Chapter 244 The idea is on her head
The villagers restrained themselves a bit, and Hua Jiujiu and the others headed towards the village chief's house.

Before taking two steps, suddenly a figure rushed over, grabbed Jinyue and shouted: "My lord, please don't treat me like this, I am willing, I am willing to do anything!"

Everyone around is confused, what's going on?

Isn't Huamei beautiful these two days?
Why did he suddenly run out and drag Young Master Qianzui to beg so humblely?

Could it be that this scenery came from Mr. Qianzui?
Is it chaos and abandonment?
Everyone looked at Mr. Qianzui suspiciously.

Jin Yue shook off her hand in disgust, stepped back a few steps, and said indifferently, "Who are you?"

Hua Meili continued to pounce on her, showing her arms full of scars, but Jinyue was the only one to see her, and she immediately pulled herself down again.

"My lord, please accept me. I am willing to be a cow or a horse, but don't want me." Hua Meili begged.

The people around him are even more sure of their conjecture.

Hua Jiujiu knew from her actions that this woman was looking for a new way out, but she didn't dare not give herself a way out at all, so she just let Jinyue see her miserable situation alone.

"Hua Meili, let's not say whether my senior brother recognizes you or not, even what you said is really funny, as if my senior brother did something sorry to you." Hua Jiujiu said lightly.

The people around looked at Hua Meili again.

"I met the young master once, we" didn't say anything after that, but it made people think about it.

Very good, this woman is really making up her mind, and it hit her head!
"Hua Meili, are you sure you met my senior brother once?" Hua Jiujiu said in an extremely calm voice.

Hua Meili felt a little guilty, "This is about my son and me, what does it have to do with you." Why is this celestial son, Hua Jiujiu's senior, why doesn't she have such a good senior!

"He is my senior brother, so his business is naturally my business."

"So what?"

"Hua Meili, I don't know the person behind you. Knowing that you are teasing other men like this, will they preach to you?" Hua Jiujiu's words were light, but it made Hua Meili's scalp tingle for a while. .

She doesn't care what Hua Meili thinks, her voice is not too loud, but the villagers can also hear it.

"Hua Jiu Jiu, what do you know?!" Hua Meili's voice was a little sharp, with a kind of shame and resentment of being seen through.

The people around were at a loss.

What the hell is this?
"I don't know anything, but I know they are here to take you back." Hua Jiujiu pointed to the two big men who came not far away.

Hua Meili turned her head, her eyes were full of horror, she turned her head and begged in a low voice: "My lord, please save me, I can't go back with them, I will die!"

As he spoke, he secretly showed Jin Yue his injured hand, trying to soften his heart.

"What does it have to do with me?" Jin Yue said indifferently.

Hua Meili's heart tightened, why did she feel that the person in front of her was more indifferent than the last time she saw her.

Obviously he is a doctor, so he should have compassion!
No, I can't hold this big tree by myself!
Then she must not let those people know that she did such a thing!
She immediately changed her expression, stood up under the stupefied eyes of the villagers, raised her voice and said, "My lord, although you are interested in me, I already have a husband, please don't do it again." If my husband misunderstands, my husband will be angry, is that okay?"

Lo and behold, this word turned around!
It's perfect!
It was really loud when it should be loud, and quiet when it should be quiet. The villagers didn't hear what they shouldn't hear, but they heard what they should hear, so that I could retreat completely.

But why?

"Hua Meili, there is something about your whole body that attracts my senior brother, but you have been staring at my senior brother from the beginning to the end, wishing that you could stick your whole body on my senior brother."

Hua Jiujiu said disdainfully.

"I do not have."

"Have you, those two big brothers have seen it." Hua Jiujiu glanced at the two men who were not good at it.

Hua Meili's body trembled slightly.

"Also, since you want to show it, then show it openly, why only show it to my senior brother, if you let the big guys see it, maybe they will feel sorry for you and stand up for you."

As he said that, Hua Jiujiu rolled up her sleeves, revealing a hideous wound.

Everyone around gasped.

How could there be such a serious injury? This is clearly a combination of new and old injuries!
It's not that Hua Meili is married to a rich man and eats delicious food and drinks spicy food every day, but it doesn't feel right now.

Hua Meili felt the eyes of the people around her, and felt very uncomfortable.

She is not pitiful, why do these people look at her with such eyes!

"What's going on, Meili, are they bullying you? Tell us, and we will definitely make decisions for you." A respectable old man pointed to the two big men who had come to him.

Although people from Laohua's family are not pleasant to do things, but they are also from Dashan Village, how can they make people have such skin.

The two big men looked at Hua Meili with expressionless faces.

However, it was this look that made her heart tighten.

"No, I just bumped into it accidentally, and it has nothing to do with them." Hua Meili said in horror.

How dare she say it, if she did, she would never have a good life in the future.

That person never let people ruin his reputation, otherwise... Thinking of the consequences, she couldn't help but tremble.

"How could it be so serious?" No one believed that the wound was clearly caused by someone beating.

"No, no, I fell and rolled down the mountain accidentally, that's why I got so many wounds." Hua Meili quickly explained again.

However, this explanation is still not believed.

"It's really fine, I'm going back." Hua Meili walked towards the two big men tremblingly.

"Meimei, are you sure they didn't bully you?" The villagers were still very kind and couldn't help asking again.

"No, look at me wearing gold and silver, how could I be bullied, I can't live a better life." Hua Meili shook her body, and the jewelry on her body made sounds again.

"..." The nouveau riche didn't have such sharp eyes!
The villagers looked at her with envy in their eyes.

So much jewelry.

Also, with such jewelry, how could she be bullied?
They must be thinking too much.

But, why haven't I heard her talk about her man's identity these days?
Just when someone wanted to ask, Hua Meili got into the carriage driven by two big men.

Before getting into the car, he gave Hua Jiujiu a hard look.

It's all this damn girl who almost made her lose face!

(End of this chapter)

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