Chapter 245 Collection
Hua Jiujiu chuckled lightly.

Do you really think everything will go as she expected?

It must be too stupid to think of people.

It's best to only have this one time, otherwise, she doesn't mind making her life more difficult.

Looking at the beautiful flowers sitting in the carriage, the villagers only felt that they were a little bit idle and worried.

Forget it, let's make money well, otherwise, I will always be envious.

Hua Meili left, and the villagers all returned to the theme.

Everyone looked at Jinyue.

At this time, a voice came from not far away: "The village chief is here."

Apparently the village chief couldn't wait any longer at home, so he came here in person.

When Hua Jiujiu saw that the village head had come, he directly asked the villagers to gather in the big square.

If you have any questions at that time, just ask them on the spot.

If you feel that there is no problem, you can sign a contract to receive seeds.

When the village head heard it, he thought it made sense, so he ordered people to go to every household to inform.

In the end, I felt that this was too slow, so I ran to the big clock in the village and rang the bell that hadn't been rung for decades.

The bell will only ring when something causes a sensation in the whole village.

I remember the last time I knocked, there were still robbers, in order to let the villagers avoid the robbers.

It can be said that this time the village head paid more attention to the matter.

When the bell rang, those old antiques also came out, one can imagine how big the impact was.

Because the village chief had already talked about this with the elders in the village two days ago, the whole village naturally knew about it.

Only those few companies had no real news, so they asked the people around them what happened with a dazed expression.

When they heard that there was a profitable job in their village, everyone became excited.

Especially when he saw the noble appearance of Mr. Qianzui, he became even more looking forward to it.

Maybe this thing can be done!

Such a son, there is no reason to lie to them.

Moreover, he is Hua Jiujiu's senior brother.

Hua Jiujiu is in the same village as them, and he has been treating the villagers recently. It is conceivable that he is very kind, so there is no chance to deceive or harm them.

Therefore, everyone looked at Hua Jiujiu and the others expectantly.

Looking at the villagers whose eyes were full of anticipation, Hua Jiujiu felt for the first time that there was a long way to go.

"Folks, be quiet." The village head shouted standing on a big rock.

The people in the square immediately fell silent.

"Folks, look around and see who hasn't come?" With so many people, I don't know how long it will take to nod their heads, so I can only say this.

However, even if he didn't nod his head and someone didn't come, he could only blame that person.

Because, the big bell in the village is ringing, and you haven't come yet, isn't it that you don't take the village affairs seriously at all, so why should they take you seriously?
When the village chief said that, everyone looked around, and after a while, someone said: "The old Hua's family didn't come."

The village chief subconsciously looked at Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu said indifferently: "One of their family married a rich man, and the other passed the Tongsheng exam. How could they be interested in such small money as us?"

Everyone thinks it makes sense.

The village head didn't say much, "In that case, let's start."

Just when he was about to get down to business, an arrogant voice sounded: "What's the matter with you, it's fine if you don't invite us, but you started without waiting for us, do you still pay attention to us?"

I saw Hua Laosi walking over with his family swaggeringly.

Ever since he was selected as a child student, he didn't pay attention to the group of mud-legged people in the village, and his behavior became more and more perverted, as if he was admitted to a high-ranking official, and he showed off the official's spectrum all day long.

However, he is not without the capital of pride, because he is the only person in their village who has been admitted as a child student, and he can be regarded as the most educated person in the village.

Hua Laosi is so proud, let alone other people?

When going out, she also behaved like an adjutant, wife, and miss, and the people who saw it didn't want to talk to her.

However, the people in the village didn't really want to offend them that much. Who knew if Hua Laosi would be able to make it to the next level, and when he really became an official, they might be the first to be stabbed.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the increasingly arrogant Laohua family, his eyes were full of ridicule and disgust.

Sure enough, no matter when, they will not change, even if they have experienced so many things.

Some people's nausea is born!
The village head frowned slightly, "The big bell in the village has already rang, and if you didn't come, who can you blame?"

"We didn't come, why can't we invite us?" Hua Laosi snorted coldly.

"What's more, today's protagonist is a member of our family. If you don't invite us, how can we continue." Hua Laosi was a little swollen, and even the village chief didn't pay attention to it, and his tone was arrogant.

The village chief frowned.

Hua Jiujiu sneered even more.

However, before she could speak, Lin Jiao, Fang Xiaoxiao's mother, taunted: "Some people are thick-skinned, they have already broken off their relatives, and they still make all kinds of friendships. I really think that I am a sweet potato. Everyone will Baba leaned over, and didn't even look to see if he was already disgusted."

Since Hua Jiujiu rescued Fang Xiaoxiao twice, Lin Jiao completely regarded Hua Jiujiu as her own.

So even if she offends Hua Laosi who may become an official in the future, she still has to say a few words.

Hua Laosi had an angry look on his face, "What nonsense are you talking about? Even if we break off our relationship, how can we say that it's okay? It doesn't matter whether the ancestors of the Hua family agree or not. What's more, it was because my parents were confused at the beginning that they agreed to divorce, but now they have regretted it and want to let their family come back?"

The reason why Hua Laosi kept dating was because he saw that Hua Jiujiu had a capable and rich Mr. Qianzui.

If he wants to continue to develop in the future, it is inevitable that he will need money to do something. Based on their family's situation, they can afford to pay for it, so they can only put their ideas on others.

"Ha, you guys don't know what breaking off a relationship means. It means that life and death have nothing to do with it. What's more, if you say you regret it, you regret it. He is not a dog. You can call and drink." Lin Jiao continued Resentment Road.

Hua Laosi's face turned pale with anger.

"Aunt Lin, this is our family's business, can you, an outsider, make irresponsible remarks?"

Lin Jiao glanced at Huajiujiu, seeing that she didn't mean to blame her, she continued to say domineeringly: "From now on, Huayatou's affairs are our family's affairs, and anyone in the village who dares to bully their family in the future, don't Blame me for going to your house to scold you for three days and three nights, disturbing your peace!"

Hua Jiujiu showed a faint smile.

This family is all very good people who know how to repay their kindness.

I naturally have reasons to help them more, don't I?

(End of this chapter)

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