Chapter 248 Form a team?

"The shop isn't busy anymore?" Hua Jiujiu thought that she really cared about her image, so she didn't expose her.

"Hmph, you're ashamed to say it." An Qingyan snorted coldly.

During this period of time, she almost ascended to the sky without being busy.

Not only was her shop busy, but she was also besieged by countless women, some of whom were from the county, and their status was quite high.

Fortunately, her status is not low, and she is not someone to be provoked, and no one dares to do anything to her, otherwise she will really be annoyed to death.

Hua Jiujiu guessed something right away, and just said awkwardly: "Tonight's dinner will be arranged for you."

An Qingyan nodded in satisfaction, but soon thought of something, "Wouldn't it be cheaper for those two guys?" As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at the person who was getting off the carriage.

Sure enough, it was Nangong Yu and Dongfang Lan.

"You guys have an appointment?" Hua Jiujiu asked casually.

"How is it possible, I don't want to be with them." An Qingyan's face was full of disgust.

Especially, there was a guy in it that she hated.

Thinking of that guy, An Qingyan's expression became complicated.

"Hey, you don't want to stay with us, and we don't want to stay with you yet, so get out of here quickly." Dongfang Lan said as she got out of the car.

"Why should I get out? If you want to get out, you should get out. I came first, okay?" An Qingyan immediately looked like a croquette.

"We just don't leave, what can you do with us?" Dongfang Lan looked so angry that he would not pay for his life.

"Jiujiu, let's lock them outside." An Qingyan turned to look at Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu took a deep look at the two of them, why did they feel like they were friends?
The relationship between these two people is definitely not that simple.

"Dongfang Lan, if you do this again, go back by yourself." Nangong Yu didn't come here to be shut down.

Since the last time the contract was signed, this woman hadn't come to give the recipe, but he was anxious to wait, and even thought he was being tricked!

So, I can only ask myself.

However, this woman is really a native peasant girl, so how did she learn this?

However, the man next to her is much more interesting, and he has only been in this village for a few months.

Who could this be?
Anyway, he doesn't believe it's just a simple Orion.

Lou Sijin seemed to be aware of his probing, and raised her eyes to glance at him lightly, which made him feel guilty.

Why is there a feeling of being seen through?

How many people are you seeing through?

That person was really convinced when he saw through him, but how could there be a little girl like Hua Jiujiu? Now even a little Orion has seen through. His reputation as a fox is really false!

Dongfang Lan curled his lips, he didn't understand why Nangong Yu was so fond of a country girl, and even signed such an unfair contract with her.

No matter how knowledgeable a country girl is, how far she can go.

I always feel that Nangong Yu was cheated, so I have to take a good look at what's going on!

I don't know what happened to Nangong Yu, such a cunning fox was cheated by a little girl.

Is it impatient after all?
"Miss Hua, long time no see." This sentence was sarcasm.

The villagers who followed after seeing these three people clearly made a sound of surprise.

This is really beautiful!
This Huajiujiu family is really crazy, and they have made friends with such a noble young lady.

No, they have to establish a good relationship with Hua Jiujiu's family, maybe they still have a chance to marry and marry this young lady.

Inexplicably, all three of them shuddered, feeling like being missed.

As soon as I turned around, I saw a group of villagers staring at them, and I felt my scalp tingling.

Hua Jiujiu seemed to have guessed this tone a long time ago, but she was not angry or anything, but said evilly, "Are you sure you want to greet me here?"

The three of them shook their heads in unison. If they stayed any longer, they might be eaten alive by these villagers!

So the three of them entered the house.

Bai Zhi and the others looked at the three people who came suddenly, and quickly stood up to greet them warmly.

They seldom have guests in their house, so they have to entertain them well.

Hua Jiujiu really wanted to say don't be too busy, but seeing how active his family was, he swallowed the words back.

Nangong Yu wanted to talk to Hua Jiujiu about the recipe, but Hua Jiujiu refused, "It's meal time, I'll cook first."

You can't be hungry for anything.

What's more, eating a meal is more useful than saying anything.

"Ajiu, you don't have to be theirs." Lou Sijin floated over and said something resentful.

How can the food cooked by my little girl be eaten by others?

"Jiujiu, you promised me." An Qingyan knew the position of this man in Hua Jiujiu's heart, and was afraid that she would agree to it, so she immediately took her hand pitifully.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the two of them, a little dumbfounded, "A Jin, they are guests." There is no reason not to serve dinner to the guests.

Lou Sijin pursed her lips.

He took a cool look at Nangong Yu and the others, blaming them all for doing so well.

Nangong Yu's scalp tingled again.

Did he provoke him after all, staring at him like this every time!
Wait, what did this little girl call this man just now?

Nangong Yu looked at Lou Sijin in disbelief, "You"

Lou Sijin didn't even give him a look, and went into the kitchen to help Huajiu and Jiujiu cook together.

Looking at the busy man in the kitchen, Nangong Yu shook his head with difficulty.

not him!
Absolutely not him!
How could that man come into the kitchen, and was called around by a little girl!
Look, one will kill fish, one will wash vegetables, and one will make fire.

Impossible, he guarantees that it is definitely not the same person!

Dongfang Lan didn't mind hearing the name at first, but seeing Nangong Yu's expression, she also had a little guess, but when she saw the scene in front of her, all her suspicion disappeared.

It can't be that man!

How could such a noble man do such a thing!

Ever since, the two of them completely dispelled this conjecture and sat outside waiting for dinner.

Of course, we have to tease An Qingyan.

However, An Qingyan didn't want to talk to him at all, and ran to play with her two younger sisters.

At any rate, they lived together for a while, so they played harmoniously.

Nangong Yu and Dongfang Lan just stared wide-eyed.

Until the croquettes rushed over, they finally found the toy and kept tossing the croquettes.

But I can't feel bad for Hua Youyou.

"Let go of the croquettes!" she shouted angrily to the two men.

(End of this chapter)

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