Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 239 The One Who Has Eaten Chicken

Chapter 239 The Person Who Had Chicken Together
Hua Jiujiu and the others didn't finish their work until the evening, during which time they only went to the bathroom, ate some steamed stuffed buns, and then returned to work.

This made Bai Zhi and the others very distressed.

Bai Zhi really wanted to say that she could earn money to support her family, and her daughter wouldn't have to be so tired anymore, but seeing Hua Jiujiu's satisfied smile, she still held back.

This kind of hard work is not just for today, the opening event lasted for three days, and Huajiu naturally had to stay for three days.

Moreover, three days is enough, enough to promote the products of Mr. Qianzui.

Bai Zhi and others felt sorry for Huajiujiu, so they learned this technique that night, and helped Huajiujiu with skin care and makeup the next day.

I have to say that their hands are also very skillful, and the makeup and flowers and wine don't want to go up or down.

In this way, Huajiujiu is relieved.

Then, she only needs to show these people the skin, make suggestions and recommend products.

It's just that there is one person who has a face all the way from the beginning to the end.

Because it opened for three days, they didn't go back, saving trouble and wasting time.

That night, Hua Jiujiu went to find Lou Sijin.

"Ajin, what's wrong with you?"

When this man knew that he was just using steamed buns for a meal, his face started to stink.

Although she knew the reason, she still asked politely.

Lou Sijin pursed her lips and said nothing.

Hua Jiujiu took a few steps closer, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly smelled a strong fragrance.

"What smells so good?"

She leaned towards Lou Sijin again, as if it came from him.

Lou Sijin coughed lightly, took two steps back, took out an object wrapped in greased paper from her bosom, and handed it to Huajiu with some awkwardness.


Huajiujiu smelled this smell, already a little hungry, even more hungry.

"It smells good."

She carefully opened the oiled paper, and inside was a chicken wrapped in lotus leaves.

"This is lotus leaf chicken, a famous dish in the neighborhood." Lou Sijin didn't say anything, he had traveled a long way to buy it.

The reason why he ran so far to buy it was because when Huajiujiu was eating steamed buns at noon, he said that he didn't have any appetite anyway, so he just ate a few bites to deal with it. Although it was an excuse, Lou Sijin still took it to heart.

Hua Jiujiu had never heard of any famous lotus leaf chicken in this town, so Lou Sijin must have bought this lotus leaf chicken elsewhere.

Looking at the steaming chicken in such a cold day, Hua Jiujiu was so moved that he couldn't speak.

This idiot put such a hot chicken in his arms, his skin would be burnt.

"Ajin, let's eat together." Hua Jiujiu didn't thank her too much, but said softly.

Lou Sijin didn't like to say thank you by herself, and thank you really didn't have much use, so she didn't say any more.

"You can eat." The silly girl didn't eat much all day.

"No, let's eat together. I won't eat so many greasy things at night. I'll be fat to death." Huajiu is not willing, it's Lou Sijin's hard work to buy it.

"You're not fat." Moreover, he wanted to feed her to make her fatter, she was too thin.

Hua Jiujiu tore off a piece of meat, and stuffed it into Lou Sijin's mouth without saying a word.

What to do with so much talk, how good it is to do it directly, no, just eat it obediently.

Huajiu also took a sip.

I have to say, it tastes really good.

During the period, the corners of her mouth were still stained with oil, which Lou Sijin gently wiped off for her.

Hua Jiujiu bowed his head in embarrassment and continued to eat.

One chicken, two people eat happily.

"We are also people who eat chicken together."

Suddenly, Hua Jiujiu thought of a certain game, and laughed inexplicably, randomly and a little bit heartbroken, saying goodbye to himself and electronic products forever.

Lou Sijin looked at her in confusion.

This is laughing and sad, what's going on?

Hua Jiujiu didn't explain, wiped her hands and said, "It's delicious." It was a rare delicacy she ate in ancient times.

Sure enough, sometimes folk snacks are much more delicious than restaurant banquets.

The masters are still among the folks!
"Eat well tomorrow." Lou Sijin was afraid that Huajiujiu would be busy tomorrow and deal with it casually.

Hua Jiujiu stuck out her tongue, "Got it."

I don't know why, but there is always a mentality that someone will feed me anyway if I don't eat it.

Before parting, Hua Jiujiu gave Lou Sijin a bottle of medicine for scalding.

Lou Sijin accepted it with a smile, and asked her to go to rest early.

For the next two days, Huajiujiu was still busy. Because of the existence of skin care products and cosmetics, Jinhua Pavilion's business was not the best, only better.

But An Qingyan smiled happily from ear to ear.

Jinhua Pavilion's business is booming, but the Jinhui Pavilion next door is not doing well, so that the angry people directly ask for trouble.

However, An Qingyan has seen a lot of such things, and she is naturally able to handle them very well, so every time the crisis is resolved, there is no need for flowers and wine to take action.

Jinhui Pavilion will not just let it go like this, it has been staring at Jinhua Pavilion, vowing to let others pay the price!
Unexpectedly, one day they would lose to arrogance, so that Jinhua Pavilion really fought a beautiful turnaround.

If they can't be suppressed again, I'm afraid they will be held accountable by the people above. Therefore, there will be endless death between them!
An Qingyan dismissed this, she would come if she had the ability, she was always waiting!
On the fourth day, several people finally had a chance to breathe. An Qingyan said excitedly: "Jiujiu, I will treat you to dinner tonight." Huajiujiu contributed to such success.

The celebration banquet was still required, so Hua Jiujiu also agreed.

Moreover, my family has never been to a restaurant, so of course I want them to try it, although the taste of the dishes is not very good.

This time, I went to the delicacies building.

It's more pompous, isn't it?
It was the first time for Bai Zhi and the others to come to such a prestigious restaurant, and they were a little flustered and uncomfortable.

However, seeing Huajiujiu ordering dishes so naturally, he felt less nervous for no reason.

They are Hua Jiujiu's family, and they must not embarrass her!

One by one, they were finally not so restless.

After ordering, An Qingyan talked excitedly about the shop with Hua Jiujiu.

Even though the shop was so popular, Hua Jiujiu saw it with his own eyes, but An Qingyan couldn't help but say it.

At this moment, she doesn't have the calmness and nobility when presiding over the opening ceremony.

But Bai Zhi and the others were dumbfounded.

I always thought that this woman was very powerful, very cold, and because of her identity, she was not easy to get close to, but I didn't expect it to be like this... um, cute!
Hua Jiujiu showed his family a look like I'll just say it.

Hua Shishi and Hua Youyou nodded in agreement.

It's really friendly, and it's actually no different from them.

(End of this chapter)

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