Chapter 284 Let's Fall in Love
"This heart can only beat for you." Lou Sijin gazed at Huajiu affectionately.

Hua Jiujiu's heart trembled slightly.

If it is said that she had some impulsiveness just now, then she is willing at this moment.

"A Jin, let's fall in love." She didn't want to wait any longer, she wanted to have a good relationship with this man.

"Dating?" Lou Sijin was a little puzzled.

"Just try to be together. If we are suitable in all aspects, then we...get married together." Hua Jiujiu said the last two words in a low voice, obviously shy again.

I always feel that I hate to marry.

"Won't you regret it?" After all, she said she wanted to wait.

Although this age is not too young, it is not too young for the she I know.

"No." Hua Jiujiu shook her head.

"Okay, let's fall in love." Lou Sijin couldn't wait to agree.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin who was full of joy, and couldn't help but move closer to him.

Lou Sijin stared at the person in front of her, and wrapped her arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him.

"Dating, can I kiss you?" He restrained himself and asked in a low voice.

Looking at Lou Sijin who is so careful, Hua Jiujiu secretly smiled.

"Of course..." As he spoke, he pressed a kiss on his lips, then lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Yes."

She is so active!

Lou Sijin's eyes deepened a bit.

"A wine."

With his fair fingers, he gently lifted Hua Jiujiu's chin.

Her eyes were fixed on her bright red lips.

"Well, I'm here."

She also drank a little wine today, and she didn't feel much at first, but why does she feel a little dizzy now?

Lou Sijin got closer and closer.

That handsome face was continuously magnified, making Hua Jiujiu completely immersed in this beauty.

Until each other's lips feel each other's warm temperature.

Probing cautiously.

Seriously feel each other's breath and temperature.

Huajiujiu could clearly feel that Lou Sijin cherished and cared about him.

Even if he drank alcohol, he would have some impulsiveness, but he still restrained himself from hurting her.

I just feel warm in my heart.

She felt that there was nothing wrong with her choice, and there was always nothing wrong.

Tomorrow, next year, and the days to come, I will never regret it.

This is the man I want, the man I want to spend my whole life with!

Hua Jiujiu lay in Lou Sijin's arms, looking at the sky full of stars, "A Jin, do you believe in past and present lives?"


Hua Jiujiu was a little surprised.

Such an arrogant man would actually believe in such illusory things.

"Because, I want to be able to be with you in every lifetime." Therefore, he expects to have past and present lives.

Hua Jiujiu's heart warmed up, "I believe it too."

Isn't he the best example?
However, she has no intention of confessing all the secrets to Lou Sijin yet.

It's not that I don't trust him, it's just that I don't think it's time yet.

"Ajin, although we are just dating now, I must tell you that I have some principles for love."

Hua Jiujiu didn't want to be thrown a bucket of cold water by reality when he got stuck in the end.

"You said."

Lou Sijin hugged Huajiu, only feeling that her heart that had never belonged before had finally found stability.

"For relationships, what I want is loyalty."

This point, Lou Sijin agrees, because he is also the same.

"So, I want to be a couple forever." Hua Jiujiu stood up and looked at Lou Sijin.

There was incomparable firmness and seriousness in those eyes.

If she sees a trace of hesitation, she will put away her sincerity and stay away from this man from now on!

One pair for life people!

What a life!
"It's enough to have you in this life." Lou Sijin replied equally seriously.

Hua Jiujiu raised her lips and smiled.

It turned out that they all had the same idea.

"You are a prince, have you never thought of having three wives and four concubines?" Hua Jiujiu had a hint of teasing in his eyes.

Lou Sijin shook his head.

"You are a relative of the emperor, so you can decide your own marriage?" Hua Jiujiu asked again.

"As long as I want."

No one can make decisions for him!
Hua Jiujiu jumped for joy.

So, they can really be a couple for a lifetime!

"I don't believe it. There are no concubines or bed warmers in your house." Hua Jiu squinted at him.

Lou Sijin was in her twenties, even if she didn't have a concubine, she would have had a concubine, or even a bed warming maid.

After all, the convenience of ancient times was taught early on.

"No." Lou Sijin didn't look away.

"Really?" Hua Jiujiu looked at him suspiciously.

"No." There wasn't even a young woman in his house.

Hua Jiujiu stroked his chin and examined him.

Could it be?
Could it be that he can't do something?

Huajiujiu subconsciously goes somewhere.

Lou Sijin's eyes narrowed, and she said extremely dangerously: "Ajiu, you will know if your future man is okay."

Hua Jiujiu looked away in embarrassment.

"Ahem, what are you talking about, why didn't I understand?"

Lou Sijin looked at her quietly.

He believed that this little woman could understand.

However, it was beyond his expectation that he could have so many ideas in this regard.

It seemed that he had underestimated her too much.

Moreover, he treated her too much like a little girl.

"That's right, we, Ah Jiu, are still young, how can we understand?" Lou Sijin's tone was extremely teasing.

Hua Jiujiu was even more embarrassed.

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you."

Hua Jiujiu flew away from the tree.

Her qinggong improved a lot, but she managed to fly out.

Lou Sijin suddenly lost the warmth in her arms, how could she be reconciled, and followed immediately.

He successfully took the escaped little girl into his arms again.

"Ajiu, I've caught you."

"You bully people." Hua Jiujiu said with a small mouth.

She just learned Qinggong.

"Then you fly first, I'll catch up later, okay?" Lou Sijin couldn't bear to spend wine and be wronged.


Lou Sijin let go of the flower wine.

She flew out immediately.

"Hahaha, come after me."

Huajiujiu threw Lou Sijin far away.

Stopping on a certain tree, she turned her head and smiled at Lou Sijin, her beautiful eyes turning into crescents.

Lou Sijin only felt that this picture was so beautiful that it would be engraved in his heart forever.

He flew up and came to Hua Jiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu looked astonished.

How can it be so fast?

Lou Sijin swallowed all her words before she opened her mouth to speak.

He couldn't help wanting to kiss this little woman.

And, I want to keep kissing like this forever.

Hua Jiujiu's originally struggling body gradually softened, and she snuggled into the arms of the man in front of her, clumsily responding to his tenderness and love.

Tonight is probably the happiest time for her and him.

However, they believe that there is no happiest between them, only happier ones.

(End of this chapter)

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