Chapter 258 Crisis
The person who pushed Jinhui Pavilion to this point was celebrating with An Qingyan.

"Jiujiu, your move is really clever!" An Qingyan gave Hua Jiujiu a thumbs up.

"The shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion caused this result himself." Hua Jiujiu casually ate his snacks.

"That's still a brilliant idea of ​​yours."

Although it was the shopkeeper of Jinhui Pavilion who was a little impatient, it made all this go on.

However, if Hua Jiujiu hadn't calculated every step well, how could there be such a surprising result?

Hua Jiujiu smiled slightly, this is actually a very common tactic in business, it mainly depends on the mentality of the opponent.

"By the way, is your shop finished?" The renovation has been going on for a while, and it should be almost finished.

If you don't decorate well, it will be Chinese New Year.

As Huajiujiu said, it will open in the next year.

"It's almost ready." Although Hua Jiujiu was trying to trick His Excellency Jin Hui during this period, he didn't delay his own affairs.

"It's good, you don't even know, I'm going to have a headache from being annoyed by those ladies." An Qingyan couldn't bear it when she thought of the madness of those women.

"You've worked hard, you've worked hard." Hua Jiujiu said with a smile.

"It's not hard, as long as you send me a few more sets of skin care products." An Qingyan felt that her skin had improved a lot recently, and she was very excited.

How can there be a woman who does not love beauty?
"But, I'll ask my senior brother to give you the best." The ones Huajiujiu gave An Qingyan before were also better than the ones sold.

"Speaking of which, that senior brother of yours is comfortable enough. I leave everything to you, and I become the shopkeeper." An Qingyan complained for Huajiu, she had never seen Huajiu until now. brother.

"I can help my senior brother with these things, but I can't help with making skin care products." Hua Jiujiu replied.

An Qingyan immediately knew that she had misunderstood him.

They didn't show up, but it doesn't mean they really dislike it. Those skin care products have to be made by people.

"Your senior brother made these things by himself? Wouldn't they be out of stock soon?"

"That's definitely not the case. After all, the store is not small." Moreover, during this period of time, a lot of customers have been accumulated, and there will definitely be a wave of panic buying.

"That's good, that's good." An Qingyan said happily.

"It doesn't seem to affect you if the stock is out of stock." Hua Jiujiu felt helpless.

"It doesn't matter. I pushed this skin care product to many sisters. If they can't buy it by then, they can't come and grab it from me." An Qingyan is not willing to give away her skin care product, so they If you want, go grab it yourself.

"Could it be sisters from the capital?" Hua Jiujiu asked uncertainly.

"Yes, and my sisters also recommended skin care products to their sisters." So, there will definitely be a wave of people rushing to grab skin care products by then.

Hua Jiujiu never thought that her skin care products would spread so far and be so popular.

It seems that she has to let her small workshop produce more.

Yes, Huajiujiu has set up a workshop, and the people in it are the first batch of people who are not able to be eliminated but have good character.

Otherwise, Hua Jiujiu would definitely not be able to make so many skin care products by himself.

"Thank you." Hua Jiujiu thanked him heartily.

"Thank you, your things are just fine." An Qingyan waved her hand.

She felt that she should say thank you more.

From the very beginning, Hua Jiujiu was doing her best to help herself, and kept her warm.

It is indeed lonely to leave home alone.

However, Huajiu made her feel warm and at home.

Hua Jiujiu sat with her for a while, then left.

Although the decoration of the shop is almost done, she still has to finish the finishing stage.

"Where's Ah Jin?" Hua Jiujiu asked with some doubts after finishing dealing with the business of the store, but didn't see Lou Sijin's figure.

"The lord has gone to work, and told the young lady to go back first." Jinxue replied.

"Okay." Hua Jiujiu glanced at the sky, "It's getting late, let's go back."

Jin Xue nodded and went back with Huajiu.

Today's evening is beautiful.

Bright red like blood, gorgeous and dazzing.

Hua Jiujiu opened the car window, admiring this rare scene.

"The sunset dawns at dusk, and the sunset drunks with sunset glow." Huajiujiu can be regarded as understanding the artistic conception represented by this verse.

"Miss is really good at writing." Jin Xue responded.

"I didn't write this, I read it in a book." Hua Jiujiu didn't dare to take the credit.

This era is superficial, so what I have learned is not here. If I take those things out, it will definitely cause a big shock, and I may become a big boss in the literary world.

However, Huajiujiu is not so shameless.

Hua Jiujiu propped his chin and continued to admire the scenery outside.

Speaking of it, it seemed that this was the first time that she did not come back with Lou Sijin.

Going back and forth with him is a kind of mood.

It's another mood to come back alone.

It's quite pleasant.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped abruptly.

Hua Jiujiu slammed her chin against the window of the car, and she clutched her chin and rubbed it vigorously because of the pain.

Before asking anything, Jin Xue's voice sounded, "Miss, you stay in the carriage and don't move."

"What's wrong?" Hua Jiujiu heard her voice and guessed something.

"Murderous." Jin Xue's voice was a bit dignified.

There are not many people who come, and it is not too simple.

Jinxue immediately took out the flare and fired one into the sky.

With so many people, I must not be able to protect Huajiujiu by myself.

So, she had to notify the people nearby to come over.

Originally going out today, Lou Sijin planned to ask Jinyue to come out with her, but Hua Jiujiu worried that it would be unsafe without a powerful person guarding the house, so she let Jinyue stay.

If there are two people, one can block the killer, and the other can escort Hua Jiujiu away.

Now, I can only try my best to hold on, as long as my people come.

Hua Jiujiu's face was also a bit dignified, she didn't expect that someone came to kill her again.

This time, is it the Zhu family or the Jin family?

Suddenly, Hua Jiujiu's figure moved, and he retreated violently.

A cold long arrow pierced in front of him.

Hua Jiujiu felt chills all over his body.

If he had been a step slower just now, the arrow might have pierced through her head!
Fortunately, I have been using Lingquan all the time, so my five sense organs are very sensitive, so I can detect the abnormality.

"Miss!" At the same time, Jin Xue shouted tremblingly.

Then he opened the car door very quickly, seeing that Hua Jiujiu was still safe and sound, his tense and pale face eased a little.

(End of this chapter)

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