Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 190 Continue to practice calligraphy

Chapter 190 Continue to practice calligraphy
Hua Jiujiu knows her mother's worry, but this worry won't last long, and soon their family will be able to boldly appear in front of everyone!

After putting the two little ones to sleep, Hua Jiujiu went to work on his own affairs.

Oh no, to be precise, he went inside and waited for Lou Sijin to come over.

Just as the door was about to close, Hua Youyou appeared in front of her holding croquettes.

"Sister, I don't know what's going on with the croquette. It's been sluggish for the past two days. It doesn't want to eat anything. If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will starve to death."

Hua Youyou looked at the little wolf cub in her arms with distress.

When Hua Jiujiu heard that there was something wrong with the croquettes, she quickly hugged them.

This is the little wolf cub that Lou Sijin gave her, and she can't feed it badly.

Croquette felt the familiar embrace, raised her little head and whimpered twice, then kept rubbing the flower wine, as if she was very infatuated with her.

"Ccroquette, what's wrong with you?" Hua Jiujiu checked him carefully.

However, after checking for a long time, nothing was found.

On the contrary, it feels like you are hungry and weak?
But, well, why not eat or drink?
"What did you feed it today?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"It was fed goat's milk."

Because Hua Jiujiu said before that Croquette was short of milk when she was a child, which led to some malnutrition, so she was asked to feed goat milk occasionally.

"Don't you drink?"

"Yes, but it drank a lot of water, but it only drank the water we usually drink."

Hua Jiujiu's eyes flickered slightly.

She thought of the scene that happened on the mountain last time.

It seems that this wolf cub has his eyes on her spiritual spring.

That's right, after eating good food, how can we eat ordinary food?
"Yuyou, next time it won't eat or drink, you can add some water from our water tank to it." Hua Jiujiu suggested.

"Is there any difference?" Hua Youyou was confused.

"Maybe I think drinking water from the same water tank as us makes us feel like a family. Croquette probably misses his family and is a bit hypocritical." Hua Jiujiu stroked Croquette's small head.

Hua Youyou was a little bit dumbfounded.

What is the reason for this?

However, I heard that the father and mother of the croquette are dead, maybe I really miss my family?
So pitiful.

It seems that she will love croquettes more in the future.

Hua Youyou went out with the croquettes in her arms and did as Hua Jiujiu said.

Sure enough, the croquettes were a joy to eat.

Hua Youyou was so happy that she didn't think about it any more.

Holding the croquettes, I went back to the house to sleep.

Seeing that everyone had gone back to the house, Hua Jiujiu also closed the door, then sat at the table practicing calligraphy while waiting for Lou Sijin.

Originally, he wanted to detoxify him after dinner, but who knew that after so long at Fang Xiaoxiao's place, it would be quite late after dinner.

So, she didn't go to Lou Sijin's again, thinking that he would come over at night?

After all, he also said that he should teach himself to practice calligraphy.

Except when there is time and space at night, no other time.

When it comes to practicing calligraphy, Hua Jiujiu feels that Lou Sijin's teaching method is really good, at least she feels that her handwriting has improved a bit.

It's just that the teaching method...

Hua Jiujiu's little face was stained with a blush.

So much so, she initiated a daze again.

He didn't even notice that there was a person standing next to him.

"What are you thinking?" Lou Sijin's deep and magnetic voice rang in Hua Jiujiu's ear.

Hua Jiujiu was taken aback, and in a panic, she picked up the brush and sat up straight.

"No, I didn't think about anything, I just thought about how to write well."

(End of this chapter)

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