Chapter 238 Business is booming
"If you don't believe me, Miss, you can go to Dashan Village and ask if I, Hua Jiujiu, have lived there since I was a child, and how bad my skin condition was before. By the way, so are my family members. It's going to be so good."

As he said that, Hua Jiujiu called in Hua Shishi and Hua Youyou who were quietly waiting outside.

Miss Ganpi looked more and more shocked.

This thing is really so miraculous, one is fine, two or three are like this, isn't it really miraculous and useful? !
Hua Jiujiu asked his two younger sisters to go out, then smiled and applied lotion to Miss Ganpi, "We have been applying it for several months before we have this effect."

In fact, it was only two months, but that can't be said for Huajiujiu. After all, my family used it, and the effect was doubled.

"How much is it, bring me a set!" Miss Ganpi said excitedly.

It's only been a few months, if she can really get such skin, she will definitely use it every day!

Huajiujiu talked about the grade of water and milk, and Miss Ganpi waved her hands like a nouveau riche and said, the best set!
"If Miss really needs it, I can pick it up here in two days." Hua Jiujiu knew that this guest was completely stable.

"Ah, two more days?" Miss Ganpi looked disappointed.

"Miss, I can give you some trial packs." Hua Jiujiu took out a mini skin care product.

Women are born with no resistance to small and cute things, so they immediately accept them excitedly.

Then, while Hua Jiujiu gave Miss Dry Skin skin care, she introduced skin care products shops to her.

When she heard that there will be skin care items in the store, and the effect will be better, Ms. Ganpi is very excited, and she can't wait for the store to open soon.

After doing these for Miss Ganpi, Miss Ganpi only felt that her skin was not comfortable.

Hua Jiujiu took out her cosmetics with a smile and put on her makeup.

Miss Ganpi looked at those rouge powders that were different from the ones she usually bought, and asked, "What kind of rouge powders are these?"

Could it be that there are some high-end products coming out of Rouge Shop?
"This is the rouge powder used by those models. It was also made by my brother. The makeup effect is very good. After the makeup is finished, the lady can see how the effect is." Hua Jiujiu finally decided to sell the cosmetics as well .

Before the store opened, she could sell both of them together.

The shop hasn't opened so early, and she still has a lot of time to make these things.

However, cosmetics will definitely not be too much for the time being.

She only sells it like this during this period of time, and she will consider the issue of batching after the skin care product store is on track.

It didn't take long for Huajiujiu to finish makeup for Miss Ganpi.

He took out the bronze mirror and showed her, but Miss Ganpi was shocked.

"It's so beautiful, is this really me?" Miss Ganpi said incredulously.

"Yes, miss, this is you." Hua Jiujiu said with a smile.

"How do you sell this rouge and gouache? Give me one set, no, five sets!" Miss Ganpi couldn't sit still anymore.

"Sorry, this rouge gouache, each person can only buy one set." Hua Jiujiu looked apologetic.

Although Miss Ganpi was a little disappointed, she was still very excited, "One set is one set, I want to buy it."

"Okay, I'll register for you here." Hua Jiujiu took out a pen and paper, asked her name, and recorded it for her.

However, Huajiujiu did not charge a deposit.

At the beginning, she was very confident in herself, and secondly, she made the guests trust her more and left a good impression on her.

"Miss, you can go out and look at the full-length mirror. This dress looks better on you than those models." Hua Jiujiu has to entertain the next guest, and it is impossible to keep listening to her for a while. She is so beautiful and happy. if.

Miss Ganpi was so excited when she heard that, she couldn't wait to go out to look at the full-length mirror.

As a result, he was surrounded by people as soon as he came out.

Everyone exclaimed: "My God, it's so beautiful, how can there be such a big difference."

Miss Ganpi was happy to be praised, and said embarrassedly: "Thanks to that little girl."

In a word, it made everyone go crazy. Everyone who wasn't expecting it at first wanted to squeeze into Huajiujiu's room.

Suddenly there was no one around Miss Ganpi, she couldn't help curling her lips, but she went to look in the mirror happily.

I feel beautiful~
Thanks to Huajiujiu, who had anticipated this situation and asked them to line up properly, so that he could put on makeup for everyone.

These people lined up immediately, without any complaints or arrogance.

I must also become so beautiful!
In this way, my husband, the man I like, will definitely fall in love with me deeply!
Then, Huajiujiu was promoted one by one, and all of them ordered more or less products without exception.

Her speed is actually quite fast, but the people waiting behind still feel that it is slow, and there is almost a riot in the back.

Fortunately, Huajiujiu took advantage of their love of beauty to maintain order, otherwise the entire second floor would be in chaos, which would affect the business of Jinhua Pavilion.

There weren't many things on the third floor, and they were robbed of them not long after.

Those who didn't get anything, or got too little, were dissatisfied.

Finally, An Qingyan persuaded her to go to the second floor.

When these nobles heard about what happened on the second floor, they all rushed over to line up.

I don't want any noble image at all.

An Qingyan was a little surprised by this scene but not too surprised.

She arranged these people to wait in the high-class lounge, and then went in to help Huajiujiu by herself.

Fortunately, Huajiujiu taught An Qingyan how to use skin care products and cosmetics, and An Qingyan used them herself.

With the addition of An Qingyan, the progress was instantly accelerated.

An Qingyan also devoted herself to advertising Huajiu, and used her own face as a comparison.

It's not that these ladies don't know about An Qingyan, she is the lady of the big family An's family, and her skin condition is indeed better than before, the slightest doubt in her heart disappeared in an instant.

The demand for skin care products and cosmetics is even greater.

An Qingyan listened to everyone's needs, and even felt a little sour in her heart.

There is no shop yet, and the turnover of this day has surpassed her.

Although she didn't know Mr. Qianzui, she knew that he was Hua Jiujiu's senior brother. Wine is advertised here.

What's more, this advertisement won't be bad for her, and it can even boost her sales.

Huajiujiu asked them to come here to receive the goods in two days, so wouldn't he be able to make a lot of money?

At that time, she will have to move out the inventory and put it on display, and I believe it will be severely scrapped.

(End of this chapter)

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