Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 232 Smoke is rising from the ancestral grave!

Chapter 232 Smoke is rising from the ancestral grave!
"I reckon there's smoke coming from their ancestral grave." Fang Xiaoxiao said without hesitation.

Hua Jiujiu raised her eyebrows, but she just fell in love with a child, so it makes people so jealous?
"Someone just went to their house and said that Hua's fourth high school student was a child, but Huamei dressed up gorgeously and came back in a carriage."

Fang Xiaoxiao was not envious or jealous, but felt that such a family had such a good life.

In the first half of the sentence, Hua Jiujiu was not surprised at all, but in the second half of the sentence, she did not expect it at all.

Hua Meili didn't come back miserable, but came back so decently!

This is somewhat unexpected.

"Why don't you go to watch the excitement?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"I don't want to look at their disgusting faces." Fang Xiaoxiao curled his lips.

Hua Jiujiu could also imagine what their expressions would be, so it's no wonder Fang Xiaoxiao didn't want to see it.

"Maybe it's superficial beauty." Hua Jiujiu said casually.

"I don't know." Fang Xiaoxiao was also not interested.

"By the way, Jiujiu, why didn't you go to town today?" Fang Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"I have something."

"Oh, then go get busy, I'll go to your house and continue to make hairdos." During this time, Fang Xiaoxiao has been making hairdos at their house, and she has saved a lot of money anyway.

Speaking of this, Fang Xiaoxiao was very grateful to Huajiujiu.

If it wasn't for her, let alone saving money now, I'm afraid I would lose my life.


Fang Xiaoxiao will come here, obviously to talk about gossip.

Hua Jiujiu watched her enter the bamboo house, while he went to Lou Sijin's side. Obviously, she was not interested in Lao Hua's people or affairs.

However, Huajiujiu rushed to nothing, and Lou Sijin was not there.

Just as they were about to leave, Yingxue and Yingyue appeared in front of Huajiujiu.

But Hua Jiujiu was taken aback.

These two people have been protecting her in the dark all the time, why did they suddenly appear?
Could it be that something happened to Lou Sijin?

Hua Jiujiu's face was a little flustered.

"Miss, the lord asked us to personally protect you in the future." Yingxue's voice was a little excited.

Obviously, he is happy that he can appear in front of everyone openly.

"Why?" Hua Jiujiu didn't want to take these two people as his own, so he didn't want them to be his maids either.

"What happened yesterday, I told the master." Yingxue replied.

Hua Jiujiu immediately knew why, and just said: "I am not your master."

Therefore, she couldn't use them as her maids.

"Our mission is to protect Miss."

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips.

"Miss, please give me a name."

They are rare hidden guards with identities and names, but on the surface, they are still people without any identities. In order to prevent people from knowing that they are Lou Sijin's people, they naturally need a new identity.

Hua Jiujiu knew that they must be by his side, so he could only say, "Let's call them Jin Xue and Jin Yue."

Jinxue and Jinyue fell in love with it as soon as they heard it.

"Miss Xie gave the name." The two responded at the same time.

"In the future, don't kneel down at every turn."

Hua Jiujiu helped them up, she didn't like others kneeling down at every turn.


"Although I'm not your real master, as long as you stay by my side, you can't betray me, otherwise, even if Ah Jin is here, I will kill you."

Hua Jiujiu said with a cold face.

She had heard about many servants betraying their masters, and she also knew that once such a thing happened in a place like this, it would be beyond redemption, so she did not allow such a thing to happen.

"Miss, we will not betray you." The two expressed their views quickly.

Last time, Lou Sijin transferred them to Huajiujiu. Although Huajiujiu refused, Lou Sijin did not take back the promise, so they are still Huajiujiu's people, let alone betray her.

Hua Jiujiu nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "Where's Ah Jin?"

"The Lord has gone to town." Jin Xue replied.

However, I don't know what to do, after all, they are not qualified to ask.

Hua Jiujiu didn't continue to ask, thinking that Lou Sijin also had his own things to do.

"You guys come home with me."

Hua Jiujiu didn't know when Lou Sijin would come back, it was impossible to wait here for him, turned around and went back.

When she was about to get home, she saw a man standing outside her yard hesitantly, and immediately frowned in displeasure.

The person who came was Mrs. Xu.

"What are you doing here?" Hua Jiujiu's indifferent voice sounded behind Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu was startled, and turned to look at her with some anxiety.

"I...I'm tell you to go back and have a meal. The fourth child and Meili are back."

Mrs. Xu rubbed her hands anxiously, her eyes full of anticipation.

Obviously after this incident, she found out who is the one who really treats her well.

Hua Jiujiu sneered: "Is it related to us?"

In one sentence, Mrs. Xu was speechless.

That's right, they have already broken off their relationship, so what does it matter!

"Just... just the folks in the village, let's have a meal together." Mrs. Xu hung her head guiltily.

Hua Jiujiu continued to sneer, "If it's possible, I don't want the relationship with fellow villagers."

Old Madam Xu froze, revealing a wry smile.

"Ah, there are still a lot of things at home...then...then I'll go back and help first." Mrs. Xu felt ashamed, turned around and left.

Looking at her hunched back, Hua Jiujiu didn't feel any distress.

Their family has lived under the shadow of this old woman from birth to now, why should they forgive her when she has remorse?
What's more, this old woman may not really get better.

I heard that during this period of time, when she got better, she took revenge on those who treated her badly before, and Lao Hua's family was still in trouble every day.

The reason why she found out with conscience was that compared to those people, her family treated her well before.

Hua Jiujiu didn't take this episode to heart at all, and had lunch with his family happily after entering the door.

Moreover, I didn't tell my family members about it, so there's no need to make them unhappy.

"Mother, I invited these two to protect our family. Her name is Jinxue, and her name is Jinyue." At the dinner table, Hua Jiujiu introduced the two of them.

"Hello madam, second miss, third miss." The two greeted together.

This battle made Hua Shishi and Hua Youyou a little nervous.

After all, they are all from poor families, when did they ever use people like maids?

"Hurry up and sit down and eat together." Bai Zhi felt better, but asked Hua Jiujiu in a low voice with some doubts.

"Jiu'er, can they really protect us?" How can such a beautiful little girl protect others?

It's really hard to imagine.

(End of this chapter)

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