Chapter 292 Speed ​​up
Lou Sijin played with the strand of black hair on Huajiu's chest, her face was full of tenderness.

Su Mo, who had always been an invisible person, felt that this scene was a little uncomfortable.


He doesn't know.

"Su Mo, you did a good job today." Hua Jiujiu had noticed Su Mo again.

"Miss, this is what I should do." Su Mo replied respectfully.

"Are you going to continue to take over Yuyantang, or go back to Huaying Pavilion to continue training?" For better management, Huajiujiu created a small faction, which is full of those who were left behind.

"Miss, I will not fall behind on both sides." Skills, you still have to continue to learn, otherwise you will be caught up by the people behind.

"That's too tiring." Hua Jiujiu was not that cruel.

"No, I will arrange the time reasonably." He has no reason to slack off, after all, his enemy is also getting stronger step by step!

Hua Jiujiu looked at Su Mo with firm eyes, and pursed his lips, "Okay." This is the path he chose, so he will be responsible for it.

Looking at the back of Su Mo leaving, Hua Jiujiu suddenly felt that his choice to keep him was very correct.

This person can help me a lot!
However, this is not enough.

"Ajin, when will Leng Chi's special training end?"

Hua Jiujiu felt that his pace also needed to be quickened.

"Another three months." After they come out of special training, Hua Jiujiu will have a very sharp knife in his hand.

"It's still three months." Hua Jiujiu stroked his chin.

"If You Need Someone"

"No, no, I'll use someone else first."

Not everyone is suitable for special training, so there are still people who can use Huajiujiu.

Huajiujiu stayed in the town for half a month, and finally managed to stabilize Yuyantang.

During this period, no one came to make trouble, obviously they were all on the sidelines.

Hua Jiujiu estimated that they would have to wait and see for a while, so he took advantage of this time to go home first.

She has a few things to attend to when she goes back.

The first thing to do is to find Hua Shishi.

In the end, I was told that this girl had been away from home for half a month.

Hua Jiujiu immediately guessed where she had gone, and her face immediately sank.

If it wasn't for the fact that Hua Shishi sent a safety letter every day, she must have brought someone to find Yuchi Mocheng at this moment.

"Jiujiu, what do you like to do, what do you want to do, mother never stopped you, Shishi finally found something she likes to do, so she didn't stop her." Bai Zhi looked at Hua Jiujiu who was in a bad mood, and stepped forward. Come to comfort.

"Mother, I didn't want to stop her, but if she likes to play the piano, I can ask someone to come back and teach her."

But Hua Shishi wanted to find Yuchi Mocheng.

How could that man let Hua Shi Shi learn this for nothing.

After all, with what purpose.

"Jiujiu, I know you are worried about her, but you also know that not every luthier is suitable for Shishi."

Hua Shishi's talent is too good, not just any luthier can teach her, if she is not careful, her talent will be delayed.

"I can put others first." However, in this world, is there anyone with better piano skills than Nightmare and Qin Xian?
At least the Huajiu wine can't be found now, and even if it is found, there is no way to bring it over.

The Nightmare and Qin Xian were recognized by Hua Shishi herself.

Huajiu let out a faint sigh.

"Jiu Jiu, do you know why Mother doesn't object to you being with A Jin?" Bai Zhi asked again.

Hua Jiujiu didn't know why Bai Zhi suddenly brought up this issue.

"Because you are happy with him." Bai Zhi said.

"But, Shishi is still young." How could she know how complicated feelings are.

"Yeah, so, she just needs to be happy, maybe she just treats that person like an older brother."

The current Hua Shishi may not know what feelings are, and she will not fall into the whirlpool of feelings, so why do I have to deprive her of happiness and happiness?

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips, "But, that man is too dangerous."

"Jiu Jiu, what do you think of A Jin?" Bai Zhi asked back.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Bai Zhi in surprise, "Mother, do you know who he is?"

Bai Zhi smiled and shook her head, "I don't know." However, she has always seen people correctly.

Lou Sijin is not a simple man.

"Mother, what should we do then?" Hua Jiujiu asked helplessly.

Clearly a compromise.

"There are still many things Shishi doesn't understand, we should teach her." Only when a person becomes strong will he not be afraid of anything.

Hua Jiujiu nodded, she probably knew what Bai Zhi was thinking.

But, thinking of this, she looked at Bai Zhi in disbelief.

I always feel that Bai Zhi's thoughts have changed a lot.

Moreover, the aura on her body has also changed.

"Mother, do you feel any discomfort recently?" Hua Jiujiu asked softly.

Bai Zhi shook her head.

However, there was a trace of complicated emotions hidden in those soft eyes.

Recently, she has been dreaming.

In the dream, I seemed to be another person.

Been through a lot and dealt with a lot of things.

Unfamiliar yet familiar.

She doesn't want to explore, but has to be explored.

Hua Jiujiu felt that Bai Zhi was hiding something from her, maybe Bai Zhi really remembered something.

This is not surprising, the blood in her brain is getting less and less, she should think of something.

So, there is really not much time left for myself.

After chatting with Bai Zhi, Hua Jiujiu went to the study room, took out the gems collected some time ago, and fell into deep thought while playing.

She doesn't know how to draw complicated designs, she can only copy the jewelry styles she has seen in Huaxia.

However, this is enough, I believe someone will be able to do it.

Hua Jiujiu immediately drew a few patterns of jewelry.

Of course, not all of them are copied, after all, it has to be retro, not too advanced.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door of the study, and Hua Jiujiu answered without looking up: "Come in."

Bai Zhi came in with a bowl of scented tea, "You have been sitting at the desk for too long, you should take a rest."

Hua Jiujiu looked up at the window, the sky was really dark, and he had been sitting for two hours.

"Thank you, mother." Hua Jiujiu took a sip of tea in response.

Bai Zhi also noticed the drawings on the table, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, "This jewelry is beautiful."

If you just use charcoal pens, it may not be so amazing, but Huajiujiu has colored them all, and her painting skills are not bad, so it looks like the real thing, so when you look at this set of jewelry, It seemed extremely noble.

It took her a lot of effort to make these colored pens, and there are not many in stock.

"Mother also thinks it looks good?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

In the past, jewelry was made of jadeite and gold, instead of such different colors as gemstones, so Huajiujiu worried that others would not accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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