Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 240 Nangong Yu expresses that she is angry

Chapter 240 Nangong Yu expresses that she is angry
An Qingyan realized something, and coughed lightly: "It's all a family, a family, don't care about these details."

Bai Zhi and the others showed a smile, saying that it's okay, just be happy.

This smile surprised An Qingyan. She pulled Huajiujiu's sleeve and whispered, "Your mother is really just a village woman?"

This doesn't look like a village woman at all.

"Yes." Hua Jiujiu's eyes flickered slightly, her mother's temperament and appearance were indeed too outstanding, I'm afraid no one would think that she was a village woman.

"But, why do I feel familiar looking at her?" An Qingyan muttered.

Hua Jiujiu's heart tightened, did she see Bai Zhi?
"Have you met my mother?" Hua Jiujiu asked in a low voice.

Could it be that her mother is from the capital?
An Qingyan shook her head, "I'm sure I've never seen it before, but it looks familiar."

Hua Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are so many similar people in this world, it's not surprising that they feel familiar."


After that, they no longer cared about this matter, and ate happily.

However, Hua Youyou said with some disgust: "Sister, the food in this big restaurant is not as good as yours."

An Qingyan looked at Huajiu, it seemed that the dishes she cooked were really delicious!

If I have a chance, I must go to her house!
"The food in the big restaurant is expensive and unpalatable." Hua Shishi agreed.

"Hurry up and eat." Hua Jiujiu smiled helplessly.

The mouths of her own family members were spoiled by her.

If it was before, it must be extremely amazing and joyful to be able to eat the dishes of this big restaurant.

Several people buried their heads in eating.

Even if it's not that delicious, you have to eat it. They can't do anything to waste food.

Not long after eating, there was a knock on the door of the box.

An Qingyan looked over with some doubts, who would look for them at this time?

And, how do you know they are here?
"Come in."

The door of the box was opened, and a familiar figure appeared in everyone's sight.

It's Nangong Yu!

However, as soon as this person came in, his eyes fell on Hua Jiujiu, and his eyes were full of accusations.


Those who don't know, think that Hua Jiujiu has done something unconscionable.

An Qingyan didn't know what happened between him and Hua Jiujiu, so she asked, "Nangong Yu, what are you doing here?"

After asking, she glanced behind Nangong Yu, but she didn't see any figure.

It's strange, why is the person who has been inseparable from Nangong Yu not here today?
Cut, it doesn't matter if you're not here, so you don't have to worry about watching it.

Nangong Yu just glanced at her, then walked up to Hua Jiujiu, "You didn't even look for me!"

This woman, isn't she afraid that she will go back on her word? She didn't ask him to sign the contract right away after talking about the matter.

Fortunately, he was still thinking, when Hua Jiujiu came to find him, he would hide from her, let her worry a few times, and then he could raise conditions.

As a result, he waited and waited, but he didn't wait for Huajiujiu, which made him so angry that, after hearing that Huajiujiu came to Zhenxiu Restaurant, he couldn't sit still anymore.

"It's been too busy lately."

What Hua Jiujiu said was very honest, but Nangong Yu didn't believe it.

What could be more important than such a big business? This woman obviously did it on purpose, in order to make more demands on him!
"Heh, Miss Hua, don't push yourself too hard." Nangong Yu sneered.

This tone made Hua Jiujiu very uncomfortable, and she couldn't help frowning.

This man must be a little bit too small to judge the belly of a gentleman!

Hua Jiujiu frowned, Lou Sijin was unhappy, the breath on his body could freeze a person to death.

Everyone present could not help but shudder.

Nangong Yu immediately restrained his emotions a little, it seemed that he was really a little too irrational.

When did I lose control of my emotions so much.

An Qingyan looked at Lou Sijin in disbelief, is this really just an ordinary Orion?
Those who were previously invisible can no longer be invisible, and those who would be conspicuous can no longer be conspicuous, and this breath makes people so frightened!
An Qingyan finally accepted this, and looked at Hua Jiujiu with some doubts. What is the connection between her and Nangong Yu?
Last time she reminded Huajiujiu not to interact with Nangong Yu and Dongfang Lan, otherwise she would suffer a big loss.

There are really some worries!
"Since Mr. Nangong doubts my sincerity, then I don't think there is any need for us to continue talking. Otherwise, who knows, Mr. Nangong will suddenly stab me in the back one day?" Hua Jiujiu said indifferently.

An Qingyan just wanted to sigh, good guy, to talk to this thousand-year-old fox like this, I'm afraid there is no one but Huajiujiu!

Hua Jiujiu's family couldn't help but like Hua Jiujiu, he is so handsome!

Nangong Yu panicked inexplicably, always feeling as if he was going to miss something.

However, is it really because I think too much?

"Miss Hua, I'm very sorry. I was too anxious, but since I decided to cooperate with you, I will never do anything to stab you." Nangong Yu said quickly.

Hua Jiujiu sneered, this last sentence is really against his will, if he really has no value, why don't he get stabbed a few times?

Nangong Yu smiled awkwardly, always feeling like being seen through.

But, can you admit it?
Definitely not, otherwise, how could he mess around? !

"Miss Hua, in order to express my sincerity, I can give you a piece of news about all the forces in Fangyuan Town." Nangong Yu said.

This condition is very attractive, but Hua Jiujiu glanced at him quietly.

If I really signed a contract with him, it would be information sharing. Wouldn't it be easy to want such a piece of information?
Nangong Yu seemed to see something, and said, "This information was not collected by Zhenxiulou." So there is no such thing as information sharing.

Although Zhenxiu Restaurant has also collected such information, it is definitely not that complete.

Hua Jiujiu stroked her chin, always feeling that this condition was a bit insincere.

"What do Miss Hua want?" Since the person is not satisfied, then just ask directly, saving myself from being dissatisfied with everything she said, which is also a disadvantage to me.

Let her make a condition.

Hua Jiujiu immediately had an idea and said, "If Mr. Nangong can help me take down the shop at No. 33 Furen Street, I will agree to sign a contract with you."

That shop is next to my own skin care product shop, but because the business is good, I don't think about subletting or reselling it, and the shop is still somewhat powerful, and it's not easy for me to take it down as an ordinary person.

Hua Jiujiu wants to buy a cosmetics store and a skin care product store together, so that it will be easier to manage when the time comes.

Since we have to solve it, I will trouble Nangong Yu to solve it, anyway, it is not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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