Chapter 234 Great Changes in Space
The village chief was so excited that he was speechless.

There is such a good thing!
This girl's senior brother is really kind!

Of course, Hua Yatou is also really kind, and she is a person who knows how to be grateful.

"It should be, it should be." The village chief said again and again.

Hua Jiujiu smiled slightly.

The excited mood of the village head finally calmed down.

Looking at the glamorous girl in front of me, I couldn't tell what it was like.

Unfortunately, at the beginning, the big guys were worried that they would break their relationship and go out, and they would not be able to survive. Now it seems that they really thought too much. Not only is he good, but he can also help them!
I'm afraid that the people in Laohua's family will regret it.

"Village Chief, please inform the big guy about this matter. If the big guy agrees, I will ask my senior brother to come over and talk to you." Hua Jiujiu's task has been completed, so he will not stay any longer.

"Okay, everyone must agree."

Does this still need to be discussed, I will definitely agree!

"Then I'll go back first." Hua Jiujiu got up and said.

The village head got up excitedly and personally delivered the Huajiu out.

Hua Jiujiu hurriedly told him not to give it away.

Not long after she went back, Lou Sijin came.

Hua Jiujiu gave him the needle immediately.

Because she has been studying this acupuncture method repeatedly, there was no accident in the middle, and she was relieved when she finally pulled out the needle, "This month, there should be no seizures."

Lou Sijin looked at her tired look and felt distressed.

"Ajiu, don't be in a hurry, pay more attention to rest."

Hua Jiujiu pursed his lips heavily, why don't you hurry up for a while, if you let him go, I'm afraid it won't take long before it will cool off.

This matter is destined to be heavy, so both of them moved away from this topic.

"Ajin, I'm going to take my family to attend the opening ceremony of Jinhua Pavilion tomorrow, do you want to go with me?"

Hua Jiujiu has long wanted to take her family out, and now that Jin Yue and Jin Xue are by her side, she can definitely advance this plan.

"Yeah." He must follow.

"Then you come to pick us up tomorrow." She had to think carefully about what gift to give tomorrow.

After discussing with Lou Sijin, Hua Jiujiu went to find Bai Zhi and the others and explained to them about going to town tomorrow.

Several people were both excited and worried.

It's normal to be worried. After all, their family is very handsome. If they are targeted by people with malicious intentions, it will be very dangerous.

Although Lou Sijin and the two maids were there, after all, they had never seen their abilities, so they were somewhat worried.

Hua Jiujiu comforted them again and again, but she was finally persuaded.

In fact, they have a carriage, so it is very convenient for them to do anything, even with two children.

So, the whole family went to pack the things they would bring to the town tomorrow.

The most important thing is to pack the things of the two children, this Baizhi and Hua Shishi are enough.

As for Hua Youyou, it was something to pack the fried meatballs.

Ever since raising fried meatballs, Hua Youyou has been inseparable from it.

Also because of Hua Youyou's careful care, the fried meatballs have grown a lot.

However, this growth does not mean that it has grown a lot vertically, but has grown a lot horizontally.

Every time Hua Jiujiu watched it, he couldn't laugh or cry, "Fried Meatball, if you keep getting so fat, maybe even dogs can bully you."


Fried meatballs refused to accept it, stretched out their fat paws, and patted forward, wanting to show off their wolf claw skills.

As a result, it clicked and was soft.

"Ccroquette, keep going, it's very comfortable." Hua Jiujiu stretched out his hand, letting it continue to tickle the back of his hand.

The croquettes were so angry that they exploded again.

Woohoo, bullying wolf cubs, bullying wolf cubs too much.

He is a wolf, not a dog, how can he do such a thing that is detrimental to dignity!
It is going to find the cute little master Yoyo.

However, in the next second, it shamelessly continued to tickle Huajiujiu. Its movements were just like those of a lucky cat, which was too cute.

"Fried balls, you did a good job. I'll reward you with this water." Hua Jiujiu rubbed the croquettes' head with one hand, and filled it with spirit spring water.

In the palm of this hand, there is an undiluted spiritual spring, which is too tempting for croquettes.

Sure enough, only by following this woman can one drink such a strong spiritual spring.

For the sake of Lingquan, it is the majestic wolf king's cub, so what's the point of acting cute!
Croquette happily licked Hua Jiujiu's palm, especially the lotus flower in her palm.

Those eyes, which were already alert, became even more alert at this moment. If it was said that he was a wise child, no one would doubt him.

"It's itchy, it's gone, Croquette, stop now." Hua Jiujiu's licked palms were itchy.

However, instead of stopping, Croquette licked more cheerfully, and the tail was wagging so fast.

Hua Jiujiu felt something was wrong, so he grabbed the croquette forcefully, only to see that its clever eyes were full of longing.

She looked down at the palm of her hand, only to see the lotus flower in her palm exuding bursts of lotus fragrance.

Looking at the croquettes with more and more human eyes, Hua Jiujiu had a guess in his heart.

I'm afraid that this lotus flower is some kind of panacea, which makes the croquette open its mind.

Originally fed with spiritual springs, the croquettes are already very human. If they are more spiritual, I'm afraid they will become fine in the future.

That feeling, thinking about it, makes me panic.

So, Hua Jiujiu thought, don't let the croquettes lick her palms in the future.

Croquettes were forced to separate, whining in dissatisfaction, but Hua Jiujiu didn't let it get close.

After stuffing the croquettes to Hua Youyou, she went back to her room.

She felt as if something had changed in the space.

After returning to the room, Huajiujiu entered the space.

The scene in front of her changed her face drastically.

Most of the herbs I planted were dead, and there were a lot of white-bellied fish floating on the river, and even the spiritual spring that came out of the well was a lot less, and only one or two drops flowed out.

How is this going? !
Huajiu took a closer look and felt that it was withered due to malnutrition.

Well, why are you suddenly malnourished?

Hua Jiujiu stroked her chin, lost in thought.

It was fine before, until the croquette kept licking the lotus in her palm, and she didn't notice the difference.

Could it be the aura of the lotus that sucked the croquettes away?

The more Huajiujiu thought about it, the more likely it was.

It seems that I can't let people get close to my palm in the future!
Hua Jiujiu looked at those withered herbs with great distress. These herbs were probably useless.

I don't know when the space will recover its aura.

Especially Lingquan.

Hua Jiujiu had no choice but to rejoice that when he had nothing to do, he would pretend to have some spiritual springs, so he did not lack spiritual springs during this time, but he could no longer use them for bathing.

(End of this chapter)

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