Chapter 181 Tasting dishes?

Opening the door of the box, I saw a handsome man in a white dress, sitting at the tea table, making tea elegantly.

I have to say, it was indeed a very good scene.

Very eye-catching.

"Sit." Nangong Yu signaled Hua Jiujiu to sit opposite her.

Hua Jiujiu walked over and sat down with her usual expression.

Nangong Yu raised his eyebrows, and poured a cup of tea for Huajiu in a smooth manner.

"This is the best Biluochun, try it."

Hua Jiujiu glanced at him, picked up the teacup on the table, smelled it, and then took a shallow sip.

It is indeed the best Biluochun!
"I don't know why the young master is looking for me?" Hua Jiujiu put down his teacup and asked.

Nangong Yu took a deep look at her.

Not like a cow drinking water, but like a well-bred young lady, slowly tasting this tea.

This peasant girl is really extraordinary.

"Under Nangong Yu, I am the owner of this restaurant." Nangong Yu introduced himself.

Hua Jiujiu hummed, and didn't intend to introduce herself at all. She thought that they would not have any intersections in the future, so she didn't bother to introduce herself.

What's more, if people want to know, it's just a matter of talking.

In the end, he just wanted to get close to you and asked, "Miss, don't you want to introduce yourself?"

"Flower wine."

Hua Jiujiu had no choice but to introduce himself, but only said a name.

Nangong Yu felt that this woman was a little defensive towards him.

What, he looks like a bad guy?

Let alone whether I look like a bad guy or not, even my appearance and temperament should make women crazy, why is she so unattractive when I come to her?

Oh, she must be too young!

Nangong Yu completely ignored that in the capital, all the young and old were taken care of.

At this time, Xiao Er came in with food.

Nangong Yu stood up and said, "Let's eat first."

Hua Jiujiu was really hungry, so he also went to the table to eat, no matter what you do, you can't be hungry!

Since he insisted on inviting her to dinner, she had no reason to shirk it, anyway, if there was an advantage, it would not be for nothing.

However, looking at this sumptuous lunch table, Hua Jiujiu thought it was a bit too exaggerated?
She's just a peasant girl!

And I don't know this man at all!

"These are the signature dishes of Zhenxiu Restaurant, try them." Nangong Yu said with a smile on his face.

Hua Jiujiu always feels that this smile is calculated.

With various guesses, he lowered his head and ate these meals.

Hmm, some dishes seem to taste pretty good, Hua Jiujiu took a look and found that these dishes are the signature dishes of Zhenxiu Restaurant, including the top dish that she couldn't afford to order last time.

It seems that this restaurant is not all decorations, at least there are still dishes worthy of the name delicacy.

What Hua Jiujiu didn't know was that every time he tasted a dish, his expression fell into Nangong Yu's eyes.

Although her expression was very subtle, Nangong Yu, who had been dealing with people all the year round, still did not escape.

You can tell at a glance which dishes are good for Huajiu and which are not.

What Nangong Yu didn't expect was that among the many signature dishes in her restaurant, only two or three could suit her.

Is it because my restaurant cook is too scumbag, or is this woman too picky?
"What do you think of this dish?"

Nangong Yu seemed to point at random.

But in fact, this dish is a dish that Hua Jiujiu is not satisfied with.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Nangong Yu in confusion.

Okay, why are you asking how the food is?Does she look like a foodie?
(End of this chapter)

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