Chapter 189 Thoughts
So that everyone became a little numb.

Hua Jiujiu didn't intend to tell Fang Xiaoxiao what he heard, otherwise she was afraid that she would have a psychological shadow.

"Did you tell your cousin about the medicine given to you by Master Qianzui?" Hua Jiujiu must control all risks.

Fang Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I know the seriousness of this matter, and I didn't tell anyone."

Hua Jiujiu had to admire Fang Xiaoxiao's cleverness.

"Rest at home these days, don't think so much." Hua Jiujiu comforted her.

Fang Xiaoxiao really didn't dare to go to town now, and wanted to stay at home, but it would become more and more difficult for their family.

"When you are almost recovered, you go to my house, and I will teach you how to make haircuts." Hua Jiujiu felt that the person in front of him could be trusted.

Now that I have some abilities, I naturally help as much as I can.

Moreover, it does require some manpower to make head flowers, otherwise, when An Qingge's store opens, there will not be enough head flowers.

"That's the source of your income, how can you teach me." Fang Xiaoxiao immediately refused.

"Don't worry, I still have other ways to make money." Hua Jiujiu knew that he was right.

Seeing her determination, Fang Xiaoxiao agreed, after all, their family is really short of money, otherwise he wouldn't be a maid.

Seeing Fang Xiaoxiao's mood stabilized, Hua Jiujiu left.

Lin Jiao kept her for dinner, but she said that the food was already cooked at home, and it would be a waste if she didn't eat it.

In the end Lin Jiao had no choice but to send her out.

When I went out, I kept thanking her.

Hua Jiujiu told her not to give it away, and then walked home quickly.

I don't know if the family will be waiting for her to eat together.

However, I feel that starting tomorrow, many people should come to see me for medical treatment.

That's fine too.

Make a name for yourself in the village first, then go out and open a medical clinic later.

When Hua Jiujiu returned, the whole family was indeed waiting for her to eat.

She said helplessly: "Don't wait for me in the future, eat first, don't starve yourself."

"It's lively when the family eats." Bai Zhi went to heat up the meal, and the whole family came to the table to eat.

At the dinner table, Hua Jiujiu said that he wanted to teach Fang Xiaoxiao to make hair flowers, and the family did not object, and they really couldn't do so many hair flowers, after all, they didn't have to do everything , because the younger brothers and sisters are still young, and sometimes they have to take care of them.

After eating, Hua Jiujiu went to play with his younger siblings.

Recently, because I'm busy, I haven't played with them for a long time. Look at these two little guys who are dissatisfied with spitting bubbles at her.

"Xiaoxiao and Xu'er are getting cuter and cuter." Hua Jiujiu kissed their pink cheeks while sighing in his heart how powerful the Lingquan was.

"Yes." Bai Zhi replied with a smile on her face.

When the two children were first born, they were always worried about whether they would be able to support them. As a result, they not only lived well, but also grew better and better.

In addition, the clothes Huajiujiu bought for them are all excellent, such a dress is just like the young lady and master in the town, the whiteness makes people especially rare and like it.

It was also because the two children were so good-looking that Bai Zhi dared not let the villagers see them.

After all, such a good-looking child is extremely valuable. The people in the village are all poor and crazy now. Who knows if they will suddenly have some bad intentions, or steal or rob them, and their family is all female relatives, how can they deal with it? men?

(End of this chapter)

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