Chapter 249
Looking at the cute and delicate person in front of him, Dongfang Lan instantly felt that the croquettes in his hand were not fragrant.

"What's your name?" Dongfang Lan asked.

"Not telling you, bad guy."

"You tell me, and I'll give it back to you." Dongfang Lan said, looking at the little dumpling in his hand.

"Are you serious?"

"Really." Dongfang Lan was like a big bad wolf, tricking the children step by step.

Hua Youyou tilted her head, thinking about the authenticity of his words.

In the end, looking at the poor Croquette, she still curled her lips and said, "My name is Hua Youyou."

"Yuyou, what a lovely name." Dongfang Lan praised.

Hua Youyou didn't want to pay attention to him, "Can you give me back the croquettes?"

"Croquette, it's called croquette? Who gave it such a funny name." Dongfang Lan rubbed the croquette vigorously.

Hua Youyou was angry again, "Fried meatballs are not funny, they are very cute, if you let go of them, don't you see that they are uncomfortable?"

Dongfang Lan didn't care, and continued to ravage it. Of course, in order to prevent the croquette from running away, he used great strength to imprison it.

This feeling is really good, and I don't know how they raised it. A good wolf cub was turned into a fleshy dog ​​cub.

Cute and stupid.

Suddenly, the smile on Dongfang Lan's face froze, "It hurts! Ah! Let go! Let go!"

Because of his fingers, he was bitten by a croquette.

Looking at Dongfang Lan, who was in pain and hideous, Nangong Yu gloated a little.

An Qingyan, who heard Dongfang Lan's ghostly cry, also ran out, and laughed loudly when she saw the scene in front of her.

Really deserve it!

It's time to bite him to death, I've long been unhappy with him!
"What are you laughing at, pull it away for me quickly." Dongfang Lan gritted her teeth angrily.

"You deserve it, Croquette, bite him!" Hua Youyou also ordered.

The croquettes bite harder.

Of course, it's not because of Hua Youyou's order, but because of its own thoughts.

Damn human, dare to play with it, let's see if it doesn't punish him well!
"Hey, you little girl, ah, it hurts, let me go, or I'll beat you." Dongfang Lan glanced at Hua Youyou, was pulled back by the pain, and threatened Croquette.

However, the croquettes still did not let go.

Damn human, it finally bit me, how can I let go!

"You can think about it, when the time comes, the white fur will be covered with red blood." Dongfang Lan continued to threaten with clenched fists.

Hua Youyou's heart tightened, and she hurriedly shouted: "Fried meatballs, come back."

However, Croquette didn't let go, and continued to bite him viciously.

Damn humans, dare to threaten it.

Dongfang Lan was really in pain, and he was about to smash down with his fist.

Under Hua Youyou's exclamation, Croquette escaped at the last moment.

It jumped into Hua Youyou's arms all of a sudden, and pouted its buttocks at Dongfang Lan, as if you couldn't hit me, and I succeeded in revenge.

Dongfang Lan only thinks that this wolf cub has become a genius.

He looked at his bleeding fingers, and looked at Nangong Yu crying, "I'm bleeding even if you don't help me."

Nangong Yu looked like you deserve it.

Dongfang Lan was even more heartbroken.


Trash, this little injury, I'm ashamed to show it to others, I'm not a man at all.


"Nangong Yu, why do I see contempt in this wolf cub's eyes?" Dongfang Lan felt, is this wolf cub a bit too human?
Naturally, Nangong Yu also noticed this, and couldn't help looking at the kitchen. This little girl is really extraordinary, even the wolf cubs she raises are so different!

A group of people wanted to continue playing around, but suddenly they all looked at the kitchen in unison.

"smell good!"

The smell came from the kitchen.

An Qingyan ran to the kitchen excitedly, but was kicked out by Hua Jiujiu.

She had to move a chair and sit at the door of the kitchen, smelling the fragrance and drooling.

This made Hua Jiujiu a little dumbfounded.

I had to bring An Qingyan a bowl of fried meatballs.

An Qingyan couldn't wait to put it in her mouth, but she was so hot that she breathed out for a while, and she couldn't bear to spit out the delicious food in her mouth.

So fragrant, so delicious!

Seeing that An Qingyan was eating so deliciously, Dongfang Lan ran over regardless of her injured finger.

"Hey, give me some."

"No." An Qingyan hugged the basin and turned in one direction.

"Stingy ghost, it's okay to eat one for me." Seeing her like this, Dongfang Lan knew that the fried meatball must be delicious.

Of course, his more mentality is that since An Qingyan is such a treasure, then he must grab it.

Hasn't he always been with her since he was a child?

That hand is about to reach out.

An Qingyan seemed to have guessed what Dongfang Lan was going to do, and quickly threw the two remaining meatballs in the basin into her mouth.

The result is that the hot one keeps breathing.

That look was a little funny, and Dongfang Lan couldn't help laughing. Sure enough, this woman is still as cute as ever.

The angry An Qingyan glared at him with her beautiful eyes, and finally swallowed something before saying: "I want Jiujiu to drive you out!"

Too much, really too much!

"Don't, we're still a fiancee anyway, how can you dislike me so much, what will you do every day after that?" Dongfang Lanpi said with a smile.

An Qingyan's face turned cold immediately, and she shouted: "Shut up, whoever is your fiancée, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will sew your mouth shut!"

Dongfang Lan patted her chest, "It's so fierce, I'm so scared."

An Qingyan stared at him, as if she really wanted to fight him as hard as she could, and there was a little bit of grievance in her eyes.

Why should I have such a shitty marriage with this playboy? It's not fair to her at all!
Dongfang Lan looked at her stubborn eyes, and his heart moved slightly, but he didn't take it to heart.
He snorted coldly and said, "Tch, it's as if I want to marry you so much, and I don't look at how I look like a woman. It's okay to be vulgar, but I like the kind of Jiangnan girl, who is gentle and pleasant."

"You are vulgar, your whole family is vulgar!" An Qingyan said angrily.

Look, if you don't agree with me, you can swear at others, even if you swear, you even bring his family with you.

"In that case, exchange the token back, and we will have nothing to do with each other from now on." An Qingyan took the opportunity to say.

"You think I don't want to, and the token is not on me, otherwise I would have terminated the relationship with you a long time ago, who cares about you." Dongfang Lan was so disdainful, how could he swallow this breath, and immediately replied.

Seeing that the two of them were going to quarrel more fiercely, Hua Jiujiu came out of the kitchen with a shovel in hand, "If you keep arguing, don't eat anymore, just get out of here."

Only then did the two of them rest, but they both hummed to each other and then sat on one side.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the two people who were really happy to be friends, and clicked his tongue twice, there was indeed a story.

(End of this chapter)

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