Chapter 226

Not long after Hua Jiujiu returned home, there were people queuing up to see a doctor.

Bai Zhi was a little surprised at first, why so many people came.

Hua Jiujiu explained, but Bai Zhi didn't say anything, but there was some worry in her eyes.

What happened last time still left her with lingering fears.

"Mother, don't worry, as long as you don't leave the house, they won't dare to mess around." Hua Jiujiu comforted her.

Bai Zhi sighed, it's okay for her to stay in the room all her life, but her daughter is still young and hasn't seen the time outside, so how can she be trapped in this small bamboo house all the time?
Hua Jiujiu also guessed what Bai Zhi was thinking, and continued: "Mother, don't worry, after a while, you can go out as you like, don't worry about anything." She will assign some people to protect everyone in the family.

Bai Zhi was a little puzzled, not knowing what Huajiujiu was going to do.

"You will know when the time comes. I will take you to the town to play when the time comes." Hua Jiujiu said mysteriously.

She wanted to show her mother how popular the clothes she designed were.

Bai Zhi naturally believed in Huajiujiu, showing a stunning smile.

Hua Jiujiu just thinks that her own mother is so beautiful!

During this period of time, her mother has raised her young and beautiful. If it is said that she is a 20-year-old girl, some people will believe it.

Hua Jiujiu is not in a hurry to go out to see a doctor, but wants to cook first, he can't make his family hungry.

As a result, Hua Shishi stood up and said, "Sister, go and see the villagers, I will cook." Usually, when Huajiujiu is not around, she is cooking.

"You are the one who cooks on weekdays, how can I make you suffer any more." Hua Shishi is younger than herself.

"Sister, I also want to practice my cooking skills, so you should go out quickly, they should all be anxious." Hua Shishi pushed Huajiu out, as if insisting on cooking by herself.

Hua Jiujiu saw that she was really not reluctant, so she agreed.

Just as he was about to move the table and chairs out to serve as a temporary clinic, Lou Sijin came over, obviously taking Hua Jiujiu's words to heart.

"I'll help you."

Bai Zhi frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

While moving things out, Lou Sijin said, "I'll help you build a small pavilion tomorrow."

It's so cold now, if there is no place to shelter from the wind and rain, why not die from the cold?

"Okay." Hua Jiujiu raised her lips and smiled.

This man really thinks of himself.

I am really lucky in my life to meet such a good man.

At this moment, Hua Jiujiu didn't realize that her position towards Lou Sijin had changed.

As soon as Hua Jiujiu sat down, a bunch of people surrounded him, and the scene was chaotic.

She had to continue to say loudly: "Everyone line up carefully, or I won't show it."

Seeing that Hua Jiujiu was just sitting there without any movement, a group of people knew what she said was true, so they all lined up.

It's just that there was a dispute about who was first and who was late, but fortunately, under Hua Jiujiu's persuasion, they lined up in a line.

Hua Jiujiu just started to see a doctor.

At this time, most of the people who came to see the doctor had typhoid fever. After all, the weather was suddenly cold, and the villagers were poor and could not wear thick clothes, so they got sick.

Generally, people in the village are hard-pressed. Sometimes it gets better, and sometimes it gets worse. At this time, it will cost a lot of money to go to the town to see it.

Now that Huajiujiu is being offered to people at such a low price, naturally many people are willing to see it. After all, their medical skills are indeed powerful, and people who have been injured like that by ferocious beasts can be saved, let alone such a relatively simple one. sick.

As a result, no matter what kind of illness the village had, they all came to see it.

But fortunately, Hua Jiujiu can handle it. Although there are some aspects that she hasn't touched before, at least she has studied medicine, so she can just practice it.

It's just that it will be a little slow, because I'm afraid of misdiagnosis, so I confirm it over and over again.

This makes people wonder if she really knows how to see a doctor, and the discussion among the crowd is getting louder and louder.

It wasn't until Hua Jiujiu gave the person an injection and the symptoms were relieved that it subsided, and they were all exaggerating how powerful she was.

Because of Huajiujiu's unfamiliarity, she only saw a dozen people in this hour, and there were still a lot of people who hadn't seen it, which made them quite critical, after all, they spent time waiting.

Hua Jiujiu had no choice but to explain: "In order to ensure that there will be no misdiagnosis, I can only be more cautious, and please forgive me." In fact, the reason why she is so slow is because of the need to dispense medicine.

Some medicines they have can be dispensed, but some medicines they don’t have can only write a prescription and ask them to go to the town to buy it.

However, the medicine in the town is not cheap, so these people didn't dare to go, thinking that it's not that serious, or just carry it?

Hua Jiujiu can only say that if they wait, she will go to the mountains to collect herbs in the past two days.

The villagers are so grateful, thank you again and again.

After sending all the villagers away, Hua Jiujiu looked into the distance and became thoughtful.

"What are you thinking?" Lou Sijin asked while helping her pack her things.

"Thinking about making a living." Hua Jiujiu responded.

Lou Sijin knew that it must not be her own, because she is not short of livelihood now.

That's the villagers.

"I have had people inspect it, and Dashan Village is quite suitable for growing herbs." Lou Sijin said.

Hua Jiujiu looked at him.

How could this man understand her so well?
Moreover, how did he know that he intentionally asked the villagers to grow herbs? She never said anything about it.

"Since you want to open a medical clinic, you must naturally have a supply of medicinal herbs. You can either contract a herbal garden to grow it yourself, or ask someone trustworthy to grow it for you."

Since he wanted to improve the lives of the villagers out of gratitude, it would definitely be the last one.

"A Jin, sometimes I suspect that you are the roundworm in my stomach." Hua Jiujiu blinked her bright eyes.

"Why don't you have a heart?" He is majestic and handsome, how can he be compared to a roundworm?

Hua Jiujiu burst out laughing, "Why are you so cute?"

Lou Sijin's eyes were stained with a hint of doting.

Soon, I helped Hua Jiujiu pack up the things.

Because she was grateful for his help, Bai Zhi had no choice but to stay with him for dinner.

After eating, before Bai Zhi could say anything, Lou Sijin ran out to build a pavilion for Huajiu.

Of course, there is no material now, so we can only observe where the cover is suitable.

Bai Zhi saw that he was so active in helping, so he was too embarrassed to say anything, so he had to ask Huajiujiu to bring water to him.

Therefore, Hua Jiujiu and Lou Sijin could chat with each other while observing the terrain.

The picture is very harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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