Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 259 The Killer of Shasha Pavilion

Chapter 259 The Killer of Shasha Pavilion

Hua Jiujiu still hadn't recovered from the horror just now, her face was as pale as paper, her lips trembled slightly, and her hands and feet were as cold as ice.

Looking at the frightened Hua Jiujiu, Jin Xue was filled with guilt, "Miss, I'm sorry to have surprised you."

Hua Jiujiu didn't speak, but looked at the long arrow stuck in the carriage.

Being able to shoot such an arrow that even Jin Xue couldn't react to, showed how difficult the enemy is today.

Suddenly, Jin Xue's face turned cold, she grabbed Hua Jiujiu and jumped out of the carriage.

Two long arrows shot out from the woods and shot into the carriage.

If Huajiujiu was still in the carriage, he might be shot.

Hua Jiujiu looked in horror in the direction of the long arrow.

Inside, there is a master archery hidden!
Jinxue pulled Huajiujiu tightly into her arms with a solemn expression, "Miss, don't leave my side no matter what."

Hua Jiujiu nodded quickly.

She doesn't have any martial arts, even if she has internal energy, she can't use it.

Because her internal energy was still unstable, Lou Sijin helped her stabilize the internal energy that day, and hadn't had a chance to teach her how to use it in the past two days.

At this time, there was a movement of shadows in the woods.

Men in black ran out of the woods one by one, holding a long silver sword and surrounding the two of them.

There are a total of twelve men in black, and their abilities are not low. Even if Jin Xue is strong, she is definitely not a match for so many people.

The color of the setting sun became more and more blood red, just like fresh blood.

It seems that what happened today is already doomed.

It will be a fight!

Jin Xue took a look at these men in black and immediately knew their identities. She said in a deep voice, "Miss, they are the killers of Sha Sha Pavilion."

Today's fight is inevitable!
Hua Jiujiu couldn't react for a while.

Her voice trembled a little, "That person wants to kill me?" She thought that the Shasha Pavilion was the power of that silver masked man.

"Shasha Pavilion, as long as someone offers money, the task will be accepted." It doesn't matter who the other party is.

Hua Jiujiu also thought of something.

If Yuchi Mocheng really wanted to kill her, he would never engage in such a big fight.

Don't ask her why she knows, but that man will never do this, because he will come in person!
What's more, she also had the grace of saving that man's life, no matter what, it was impossible to send someone to kill her.

These killers shot at them without giving them a chance to continue talking.

Jinxue immediately drew out the soft sword on her body, protecting Huajiujiu behind her back.

Moreover, she not only had to protect these people, but also guarded against the archer in the woods.

Because she knew it was the killer of Sha Sha Pavilion, Jin Xue guessed who that person was in the woods.

Di Sha, the sharpshooter of Sha Sha Pavilion!
The guy who terrified countless people.

His martial arts may be nothing, and he is not his opponent at all in melee combat, but his archery skills are even afraid of him.

Such a famous person was invited out.

One can imagine how determined the person who wanted to kill Hua Jiujiu was, and what a price he had to pay!

But, even so, she couldn't shirk it, she had to ensure the safety of Huajiujiu!
Jin Xue led her to fight with the group of killers.

Every move is so fierce and decisive.

Huajiujiu looked at Jinxue's uneasy look, and had no choice but to say, "Jinxue, let me go, I can protect myself."

Jin Xue didn't agree, and continued to evade the killer with flowers and wine.

But, after all, she was only one person, facing so many killers, and had to bring a person with her, she was stabbed in the arm by the killer soon.

The blood immediately stained her clothes red, but Jin Xue continued to swing the long sword mercilessly as if she didn't feel it.

At this time, another long arrow shot out from the woods, straight to the lifeblood of Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu felt her scalp tingling for a while, she wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't control her brain.

damn it!
Just at the critical moment, Jin Xue noticed something, and took Huajiujiu to avoid the long arrow, but because of this, she was stabbed twice by the killer.

Blood spewed out again.

Hua Jiujiu's heart tightened, he couldn't continue like this!

If this happens again, both of them will die here!
But what should I do?
Does it expose space?
Jinxue's eyes were dyed bright red, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

Want to drag everyone around you into hell.

The group of people who besieged her felt a flash of fear in their hearts.

This is a kind of suppression from peers.

This woman has been baptized in blood, and she is not the simple type!

At this time, the sharpshooter in the woods hitched another long arrow.

Just as he was about to shoot, he stopped suddenly.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the woman who was fighting with flowers and wine.

This woman seemed somewhat familiar.

How could a peasant girl have such powerful guards by her side?
Moreover, this means and momentum, very much like a person cultivated by a certain force!
In the moment of his hesitation, Jin Xue eliminated two enemies, leaving only eight enemies on the field.

However, eight people are not many.

Even Jin Xue, who is in her current state, is definitely not their opponent.

Hua Jiujiu knew that she had to leave, otherwise Jin Xue couldn't let go, and both of them would die here!
She broke free from Jin Xue's shackles all at once, summoned the internal force beyond her control, and flew in the direction of the carriage.

Jin Xue's heart tightened, "Miss!"

"You concentrate on killing them, and I can protect myself!" Probably because Hua Jiujiu had no other intentions, so he really let himself fly into the carriage.

Pulling out a dagger given by Lou Sijin, he cut off the rope of the carriage, sat on the carriage, and rode towards the town.

She can't go home, otherwise she will bring these people back, and her family will be in danger by then.

Jin Xue's expression changed drastically, and she was about to go after Hua Jiujiu, but was blocked by several men in black.

"Get out!" She spat out a word in a murderous voice.

Several killers were stunned.

However, he soon came back to his senses and continued to surround Jinxue inside.

And there were two killers who managed to escape and chased in the direction of Hua Jiujiu.

Jinxue was so nervous that she opened up all her firepower and fought crazily against these killers.

Without Huajiujiu, her combat strength reached its peak, and she was one of the four strongest martial arts around Lou Sijin after all.

These six killers had a faint tendency to fall.

As long as Jin Xue is given a little more time, she will be able to kill all these men in black!

However, Jinxue found out that one of the men in black had almost caught up with Hua Jiujiu, and stabbed the long sword in his hand towards Hua Jiujiu. If she stabbed with the sword, she would definitely die.

(End of this chapter)

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