Chapter 180 Cunning Fox

The prostitute was introducing these three shops along the way, and she praised each shop like a hype.

Huajiujiu automatically skips those exaggerated modifiers.

This first shop is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Furen Street. Although it has two floors, the shop area is still too small, and the rent is quite expensive.

For Huajiu, it's not worth it.

The second shop is located in a relatively ordinary area of ​​the rich man's street. It not only has three floors, but also has a very large shop area and a backyard. However, the rent is also not cheap, but the price is also reasonable.

For Huajiujiu, this is worth considering, but my pockets are a bit empty now.

The third store is located in a relatively remote area, and the business is definitely not as good as other places, but it also has three floors, a large area, and a backyard at the back. The difference is that the rent is much cheaper.

This fits perfectly with my current situation.

As for remoteness...

As long as the publicity is in place and those women's love for beauty is not shown, she is not afraid of losing business at all.

"How much is the rent for this shop?" Hua Jiujiu asked standing in front of the third shop.

"This shop needs to be rented for one year, and the one-time payment for one year is 300 taels a year." The matchmaker also doesn't know whether Huajiujiu can afford the whole year's expenses.

300 taels of silver a year is actually quite cheap.

The most prosperous area is not half as big as this one, and it costs 500 taels of silver.

Hua Jiujiu was a little hesitant.

However, I am not hesitating which one to rent, but I am thinking about buying or renting, which one will be more cost-effective.

"Girl, does the owner of this shop have the intention to sell the shop?" Hua Jiu Jiu Man asked.

The prostitute's eyes lit up.

This little girl still has the idea of ​​buying a shop, so she must not be too short of money!

She immediately said: "The owner of this shop had this idea, but it was not very strong. However, if Miss really intends to buy the shop, I can go and talk about it."

"Then trouble the matchmaker." If this is the case, then she has to think about where to get some more money.

The golden beans just now can be converted into silver, but those golden beans can only be exchanged for dozens of taels at most, which is not enough for her to buy a shop.

Therefore, this money, you have to think carefully about how to earn it.

The prostitute happily accepted the task.

Obviously there won't be any results so soon, so Hua Jiujiu plans to ask again tomorrow.

I touched my stomach, and it was already growling hungry.

After thinking about it again and again, I finally went to the Zhenxiu Restaurant. Compared with the Jiacai Restaurant, the taste of this Zhenxiu Restaurant is more in line with my own.

I don't know if I can hear useful news at Zhenxiu Restaurant today.

Zhenxiu Restaurant is still as lively as ever.

Huajiujiu asked for a seat in the middle of the hall.

Just when he was about to sit down, Xiao Er walked over respectfully, "Miss, our young master is here to invite you."

Hua Jiujiu looked at Xiao Er in confusion, she didn't remember who she knew.

"Miss, my son is asking you, do those local hooligans still have trouble with you?"

Xiao Er seemed to have known that Huajiujiu would react in this way.

Huajiujiu immediately understood.

I wondered if it could be the son who was smashed by her that day.

But what is he looking for?
Could it be revenge?
Hua Jiujiu hesitated for a moment, but followed Xiao Er to the box on the second floor.

On the way up with Xiaoer, Hua Jiujiu recalled the news about the two restaurants that An Qingyan said last time in his mind.

The owner of this restaurant is Nangong Yu.

What did An Qingyan say?

Oh, it's a cunning fox!
 PS: Babies, it will be on the shelves in the early morning of this evening, and the update will start at 12:30 in the morning. I hope you can continue to support Xiaoyu. If you have the conditions, give a full order. I love you, huh~
  The story behind will be sweet~
  Our Ah Jin is also going to be awesome~
  Looking forward to it~
(End of this chapter)

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