Chapter 246 Discussion
Hua Lao Si is very angry, but she is really afraid of being scolded by Lin Jiao for three days and three nights.

If it was in the past, he might not be afraid, because there is an old lady who is equally powerful in combat.

However, since my old lady fell ill and was abused by everyone in the family, she has seen through them.

Since he recovered from his illness, he only cared about eating, drinking and having fun, completely ignoring their life and death, and sometimes even beat and scolded them.

Whenever someone complained to her, she would run out and say that this old woman was going to kill her, let God open his eyes and kill this group of heartless guys.

If it spreads, let alone continue the exam, he won't even be able to keep his position as a child student.

Therefore, he took the lead in coaxing the old lady, and asked the family members not to treat the old lady harshly.

Because of Hua's current status, no one dares to object, not to mention, none of them have ever done anything like an old woman, not to mention, the family's money is all in her hands, whoever is tired of work dares to do something to her So much so that the whole family lives with trepidation every day, but they have all kinds of expectations, which can be described as extraordinary.

Seeing that Hua Laosi was holding back after eating, Hua Jiujiu wanted to give Lin Jiao a thumbs up.

To be honest, she really doesn't want to spend much time talking with this kind of person, so she is naturally happy to see someone do it for her.

"Thank you, Aunt Lin, otherwise our family, orphans and widows, really don't know what to do with such a thick-skinned and heartless guy." Hua Jiujiu gave an affirmation.

Hearing what Hua Jiujiu said, some people in the village expressed their views, saying that they can help if necessary.

The louder and louder support made Hua Laosi's face completely turn into a pig's liver.

He felt that Huajiujiu was against his life, otherwise why would he have such a heart attack every time!

"Okay, folks, don't be unhappy because of certain people. Today is a good day, and everyone should be happy." Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Huajiu raised the corner of his mouth and said.

Everyone was immediately drawn back to their attention, completely ignoring the group of clowns from Lao Hua's family.

This can make the people of Laohua's family very angry.

Everyone is cursing Huajiujiu.

"Damn girl, stinky girl, heartless guy!"

As a result, as soon as he finished cursing, he was blown away by an unknown airflow, and fell directly on top of the lump of poop that Croquette had just finished pulling.

There really came a famous scene of falling dogs eating shit.

The members of Laohua's family suddenly panicked, what's going on, why did they suddenly fall so far away?
Could it be the dirty thing from Huajiu Restaurant?
But, the sky is broad daylight, how can dirty things come out?

For a moment, everyone in Lao Hua's family was terrified, and they hugged the people around them regardless of the shit on them.

Not far away, Lou Sijin looked at the group of people coldly.

It's not that he didn't think about killing this group of disgusting people, but Hua Jiujiu was right.

Death is the best relief.

Therefore, instead of dying, it is better to let them live a life that is worse than death!

Hua Jiujiu naturally also noticed this situation, glanced at Lou Sijin in the crowd, and showed a sweet smile.

This smile stunned everyone present.

This girl from the Hua family seems to be getting better and better.

Also, her mother looks so good-looking, how could she not be good-looking!
All of a sudden, the young men in the village had strange emotions.

And their old mother had a certain thought.

This beautiful girl will be married in one year, and they can make a marriage for their son now!

Even if you want to go to that haunted house, you have to go!

Because, this flowery girl is a lucky one!

For a moment, the eyes of all the people present looking at Hua Jiujiu became like they were looking at sweet pastries, which made Hua Jiujiu's heart tremble for a while.

What's the matter with this person, no matter how much she can make them live a good life, there is no need to look at her with eyes that want to swallow her up.

Hua Jiujiu didn't know what these people were up to, but Lou Sijin knew it well.

The smile just now, not to mention the man in the village, even the self who has been facing him all the time, is also heart-wrenching.

She is like a star in the sky, so dazzling that he wants to lock her up so that no one can witness her demeanor!

However, he knew that he couldn't do this, because she was not a canary, nor would she be willing to be a canary.

Then, you can only start from other people!
For a moment, all the men's backs felt a little chilly. Why did they have a feeling of being missed?
Everyone looked behind suspiciously, but found nothing.

However, this feeling was still there, so that they poked their arms vigorously.

It wasn't until Hua Jiujiu asked Jinyue to say a few words and they focused their attention on her that the cool feeling disappeared.

Jinyue didn't say much, because Hua Jiujiu and the village head had made it clear enough before, so she only needed to give an affirmation.

"However, we don't have that much money to buy seeds." Some people put forward their own ideas.

There are some herbs whose seeds are so expensive that they simply cannot afford them.

"Everyone can rest assured about this. You can pay on credit first, and after the herbs are grown and sold, the money for the seeds will be deducted." Hua Jiujiu explained.

Everyone was overjoyed.

It is of great benefit to them to pay on credit first.

"However, if the harvest is not good in the future, don't we have to drink the northwest wind?"

They don't know if they can grow all the herbs and whether they will earn more than food. Some are reluctant to use all the land to grow herbs. Once they don't earn much, they can't even afford food.

In the past, even if they couldn't sell the food for a good price, they could still keep some food for themselves without fear of starving.

Of course, if the weather was not so good that year, it would be hard to say.

"The seeds my senior brother gave are the best, and the harvest will definitely be good. Of course, if the harvest is really bad, my senior brother will not accept everyone's seed money. When it comes to herbs, I will still accept it, even if it is only half of it." The survival rate is higher, and the money sold is definitely more than the big guys who grew food in previous years."

Huajiujiu's words made the people below excited.

However, there are still some worries.

They had never grown herbs after all.

"Of course, this matter still depends on everyone's wishes. If someone is willing to believe in us, then they will come to us to sign a contract to receive seeds. If they don't want to believe, we will not force it. However, when the time comes, we will sign the contract first. Give better purchase price." Hua Jiujiu saw that the big guy was still hesitant, so he didn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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