Chapter 231

The two of them stood one behind the other, a little hungry and quiet.

In the end, it was Hua Jiujiu who couldn't help breaking the silence.

"Let me take another pulse."

Lou Sijin stretched out her hand obediently.

Hua Jiujiu took his pulse very seriously, and he let go after a while, his face a little dignified.

She took out a medicine bottle from her bosom, "Take this medicine one a day, and you can't stop." This is a pill made by purifying the Lingquan again, and it has a very suppressive effect on Gu worms.

Lou Sijin took it over and said in response, "Okay."

"You must tell me about any changes in your body afterwards." Hua Jiujiu looked at him warningly.

"Okay." Lou Sijin didn't dare to do it again, and quickly responded.

Hua Jiujiu managed to stop being angry with him, but that didn't mean he wasn't punished.

"You don't have to come here tonight."

"Ajiu." Lou Sijin said nervously.

Hua Jiujiu said lightly: "The poison on your body doesn't need to be injected every day, and then come back every three days." After a month like this, the poison on his body is almost completely cured.

Thinking that it would take three days for him to get close to Hua Jiujiu again, Lou Sijin felt suffocated.

He felt that Hua Jiujiu said that on purpose because he made her unhappy today.

However, he was indeed wrong, and there was no way to let people pretend that it didn't happen.

"Ajiu, I still want to teach you how to practice calligraphy." I can only find other excuses.

"I can practice calligraphy by myself now." Hua Jiujiu blocked back.

Lou Sijin's heart was filled with embarrassment.

Hua Jiujiu snorted coldly.

"I have other things to do, so I won't stroll with you."

After speaking, he turned around and entered the house.

Lou Sijin looked at Hua Jiujiu's back with an aggrieved face.

Hua Jiujiu could feel the eyes, but she still didn't look back, she had to suppress her soft heart.

Otherwise, Lou Sijin will have to trample on her body like this next time.

Lou Sijin looked at Huajiujiu and really didn't want to turn back, so she stood there feeling a little stuffy and blowing the cold wind.

I don't know how long it took before he turned and left.

He had just returned to his room when a black figure floated in front of him.

"My lord, Leng Youming is here today." Yingxue said respectfully.

Lou Sijin's cold eyes fell on her.

Yingxue's body froze slightly, and quickly told what happened today, word for word.

"Because we were afraid of being recognized by him, we didn't dare to show up." Not only did we not show up, but we were far away.

The more Yingxue talked, the colder Lou Sijin's face became.

In the end, Yingxue felt that it was difficult for her to breathe.

The Lord has murderous intentions towards Leng Youming!

He rubbed his fingers together, his dark eyes were like a cold pool, making people feel cold and scary.

After a while, those two thin and cool lips moved slightly.

"In that case, let's make that matter bigger."

Yingxue understood immediately.

Leng Youming had to go back to deal with the matter of Shasha Pavilion in person.

Once he goes back, it must be dealt with soon.

Once it's done, they'll come back to look for Huajiujiu.

Therefore, Lou Sijin wanted to make it easier for Leng Youming to finish the matter.

However, they and the Shasha Pavilion have always lived in peace, if they suddenly and inexplicably make a move, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of suspicion.

My lord, for the sake of that little girl, I don't know whether it's good or bad.

However, in the past two days, she saw that the lord became more alive, with various expressions on his face, and she was really happy for him.

The former master lived too much like a puppet.

Don't understand feelings, don't understand pain, just to complete one thing, what people feel is numbness and timidity.

However, it is different now, she even feels that she can have a few more words with the Lord.

When Yingxue was about to retreat, Lou Sijin said again: "You and Yingyue are by her side as servant girls."

If something really happened, how could they save people by hiding so far away?

Yingxue was slightly taken aback.

My lord, is this telling her to give up her identity as a secret guard?
She didn't know whether she should be happy or not.

Glad that I can finally live as a real person and be exposed to the sun?
At the moment when she became a secret guard, she never dared to think of the day when she would see the light of day again.

So, should I be grateful for Huajiu?
"Yes." After Yingxue replied, she backed away.

Lou Sijin was standing by the window, looking at the moon in the sky covered by dark clouds, her black eyes were shining with a faint light.

Such a peaceful day, I'm afraid it won't last for too long!

The next day, Hua Jiujiu didn't go to the town for a rare occasion, but he stayed locked in the room and didn't come out.

She has been studying the Gu worms on Lou Sijin's body for a whole night in the space.

But still no thoughts.

This made her a little irritable.

Until dawn, she finally had a clue, how could she be willing to stop, so she continued to study.

It wasn't until noon that she finally worked out a set of acupuncture techniques that could suppress Gu worms for a month without attacking them.

Excitedly got up and went to look for Lou Sijin, but it was dark in front of her eyes, and she almost fell to the ground.

This is a symptom of hypoglycemia!

Think about being in the space last night.

The time in the space is several times that of the outside, and I didn’t eat anything this morning, so how could I not be hungry?

She sat on the chair for a while, then drank a cup of Lingquan, and then came out of the room.

"Jiu'er, what are you doing in the room all this time, why do you look so bad?" Bai Zhi asked worriedly?

"Maybe after reading for a long time, I got up suddenly and felt a little dizzy." Hua Jiujiu replied with some guilt.

"You child, you should also pay attention to rest while reading." Bai Zhi gave her a reproachful look.

"Mother, I got it." Hua Jiujiu said with his head lowered, and then hurriedly walked out, "Mother, I'll go out first."

"It's almost lunch time, what are you going to do now?" Bai Zhi asked suspiciously.

"Mother, I'll be back soon." After saying that, she ran away without a trace.

Bai Zhi sighed faintly.

Alas, I finally didn't go to the town, and it turned out that I was too busy all day.

Not long after Hua Jiujiu left the house, he saw many people running towards a certain direction, and he was a little puzzled, what happened?

Thinking about stopping someone to ask, Fang Xiaoxiao ran over with something.

"Jijiu, are you at home?"

At this time of weekdays, no one can see Huajiujiu.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Hua Jiujiu asked suspiciously.

"It's not about Laohua's family." Fang Xiaoxiao curled his lips, and said dissatisfied: "How can such a family encounter such a good thing?"

Hua Jiujiu seemed to be able to guess something, but she didn't speak, but waited for Fang Xiaoxiao to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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