Chapter 257 Revenge
Lou Sijin looked at the blood on the dagger, and shook it in disgust.

His skin was cut just now, and the dagger was stained with blood, otherwise the knife would not be dirty if it was fast enough.

After putting away the dagger, Lou Sijin left here.

This is where no one hides anymore.

Seeing Lou Sijin approaching calmly, Jin Xue put away her tense nerves and got off the carriage.

Very consciously sitting outside the carriage, waiting to drive the carriage.

When Hua Jiujiu heard the sound coming from outside the carriage, her body tensed up.

When he saw Lou Sijin opening the door of the carriage, he breathed a sigh of relief, but soon asked nervously, "How do you feel?"

Although the poison in his body has been almost eliminated, it has not been completely eliminated, and the use of internal force will still have some impact.

"No discomfort." Knowing Hua Jiujiu's worry, Lou Sijin said softly.

Hua Jiujiu was still worried, grabbed his hand and felt his pulse.

Although he was sure there was nothing wrong, he still gave him a medicine just in case.

Lou Sijin ate it obediently.

The two did not speak for a while.

After Hua Jiujiu calmed down, she asked, "Who is it?"

"Jinhui Pavilion." Lou Sijin said with a murderous tone in his tone.

A group of jumping clowns dare to come out and jump!

Hua Jiujiu was a little surprised, but not at all.

However, he chuckled lightly: "He's a bully guy."

He didn't dare to directly attack An Qingyan, so he attacked a powerless person like her. This Jinhui Pavilion is really good.

"What are you going to do?" Lou Sijin caressed Hua Jiujiu's hair.

"Of course it makes him unable to gain a foothold in Fangyuan Town!" Hua Jiujiu didn't have such a good temper.

Everyone wanted to kill her, so why should she make things easier for them.


This, Huajiujiu can handle it by itself.

However, the Jin family in the capital needs his hands.

Jinhui Pavilion is one of the properties of the Jin family.

And this Jin family also has some status in the capital.

Although the power of the An family in the capital is similar to that of the Jin family.

However, because of the withering of talents over the years, and being suppressed by the Jin family all the time, it was a bit weaker.

However, this situation will soon be reversed.

Hua Jiujiu knew the forces behind Jin Hui Pavilion, but she was not in a panic.

After all, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, the Jin family's hand cannot be extended so quickly, and she will have already finished her revenge by then.

"The Jinhui Pavilion and the Zhu family have a cooperative relationship."

Hua Jiujiu roared, did the enemies get together?
Do you want her to solve it all at once?
Then she has to think about what to do.

It's better to let these two fight!

Along the way, nothing else happened. When they got home, it was already very late, so they went home to rest.

Huajiujiu continued pouring into the space.

As for the shopkeeper of the Jinhui Pavilion in the town, he waited and waited, but he couldn't wait for good news.

I just feel my heart beating, and I always feel that something big is about to happen.

So much so that he couldn't sleep all night.

The next day, he had to send people to check the situation again, but no matter how he checked, there was no news.

Those people seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

How can this be?

Even if there are some capable people around that peasant girl, it is impossible to handle the matter so cleanly!

Unless, the people around her are not simple!
Just a peasant girl!

The shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion was in a state of turmoil, always feeling extremely panicked, as if he had offended someone he shouldn't have offended.

At first, I thought that it was a soft persimmon, just pinch it to give meaning to the people above.

However, I seem to have picked the wrong persimmon!
That's obviously a stubble!

As a result, in the next few days, the shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion was trembling, for fear that Huajiujiu would come back with revenge.

However, after waiting for several days, there was no movement, which made him a little confused.

Are you thinking too much?

Maybe it was really an ordinary peasant girl.

As for why those people disappeared, was it because they betrayed him and all ran away?
It always feels a little impossible.

But, nothing really happened recently.

As a result, the shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion relaxed a little, it was time to eat and drink.

Afterwards, I heard from the Zhu family that there was a new batch of silk, and Jinhua Pavilion was also eyeing this batch of silk, and it looked like it was bound to get it.

The shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion suddenly felt that the opportunity had come, and took the Zhu family to the destination together.

After several days and nights of lobbying, they finally won the batch of silk at a very high price.

Afterwards, Jinhua Pavilion didn't buy silk, so it was very angry, and it didn't even show much ready-made clothes for the next month.

After that, Jinhua Pavilion suddenly purchased cotton on a large scale.

Jinhui Pavilion bribed the people from Jinhua Pavilion, so it can be regarded as having heard the news.

It turned out that there was a big customer who wanted to buy a large amount of cotton, and he said that he wanted as much as he had.

How could Jinhua Pavilion monopolize such a business? Jinhui Pavilion also went to buy cotton, and in order to be faster than Jinhua Pavilion, it bought a lot of cotton at a higher price.

Looking at the stocks in several warehouses, the shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion was overjoyed, and was just waiting to rely on these things to turn himself around.

Then, watch Jinhua Pavilion close its doors!
However, not only did Jinhua Pavilion not be overwhelmed, but it also pushed its down jacket to a new height.

The shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion suddenly panicked, and began to ask around for news.

In the end, I learned that the big customer didn't want cotton anymore, and because of the appearance of down jackets, the price of cotton this year has dropped rapidly.

The shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion felt uneasy.

You must know that in order to buy these things, he borrowed a lot of money from the bank, and also borrowed a lot from the owner, which is even more guaranteed.

However, now it seems that everything is going to be out of my control!
Finally, the shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion couldn't hold on any longer, so he had to go to the Zhu family to borrow some money as a temporary solution.

As a result, the property under the Zhu family's name has also had problems in the past few days, and they were unable to help out for a while.

The shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion had no choice but to seek help from the master's family, but he didn't get any response to the urgent letters sent out from eight hundred miles away. What he didn't know was that the Jin family was also in crisis at the moment, and he had no time to care about it. far things.

Within two days, people from the bank came to ask for money again, and the shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion didn't know what to do.

In the end, he had to give up Jinhui Pavilion.

Those stocks were sold at extremely low prices, and even applied to sell the store with the Jin family.

Fortunately, he is a collateral branch of the Jin family, otherwise he would not dare to propose this method, and he might really have to sacrifice his life to apologize.

After such a toss, the Jinhui Pavilion is completely irreversible, unless the Jin family spends a lot of money to save it, otherwise it will completely disappear in Fangyuan Town.

(End of this chapter)

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