think that this client is a woman, and the clothes are not particularly good, but, based on her years of experience in seeing people, she knows that this lady must really want to rent the shop.

(End of this chapter)

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