Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 233 Leading the Village Together on the Road to Prosperity

Chapter 233 Leading the Village on the Road to Prosperity

Jinxue and Jinyue are not very old, and they are also very beautiful.

Maybe because of staying in the dark all year round, that skin is very fair, just like those ladies who don't leave the door and don't walk in two.

Jinxue looks very extroverted and a good communicator, while Jinyue is just the opposite, she is the cold type, a proper ice beauty.

Although Hua Jiujiu had never seen them make a move, I heard that they could be ranked among the hidden guards.

To be able to get to such a position among the many hidden guards, the ability must not be bad.

What's more, how bad is the person Lou Sijin gave her?

"Mother, they are very powerful." Hua Jiujiu explained for them.

Bai Zhi nodded her head, telling them to sit down and eat together.

The two of them took a look at Hua Jiujiu, saw her nodding, and then sat down.

This was the first time they served the table with the host, and they were very moved.

Thanks to Lou Sijin's absence, they would have enough to eat if he didn't give away his share, otherwise it would be a little embarrassing.

After eating, the two of them consciously cleaned up the dishes.

Bai Zhi originally wanted them to have a good rest, but they stubbornly continued to tidy up, and let Bai Zhi leave the flowers, wine and wine alone.

Hua Jiujiu went to the village chief when he thought of the medicine seeds he had harvested two days ago. This matter should also be put on the agenda.

Otherwise, when the villagers find out that they have made a lot of money, they may be jealous and exclude them.

Although she didn't need to care about these things, her family still had to live in the village after all, and the villagers did help her a lot before.

To be a human being is to be grateful, so it is not impossible to give them a way to make a living, not to mention, you also need it, right?

Hua Jiujiu went to the village chief's house with a few knives of meat and a bag of snacks.

The village head saw Hua Jiujiu's incomparable enthusiasm, and even the village head's wife was also very enthusiastic, making good tea for him without hesitation.

Hua Jiujiu knew that they were so enthusiastic because they were doctors, they saved face and saved money for the village.

I just felt human nature, but I didn't say much.

"Hua girl, here you come, what else do you bring?" The village head showed a surprised expression when he saw the package of pastries, which is the most famous pastry in the town!

I heard that Huajiujiu sold head flowers and medicinal materials in the town and made a lot of money. Now it seems to be true.

That's right, if you earn less, you won't be able to raise the scrawny family like a lady in the town in just one or two months.

Now in front of Huajiujiu, he has a feeling of inferiority, always feeling inferior.

Although this feeling is uncomfortable, I have to admit that this girl from the Hua family is indeed capable, and I have nothing to be jealous of.

"I should have come to thank the village chief for taking care of us during this period of time, but because I am too busy, I have delayed until now. I hope the village chief will not blame me." Huajiujiu's response made people feel very comfortable.

The village head only thinks that this girl is a person who knows how to behave, and she is also a person who can do great things.

"I'm ashamed to say that I didn't help much." The village chief felt a little guilty. Last time, because of his son, Bai Zhi was almost harassed, but he couldn't help at all.

"The village head is humble. Our village has always been harmonious because of you." Although he is still poor, his happiness index is still quite high.

The village chief sighed, "I'm useless, I haven't been able to make the big guy rich for so long."

I'm afraid that next year, I won't be qualified to be the head of this village anymore.

Every three years, the village head will be reelected. Although I have retained the position of village head every time by relying on my high popularity, I can't rely on this every time.

The duty of the village head is not only to make the villagers happy, but also to make the village rich.

If this selection, the village is still so impoverished, I will no longer be qualified to be the village head, and may even be held accountable.

The village is full of sadness.

Looking at his appearance, Hua Jiujiu guessed something.

I have to say that the village head is pretty good, at least he is very considerate of the villagers. Over the years, he has been working hard to drive everyone to become prosperous together, but unfortunately, it has always been minimal.

"It just happened that I didn't meet a good path." Hua Jiujiu reassured.

The village chief sighed, feeling very melancholy, obviously he didn't think Huajiujiu could help him.

"Village chief, I have a way to make the people in the village make money." Hua Jiujiu said.

"What?" The village head suspected that he had heard wrong, and asked.

"I said that I have a way to make everyone in the village earn money, and I can be richer than any other village." Hua Jiujiu said seriously.

"What way?" The village chief asked excitedly after hearing clearly.

"Grow herbs." Hua Jiujiu spat out three words.

When the village chief heard these three words, he was immediately discouraged.

It's not that he didn't think about planting herbs at the beginning, but no one in his village knows how to plant them, and the people hired from outside may not be able to teach them well.

Moreover, even if you teach, you may not be able to make money.

There is a village next door. At the beginning, because of planting herbs, not only did it not make money, but it became poorer and poorer.

It is said that it is because herbal medicines are not easy to feed, and it is not easy to grow good varieties. Even if they are fed, they will be sold at various prices. In the end, not only did they not make money, but they also lost a lot of money.

"Village chief, if you are worried that the big guys won't grow, I can teach them."

The village chief sighed, "It's not just that."

"I have a senior brother who plans to open a medical clinic. He wants to collect medicinal materials grown by reliable people. No matter how many medicinal materials our village grows, he will accept them, and the price will be higher than what is charged in the market. However, medicinal seedlings and The medicine seeds must be purchased from him, but, the village chief, you can rest assured that the money for the medicine seeds will be the same as that in the market."

Huajiujiu solved all the concerns of the village chief at once.

The more the village head heard, the more surprised he became.

Later, there was some suspicion. How could such a good thing come to their village?
"My senior brother originally planned to find a village to help grow herbs, so I licked my face and asked senior brother to think about our village first. Fortunately, our village is also suitable for planting herbs, so he left this matter to me."

Hua Jiujiu made an excuse casually.

"However, my brother needs to sign an agreement with us, that is, the medicine seeds and seedlings bought from him must be sold to him after they mature, and must not be resold to other people, otherwise that person will not be able to cooperate with him for life."

Those medicinal seeds, medicinal seedlings, and flower wine will be soaked in Lingquan. The herbal varieties planted will definitely be very good, and almost all of them will be able to germinate. Therefore, she must sign an agreement to save the cost of doing it for others in the end. Married clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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