Chapter 243 Disguise

Hua Meili regained her confidence, shook her body, and the various accessories collided with each other, making the sound of jingle bells, which was extremely pleasant to hear.

Anyway, Hua Meili was immersed in the sound.

The corner of Hua Jiujiu's mouth twitched slightly, "Don't shake it, you don't have to show me how good the sound of counterfeit products colliding together is."

Hua Meili froze, her face was a little ugly, "Who said it was a counterfeit, you country bumpkin, how could you understand!"

Hua Jiujiu didn't bother to talk to her.

The whole body of this woman may be the real gold leaf.

She took out two bottles of gold sore medicine from the box and put them on the table, "This is the best gold sore medicine." She didn't bother to take advantage of this woman.

Hua Meili quickly put away her things, as if Hua Jiujiu would regret it, but when she stretched out her hand, a small section of her arm was exposed, and some hideous scars were exposed.

She was so frightened that she quickly pulled down her sleeves, and looked at Hua Jiujiu in a panic, but she didn't even give herself a look, and she was immediately angry and annoyed.

Then, she stretched out her hand towards Huajiu.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at her, "What are you doing?"

"Change, this is gold leaf, just two bottles of medicine, how could it be worth so much money." She was short of money, so she had to get the money back.

"You're really right, these two bottles of medicine are worth the money."

"How is that possible!" Hua Meili's eyes widened, "You black-hearted bastard, you must have tricked me on purpose!"

"I still have ten cents a bottle here, do you want to change it?" Hua Jiujiu said coolly, "It's just that if you're not careful, you will die in hell because of the slow effect of the medicine."

Hua Jiujiu's meaningful words made Hua Meili's body tremble slightly.

Why, how could she die in Huangquan, she didn't live enough!
"You wait for me!" Hua Meili glared at Hua Jiujiu viciously, grabbed two bottles of Jinchuang Medicine and ran away.

Hua Jiujiu looked at her back and sneered.

"Miss, why did you give her such good medicine?" Jin Xue asked suspiciously.

She knew a lot about Hua Jiujiu, especially about the people from Lao Hua's family, and she was very disgusted in her heart. She felt that such a person's death was not a pity, so she didn't understand Hua Jiujiu's thinking.

"Death is the best relief." Hua Jiujiu said meaningfully.

Jin Xue understood in an instant, and gave Hua Jiujiu admiring eyes.

Originally thought that the young lady was too kind and would drag the Lord down, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all.

Huajiujiu didn't think about Huamei any more, after all, she was just an insignificant person.

Now she has a new trouble.

Young Master Qianzui appeared in the afternoon, what should I do?

I can't be absent.

But she is alone, so she can't be used as two people.

Jin Xue saw that Hua Jiujiu was absent-minded, and couldn't help asking: "Miss, what are you worrying about?" Hua Jiujiu had been in this state during lunch just now.

Hua Jiujiu waved his hands, and suddenly thought of something, looked at Jin Xue and Jin Yue, and asked, "Can you imitate people?"

She remembered that Lou Sijin said that subordinates must be all-around, even if they are not proficient in everything, they must be involved in everything.

"Yes, miss, Jinyue can disguise herself, and she can imitate people very well." Jinxue replied.

Huajiujiu was suddenly pleasantly surprised, as expected, they are all talented people!
"Follow me into the house." Hua Jiujiu couldn't wait to take a look.

After entering the room, Hua Jiujiu asked, "Have you ever seen the young man I played as the Thousand Drunk Man?"

"I've seen it." Although they didn't appear in front of Hua Jiujiu at that time, they were secretly protected, so they still met Mr. Qianzui.

I have to say that Hua Jiujiu's disguise technique is excellent, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to recognize that it's the same person at all.

"Maybe you can learn it?"

"I can only learn five or six points, but Jinyue can learn seven or eight points." Jinxue replied.

Hua Jiujiu handed the human skin mask to Jinyue, "Show me how you dress up."

"Yes, ma'am."

Jinyue's little face has always been cold, and even her words are cold and concise, thanks to Huajiujiu for getting used to it.

Jinyue was putting on makeup at the side, and after a while, a thousand drunk young master who couldn't tell the real from the fake came out.

"Like! Really like!" Even the temperament is very similar, even the essence has come out.

"It's Miss's human skin mask." Jin Yue's eyes were full of amazement.

This human skin mask is too realistic, even if you look closely, you can't see anything!
Even Mr. Lu Miao's craftsmanship is not as good as hers.

Their young lady is really amazing!

Jinyue spoke in the voice of Mr. Qianzui, which made Hua Jiujiu amazed again.

This Jin Yue's ability is too powerful.

Not only their personalities are similar, but their voices are also similar.

"You will go to the village chief's house with me later." Hua Jiujiu was not worried about what would happen to Jinyue at all.

She even thought of letting Jinyue try to pretend to be Young Master Qianzui sometime, so that there would be no doubt that Young Master Qianzui was the same person as her.

"Yes, Miss." Jin Yue was happy that she could help.

Jinxue was a little envious.

Jin Yue went out through the window, and then came in through the door.

When Bai Zhi heard that Young Master Qianzui was Hua Jiujiu's senior brother, she naturally welcomed him warmly.

Jin Xue responded very politely.

Generally speaking, he is quite similar to the young master Qianzui played by Hua Jiujiu.

If you really want to say it carefully, it feels a bit more expensive.

Hua Jiujiu didn't remind him, but felt that this would be more in line with the identity of Mr. Qianzui, thinking that he would play a man next time, so he had to change it.

After exchanging greetings, Hua Jiujiu said, "Mother, my senior brother and I are going to visit the village chief first."

"Go." Bai Zhi replied kindly.

So, Hua Jiujiu took the young master Qianzui played by Jinyue, and went out with Jinxue.

As for the absence of Jinyue, it's nothing, after all, sometimes the two of them will be sent by Huajiujiu to do things.

The appearance of Mr. Qianzui made everyone in the village very excited.

Of course, it even aroused the excitement of the women in the village.

Because he looks so good-looking, he is the best-looking person that their village has seen in these years.

As a result, every time Hua Jiujiu and the others took two steps, someone "accidentally" bumped into them.

Then she harassed Jinyue in various ways.

Jin Yue's face was very cold.

In the back, people can freeze to death directly.

Hua Jiujiu sighed, luckily she wasn't playing the role, otherwise she would be treated like this, and it would be herself.

Jin Yue silently glanced at Huajiu.

With a little grievance.

Hua Jiujiu coughed lightly, "Give it up, my senior brother doesn't like people around him, if it makes him unhappy, then the big guys won't be able to grow herbs and make money."

Hua Jiujiu's words were quite effective, those women didn't dare to post them again, and even if they did, they would be dragged away by other people in the village.

This is their God of Wealth, how could they be offended? !

(End of this chapter)

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