Chapter 230 All I Care About is You!
Just when Yuchi Mocheng was about to threaten Huajiu's family, a flare suddenly appeared in the sky.

He narrowed his eyes, and finally turned to leave.

However, before leaving, those cold eyes looked at her faintly.

From those eyes, Hua Jiujiu read that he would not let it go.

Yuchi Mocheng made a dodge and left here.

Huajiujiu, on the other hand, looked at his leaving back with a heavy expression on his face.

I'm afraid this man will continue to pester her.

Knowing that he is dangerous, but there is no way to avoid it.

Huajiujiu is a little irritable.

When he was about to move things in, Lou Sijin hurried over and asked nervously, "Are you okay?"

As soon as Hua Jiujiu heard it, he knew that he knew that Yuchi Mocheng was coming.


Lou Sijin's face was a little gloomy, she didn't expect Yuchi Mocheng to come to her.

Hua Jiujiu was about to ask him where he was just now, when he saw his paper-pale lips.

He strode over, grabbed his hand, and rested his fingers on his pulse.

"Your Gu worm just exploded?!" Hua Jiujiu looked serious.

Lou Sijin's poison is being detoxified every day, and most of it has been detoxified, so there will be no recurrence.

However, the Gu worm has not been detoxified, only suppressed occasionally, so it will still inevitably attack.

As I said last time, this Gu can't attack again, otherwise his skin will become very thin.

However, unexpectedly, it still happened!
It's only because she hasn't researched the medicine to completely suppress it, so that the Gu worm can take advantage of it!
"It didn't fully attack, so it didn't shed its skin." Lou Sijin knew what she was thinking when she saw Hua Jiujiu pull up his sleeve.

In fact, since the first time he encountered Huajiu, his Gu worms hadn't shed their skin.

Because in the end they were all successfully suppressed by Huajiujiu.

So, he should be lucky to have met Hua Jiujiu, otherwise, those two Gu worm attacks would probably put him in danger!
"But it still has an impact." Hua Jiujiu asked solemnly, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Lou Sijin didn't answer.

Just now Hua Jiujiu was seriously treating the villagers. He didn't want to disturb her. Anyway, it's okay for him to drink more water when he goes back.

It's just that when he went back this time, he drank a lot of water and almost burst his stomach, so he managed to hold down the Gu worm.

In fact, it was Huajiujiu who didn't go to his house to refill the spiritual spring for several days, which caused the concentration of the spiritual spring in the water tank of Lou Sijin's house to be so low that it was barely useful after drinking so much water.

Looking at his appearance, Hua Jiujiu guessed something, and an angry look appeared on her face.

Doesn't this man understand? !

However, she didn't say anything, but moved things into the house in silence.

Obviously in a fit of anger.

Lou Sijin knew that she was annoyed by Hua Jiujiu, so she didn't dare to say anything, so she could only help her work diligently.

In this way, after moving back and forth with Huajiujiu two or three times.

Hua Jiujiu stood at the door, as if he was about to close the door and refuse him to come in.

"Ajiu." Lou Sijin couldn't help but speak.

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips.

"Ajiu, I just don't want to disturb you." So, he figured out a way by himself.

Hua Jiujiu's anger immediately rose, and he roared: "What do they have to do with me, all I care about is you!"

Lou Sijin froze for a moment.

Hua Jiujiu was also taken aback.

Bai Zhi, who was about to call Huajiujiu to eat later, was also taken aback for a moment, then smiled gratifiedly and went back to the kitchen.

Lou Sijin's deep eyes became deep and affectionate, like an abyss, once they fell into it, they could never come out again.

Hua Jiujiu was a little nervous from this look.

She took two steps back, making a gesture to close the door.

Lou Sijin blocked the door with his big hands, and shouted in a low and magnetic voice, "Ajiu."

"I'm hungry, I want to eat." Hua Jiujiu said in a panic.

Why did she yell out such shameless words just now!
"Ajiu, I'm hungry too." Lou Sijin said quietly.

Hua Jiujiu pouted, "You went to cook by yourself when you were hungry, and told me what to do, but you didn't cook your meal."

"Sister, I also cooked Big Brother Lou's meal." Hua Shishi yelled when she heard this sentence when she came out.

"..." Hua Jiujiu's face was full of embarrassment.

Lou Sijin's eyes were extremely gentle and loving.

"Ajiu, can I have it together?" He asked softly.

"I cooked too much for you. If you don't eat it, we won't be able to finish it." Hua Jiujiu pouted, let go of the hand closing the door, turned around and entered the room.

Lou Sijin hurriedly followed in, her eyes filled with joy.

It turned out that his A Jiu also cared about him so much.

Hua Jiujiu only felt that his face was a little hot.

Obviously she told Lou Sijin to wait for her for another two years, but she was already so impatient.

Can't wait?

Hua Jiujiu touched his chest, which was jumping fast, and those beautiful eyes could not help but flash a strange light.

Maybe, I really can't wait.

in this way……

The family sits and eats together.

This time, Bai Zhi was much more enthusiastic towards Lou Sijin, and kept asking for his health.

Originally, Bai Zhi was wary of Lou Sijin, but later, after talking with him, she took it lightly.

However, knowing that her daughter also has feelings for Lou Sijin, and the feelings seem to be not light, she really treats Lou Sijin as a future son-in-law.

I have to say that Bai Zhi is indeed quite enlightened.

They don't even care about face and family background, otherwise they will definitely be hindered a lot.

Of course, Bai Zhi can also tell that Lou Sijin is not a simple hunter.

But so what?

Because, Lou Sijin swore that no matter what, she would never leave Huajiujiu, nor would she betray her, and she was indeed very kind to her.

What reason does she have to doubt such a loyal man?

Originally, she thought that Hua Jiujiu would be able to rest assured that there was someone who protected her so much by her side.

And Hua Jiujiu also seems to have a good impression of him, so let them get in touch more, if after Hua Jiujiu matures, he still has a good impression of him, let them get married.

Now, seeing Huajiujiu caring so much for him, he even regarded Lou Sijin as his son-in-law.

Hua Jiujiu always felt that her mother's attitude was a bit strange, but she couldn't tell why it was so strange, she just ate her meal with her head down.

After finishing the meal, when she was about to clean up the dishes, Bai Zhi said, "Wine and wine, accompany Ah Jin to digest the food, and I'll clean up the dishes."

Lou Sijin didn't get this kind of treatment before, her mother wished they would stay far away.

"Go soon." Bai Zhi said again.

"Oh." Hua Jiujiu had no choice but to get up, and went for a stroll in the yard with Lou Sijin to digest food.

(End of this chapter)

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