Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 291 Ah Jin, I Can Take Care of You

Chapter 291 Ah Jin, I Can Take Care of You

Yuchi Mocheng took a deep look at Huajiujiu, then turned and left, completely ignoring the stunned crowd below.

He has always been like this, come whenever he wants, and leave whenever he wants.

"Hua Jiujiu, although I don't know how you know him, I advise you to stay away from him." Nangong Yu stepped forward and said to Hua Jiujiu.

"Not familiar." Jin Yue replied coldly.

It also fits Huajiujiu's current state of mind.

Nangong Yu didn't say anything when she saw that she looked measured, she refused the so-called nursing care, turned and left.

He is very busy now.

Since Hua Jiujiu gave him the recipes years ago, he has let the chefs practice hard, and finally they have almost practiced before the New Year's holiday. Just two days ago, he officially opened these new recipes and launched them in the form of events .

Following Huajiujiu's advice, I compiled a recipe.

Most of the people who come to restaurants like this are literate, so they can understand the recipes, even if they don't understand, there are paintings on them, it's just black and white, but it's also very novel.

New dishes, new recipes, and various activities naturally attracted the attention of many people, and Zhenxiu Restaurant was crowded with people all of a sudden.

If it wasn't for the opening of Yuyantang today, there would be fewer people in their restaurant, and he really didn't have time to come out to give gifts.

Since he was free, and this was Hua Jiujiu's idea, he naturally wanted to congratulate Yuyantang, which Hua Jiujiu also had a share in.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet that man. This flower wine is really getting more and more difficult.

On the way back, Nangong Yu passed by the Jiayao Building. Looking at the bleak scene in the building, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her insight, and even more grateful for her perseverance!

Although he was cheated a lot, it was better than Hua Jiujiu opening a restaurant by himself, and he and Dongfang Lan were in this situation together.

Nangong Yu returned to her restaurant in a good mood, completely unaware that Dongfang Lan in the food restaurant was furious.

It has been three days, and there is no one in his restaurant for three days!

If this continues, his restaurant will have to close down.

That guy Nangong Yu actually flew solo, it's really disgusting!

No, he can't just sit and wait for death, he has to find a way.

Dongfang Lan asked the trembling shopkeeper to prepare a generous gift. He was going to give Huajiujiu an opening gift, to show off his presence!

Dongfang Lan came to send a congratulatory gift, Hua Jiujiu was not surprised.

It's just that she didn't expect Dongfang Lan to lose her composure so quickly.

However, when people come to give congratulatory gifts, I naturally can't show any face, and I have to entertain them well.

Therefore, she also invited Dongfang Lan to take care of her.

"Okay." Dongfang Lan agreed without thinking.

"." She didn't expect that Dongfang Lan would love beauty.

When An Qingyan heard his promise, her face was full of disgust, this man came out and was ashamed again!

Therefore, I must retire as soon as possible, otherwise my so-called fiancée will also lose face!

Hua Jiujiu still warmly entertained Dongfang Lan. After all, this is not a bad thing. I believe that she will be able to earn money from men in a short time. Although it may be money from some bad guys, it is better than nothing!

There was a delay in sending the congratulatory gifts, but it didn't affect everyone's enthusiasm. The moment Su Mo announced the opening, all the women rushed in. That battle was really more terrifying than a war.

As a distinguished guest, Dongfang Lan had been staying upstairs for a long time. When she saw this scene, her scalp was also numb.

Sure enough, women's money is the best money to earn, so it's no wonder the old man wants to get involved in the rouge and gouache business.

However, it is really scary for a woman to go crazy!

I don't know if this woman An Qingyan is also like this.

In the end, it was also a scene that made his scalp tingle.

Because, An Qingyan was robbing skin care products with these women, and the ones who were robbing all had some hideous faces.


I'm afraid I'm going to have a nightmare tonight.

Although Hua Jiujiu had promised her to reserve some skin care products for her, An Qingyan still went to snatch them, and she didn't know who she was snatching them for. Anyway, it's always right to have a few more on hand.

Such a crazy scene didn't last long before it ended.

Because all the skin care products on the shelf were robbed.

In order to prevent these people from going crazy again, Su Mo didn't ask the waiter to add items in time, but just asked the people present to line up. Only when the queue is complete, will they continue to put new skin care products on the shelves.

Many of these women are aristocrats. Although they are very dissatisfied with being suppressed, they have to line up. Can't everyone become beautiful, only they are getting uglier?

Su Mo also knew their dissatisfaction, so he explained.

Because everyone's skin condition is different, the skin care products they use are also different. If you want to make your skin better, you have to ask professional people to recommend them. In the crazy competition just now, the waiter couldn't recommend them at all.

As soon as everyone heard it, the dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared, and everyone lined up.

Everyone wants to be more beautiful.

Those who don’t have much money snap up skin care products on the first floor, while those who are richer go to the second floor. Things on the second floor are much more expensive, not everyone can afford them, so the situation on the second floor will be different. a little better.

Of course, the higher level is still on the third floor, where there is one-on-one service. If the family is not powerful enough, they will definitely not dare to go up.

Under Su Mo's arrangement, Yuyan Hall operates in an orderly manner.

In the evening, Su Mo presented today's turnover.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at it, a little surprised.

Even though she had long been prepared to earn huge sums of money today, she obviously underestimated the spending power of these women.

This income completely broke the income of many families for several months.

Because Huajiujiu also implements membership recharge service, and the amount of recharge required is more than that of Jinhua Pavilion before, so it is not surprising that there will be this result.

When Lou Sijin saw this data, she was also a little surprised.

He knew that his little girl was powerful, but he didn't expect her to be so powerful.

Such a dazzling person, how could he want to be noticed?

"Ajiu." Lou Sijin called softly.

How to do it?He wanted to hide the little girl in a place only he knew.

Hua Jiujiu was in a very good mood at the moment, looked back at Lou Sijin, and said, "Ajin, I'm rich, I can take care of you now."

The trace of paranoia in Lou Sijin's eyes put away, "Okay."

Hua Jiujiu was full of smiles, patted Lou Sijin on the shoulder, and said without magnanimity: "Don't worry, follow me, I will let you eat well and drink hot, and you will never be wronged."

Lou Sijin's gaze became softer and softer.

Little white face?
It's not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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