Chapter 285 New Year's Eve
The two came back at the last moment.

If it wasn't for the agreement to celebrate the new year together, maybe the two of them would have been bored for a longer time.

Hua Youyou ran over when she saw Hua Jiujiu, "Sister, where have you been? Didn't you agree to celebrate New Year's Eve together?"

It's almost time.

"...A sister and A Jin just have something to talk about." Hua Jiujiu paused and said.

Then, she glared at Lou Sijin from the corner of her eye, blaming this man.

Lou Sijin's eyes were still full of doting.

This pampering fell into the eyes of Bai Zhi who just came out.

I saw my daughter's slightly red and swollen lips.

She knew it.

It seems that my daughter has accepted this man.

This man has passed the test with her, so she didn't say much about it, but I still have to mention it again. What cannot be salvaged from the consequences.

Hua Youyou didn't continue to ask anything, obviously she didn't think about anything else.

Then, while there was still time, I took Huajiujiu to set off small fireworks.

Hua Shishi just went to deliver a drink, and she came back a long time ago, so she naturally joined in.

An Qingyan was already sober and joined in.

The four of them had a great time playing.

The laughter and laughter infected everyone present.

Yu Yu approached Lou Sijin and bumped him with his elbow, "What's so happy about it?"

It was rare for Lou Sijin to roll his eyes at him, but he didn't answer either.

This is his exclusive happiness, but he is too lazy to share it.

Yu Miao'ai snorted lightly, and he guessed it even if he didn't say anything.

But, are you sure this man is still the man he knew?

How dare you attack a little girl who is not yet ready!

What a beast!

Sensing Yu Miao's thoughts, Lou Sijin turned her head and gave him a cold look.

Yu Miao pouted.

Bah, if you dare to act but dare not act, you will know how to threaten him.


After the small fireworks were set off, it was almost time, and several people gathered together.

"I hope that in the coming year, we will all get better and better, and I hope we can continue to spend the New Year together." Hua Jiujiu glanced at the people present.

As soon as the words fell, the sound of firecrackers came from every household.

Lou Sijin also lit the firecrackers.

Yu Miao'ai ran to light a few big fireworks.

With a loud noise, it exploded in the sky, and everyone looked up.

Others in the village also ran out to watch the beautiful fireworks in the sky.

People in the village are very poor, and it is impossible to afford fireworks.

Not to mention that these fireworks are not so easy to buy, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

Therefore, many of them have never seen fireworks in their lives.

Seeing so many fireworks at this time, how could I miss it, and it would be rare.

It can be said that men, women, young and old all ran out, looking up and staring stupidly.

I don't know when they will be able to set off such beautiful fireworks.

Bai Zhi looked at the beautiful fireworks in the sky, and then at the happy family members, showing a gratified and happy smile.

It's just that she was smiling, and this smile was a little lonely.

It would be nice if the child's father was still there.

After a while, the fireworks were finally set off.

The village fell into darkness again.

The villagers still stood where they were, apparently not recovering from it, and even if they recovered, they were reluctant to go in.

"I'm so sleepy, I'm going to rest." Hua Jiujiu also drank a little wine tonight, so he also felt a little sleepy.

"Ah, why did you just fall asleep and stay up all night." Yu Miao'ai just slept, and now she doesn't feel sleepy at all.

Hua Jiujiu didn't bother to talk to him, and took his sisters back to the house to sleep.

"Sleep a lot to grow taller. Uncle Yu doesn't sleep, so it's no wonder he doesn't grow taller." Hua Youyou turned around and said.

"Nonsense, why am I not tall anymore!" Yu Miao'ai straightened her back.

However, in front of Lou Sijin, he still looked a little short, and was immediately frustrated.

Hua Youyou smiled secretly, "Brother Ajin, good night, Uncle Yu, good night."

Yu Miao'ai just felt a little pricked.

What makes him feel sad is this title.

Why is Lou Sijin the elder brother, he is the uncle, obviously he is younger than Lou Sijin.

Eccentric, really too eccentric.

Everyone went to bed, and it was meaningless for Yu Miao'ai to stay here alone, so he had to follow Lou Sijin to his house and continue to sleep shivering.

Why can't he continue to sleep at Huajiu Restaurant?

Didn't I sleep soundly when I drank too much just now?

However, Lou Sijin just gave him a cool look.

Yu Miao'ai had no choice but to lie on the floor hugging the quilt aggrievedly.


Hua Jiujiu slept very sweetly.

She also had a dream, and it was Lou Sijin in the dream.

Since when did the dream of having him become so satisfying?

Hua Jiujiu got up from the bed with a smile and went to prepare breakfast or something.

When the whole family gets up to wash and go out to eat, take out the red envelopes prepared in advance, one for each person.

"Happy New Year."

"Thank you sister."

Hua Youyou and Hua Shishi took it over happily.

In the past, they liked the New Year the most, because when the New Year came, they could get the New Year's money given by their father.

Although they were all taken away by grandma in the end, they were said to be safe for them in case they would spend them indiscriminately.

However, they knew that grandma would definitely not keep it for them.

Huajiujiu didn't leave the two little ones behind either, Bai Zhi said with a smile: "You are still a child, why are you giving New Year's money?"

As she said that, Bai Zhi took out the lucky money she had prepared long ago and sent it to them.

Hua Jiujiu took it away, and also gave Bai Zhi a red envelope, "Mother, I have grown up, this is a New Year's red envelope for you."

Naturally, Bai Zhi wouldn't want it, but Huajiu stuffed it into her arms and ran away.

The running direction is Hua Youyou's direction.

She took out a string of bells from her bosom, "We all have red envelopes, and croquettes can't pull down New Year's gifts."

As he spoke, he hung the croquettes around his neck.

Croquette cried happily, obviously also liking this New Year's gift.

Hua Youyou hugged and kissed, "The croquettes are so cute."

Hanging this bell, it looks more like a dog, and it is even cuter than before.

An Qingyan also packed up and came out at this time.

Without further ado, just give everyone a red envelope.

How could Bai Zhi want it, let her take it back quickly, after all, she is a guest.

In the end, An Qingyan had to accept her words after she had given up her words.

However, Bai Zhi gave back a big red envelope.

An Qingyan couldn't refuse, so she accepted it.

When the family was about to have breakfast, there was a knock on the door outside.

Hua Jiujiu guessed that Lou Sijin and the others had come, and sure enough Yu Miao'ai would not miss a meal, so she happily went to open the door.

After opening the door, when he saw the person outside, he put away his smile and asked in a cold tone, "What are you here for?"

(End of this chapter)

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