Chapter 225 Shocked An Qingyan
Hua Jiujiu felt proud, proud of her own mother.

"Jiujiu, who is your mother?" An Qingyan asked Hua Jiujiu, holding her back.

She became more and more curious about Huajiu Niangqin.

Hua Jiujiu's eyes flickered, "Who else can I be, but a peasant woman from the countryside."

An Qingyan looked at her suspiciously.

"Do you want to watch the next thing?" Hua Jiujiu interrupted her guess.

"Take a look." Compared to this, she cares more about these things!
As for Huajiujiu's mother, wouldn't it be good to go to her house to see for herself when she is free?
Hua Jiujiu took out the handkerchiefs one by one.

The patterns on each of these veils amazed An Qingyan.

It's so beautiful!

Lifelike, lifelike!

After reading the ten handkerchiefs, An Qingyan carefully put them away, as she would sell them at a high price.

There can be no damage of any kind.

Hua Jiujiu is very happy that her mother's things are so precious.

Carefully took out a set of Chinese clothes from the back basket.

Immediately, An Qingyan was surprised by the style.

"It's so beautiful!" It's even more beautiful than the clothes made by the Shu Yi Bureau in the palace.

If it can be made into a court money, then the women in the harem won't be able to fight over their heads?

"There are better looking ones." Hua Jiujiu took out a goose feather dress.

This is a design that Bai Zhi suddenly came up with later, it turned out to be extremely gorgeous, without feeling bloated at all.

An Qingyan was shocked again.

It really looks good!
Moreover, it is very novel!
An Qingyan couldn't wait to see the third one.

It was as amazing as she had imagined.

"I can imagine how the princes and nobles will compete for red eyes when these three clothes are taken out." An Qingyan looked forward to it.

Her decision back then was indeed the most correct!
An Qingyan looked at Hua Jiujiu with tenderness and gratitude, how lucky she was to meet her.

"Everything is ready, how is the publicity going?" It's time to open.

"With me in charge, can I still disappoint you?" An Qingyan is not an ordinary woman, so she will naturally do her best in these things.

"That's it, let's open as planned." Hua Jiujiu naturally believed in An Qingyan.

"Jiujiu, you must come then." An Qingyan was a little excited.

"Okay." Hua Jiujiu can understand her mood, and she is also a little excited, and there is also her own hard work in it.

Because she was afraid that something might go wrong, An Qingyan took Hua Jiujiu to talk about her arrangement, and also took a look at the models.

It has to be said that An Qingyan does have some skills, if she were to do these things, she might not be better than her.

After listening to An Qingyan's arrangement, it was already afternoon.

An Qingyan wanted to invite Huajiujiu to have dinner, but she refused. When she returned after dinner, it would be dark, and it would be dangerous to go back, and her family would be worried.

She had to send Huajiujiu out, but her eyes were full of envy.

"Jiujiu, I really envy you. You have such a good family." Everyone in the family cares about each other, so it's not like her.
Hua Jiujiu looked at the disappointed An Qingyan, and immediately guessed something.

The children of rich families seldom have ordinary happiness.

"If you don't go back for the New Year, you can come to our house to celebrate the New Year. You are very welcome in our family." Hua Jiujiu invited.

"Really, then can I taste your cooking again?" An Qingyan said excitedly.

"Speaking of which, my fish sauce is almost finished, Jiujiu, do you have any more?" An Qingyan approached Huajiujiu fawningly.

Hua Jiujiu's face was full of surprise, "You're eating too fast." It's not so fast to eat a meal.

"Hey, I thought my grandma didn't have a good appetite all the time, so I sent some to her." An Qingyan said embarrassedly, and then asked with some concern: "Jiujiu, will you be angry? I will give the things you gave to others?"

"Why aren't you happy? Since I gave it to you, it's for you." Hua Jiujiu smiled, "I'll make some other sauces and bring them to you."

An Qingyan's eyes lit up when she heard that there were other sauces.

When I saw the clothes just now, it wasn't such an exaggeration.

Really a foodie!
Hua Jiujiu smiled helplessly.

After saying goodbye to An Qingyan, Hua Jiujiu and Lou Sijin went back in the carriage.

As soon as he reached the gate of the village, a bunch of villagers surrounded him, including people from other villages.

"Hua girl, you are back." Everyone was enthusiastic.

Hua Jiujiu was a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"My grandson is not feeling well, and I would like to invite you to take a look."

"Hey, what's the matter with you, I came to the village first to wait, I should look first, Hua girl, my daughter-in-law has a stomachache, I would like to ask you to take a look."

"And me, my man's foot fell two days ago, and it hasn't recovered. I want you to go and have a look."

"Hua girl, we are from Teal Ya Village, can you show us too, we have been waiting for you for a day."

"Go, go, we haven't watched it in our own village yet, so it's your turn."

"But we came early in the morning."

The scene became a little chaotic.

Hua Jiujiu thought that there would be people looking for him to see a doctor, but he didn't expect that there would be so many people.

Standing on top of the carriage, she said loudly, "Everyone be quiet."

The chaotic crowd really quieted down. It is conceivable how much they respect Huajiujiu now.

This is the apprentice of a genius doctor, and he has learned a lot.

"I open the clinic for an hour in the evening every day. If there are people who need to see a doctor, they can go to line up outside our yard, and I will see them one by one."

Huajiujiu's words made everyone's faces change slightly, and they all started discussing.

If you go to her home for a doctor's visit, then you can't be haunted by a female ghost?
People in other villages didn't know about this, so they immediately agreed.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the hesitant villagers and said, "Of course, if anyone has any bad thoughts about us, they should not come to our house. After all, I can see a doctor, but I can't catch ghosts or get rid of evil spirits."

She didn't want to put her family in danger again because of the doctor's visit.

The people in other villages were suddenly puzzled.

After questioning, it suddenly dawned on me, and fear arose in my heart.

This is definitely not a rumor or a coincidence. The expressions of the people in the village are not deceiving. Moreover, several people have been possessed by evil spirits and are still lying at home half dead. How could they not believe it?
Huajiujiu didn't care what these people were thinking, and asked Lou Sijin to drive home.

It is estimated that there will be fewer people who will come to her to see a doctor by then. That's good, and she will be much more relaxed. She doesn't have so much time to see so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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