Chapter 293
"It looks good. If it is matched with suitable clothes, it will definitely be more stunning and noble." Yes, such jewelry makes people feel very noble, as if as long as you wear it, it is sacred and inviolable.

When Hua Jiujiu heard it, his eyes lit up, "Mom, can you design the corresponding clothes?"

"I can try it." Although Bai Zhi has a good design talent, she is really not sure about such a different jewelry.

If you want to match such jewelry, you must make bold changes in your clothing, otherwise you will only feel nondescript and reduce the extravagance it brings.

"Then mother, try it." If it can be made to match, I believe the value of this jewelry will be higher, including this dress.

"Okay." Bai Zhi was also very happy that she could help Hua Jiujiu.

In the evening, Hua Jiujiu continued to paint jewelry.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Hua Jiujiu guessed who it was. She didn't turn her head, and that person didn't bother her, just quietly watching Hua Jiujiu finish drawing the thing in her hand.

After finally finishing the painting, she stretched, and then looked at Lou Sijin.

"Ajin, I feel like I haven't worked hard enough."

"You worked very hard." If she didn't work hard, there would be no hardworking people in the world.

Who can earn so much money in just one year like her, provided that there are not too many people's help.

Hua Jiujiu supported her chin, and after a while, she asked, "Ajin, what do you think of Dongfang Lan?"

During the half month in the town, I was going to have a headache from being quarreled by Dongfang Lan.

As for the noise, it can be seen from his almost closed restaurant.

It stands to reason that the Jiajiao Restaurant has been open for so long, and it has established a position in people's minds, so it will not close down so soon.

However, there is a restaurant with the same status as him, but the food is even more delicious.

"The ability is worse than Nangong Yu's, and it may not be able to achieve the effect you want." Needless to say, Hua Jiujiu, Lou Sijin guessed what she wanted to do.

"But at least it is a reliable partner."

Hua Jiujiu felt that she could still think about it. After all, she didn't have the time and experience to do business in this area. Even if she handed it over to the people she trained, it would take time to build it up. However, she didn't have that much. She must establish a strong force as soon as possible.

"What are you going to ask him to do?" After all, Huajiujiu signed a contract with Nangong Yu and gave him all the recipes. If some were sold to Dongfang Lan, it would be troublesome.

Of course, with him around, these troubles are not too much trouble.

"What do you think of the food we ate on the first night of this year?" Hua Jiujiu looked up at Lou Sijin.

"Excellent." Lou Sijin immediately understood.

If this is the case, it will have no effect, after all, the route taken by Nangong Yu is completely different.

"I think it should be very popular." Hua Jiujiu was full of confidence.

After all, no one can resist the temptation of hot pot!
"However, the Dongfang family is in some trouble." Hua Jiujiu frowned.

When she opened the Beauty Hall, the Dongfang family might regard her as a thorn in their side.

"Dongfang Lan is a member of the Dongfang family after all." Even if this restaurant is his own.

But is it really possible to escape completely?

What's more, it's impossible for Dongfang Lan to help her deal with her own people, and she may even bite her.

So in this respect, what I got the most from Dongfanglan was money.

"If he cooperates with you, he won't hurt you in matters of the family, but he won't help you either." According to Lou Sijin's understanding of Dongfang Lan, this is probably the case.

"It's okay, I'll hang him out for another two days." You can always see something.

Lou Sijin didn't say anything more.

It wasn't until Hua Jiujiu was sleepy and about to go to bed that Lou Sijin mentioned the purpose of his visit today, "Ajiu, I'm leaving for a few days."

Hua Jiujiu's drowsiness disappeared all of a sudden, and she stared at Lou Sijin with panic in her eyes.

Lou Sijin felt a little distressed, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, I'm not going back."

He knew what Huajiujiu was worried about, but he didn't go back to that place this time, but if he didn't leave to deal with it, he might expose Huajiujiu soon, and he didn't want Huajiujiu to be in danger. middle.

Hua Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief, but still stared at Lou Sijin closely, even grabbed his clothes.

"On your birthday, I will definitely come back." Lou Sijin assured again and again.

Hua Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses.

That's right, it's her birthday in a few days, and it's also the day she was picked up by the dean in Huaxia and taken back to the orphanage.

"Okay." Hua Jiujiu knew that Lou Sijin was going to leave, otherwise he wouldn't have come here to tell her.

Lou Sijin saw the worry in her eyes, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, you just need to follow your original plan."

He didn't want Hua Jiujiu to be too tired, even if the time really wasn't too much, but he would try his best to buy her some more time.

Hua Jiujiu nodded slightly.

I'm afraid I have to speed up a little more, at least, before Lou Sijin returns to that place, even if she can't help, she must not become a burden.

Hua Jiujiu took out a bottle of medicine from his bosom and handed it to Lou Sijin, "I don't know what you are going to do, whether it will be dangerous, but if you really get there, you must take the medicine in it." medicine."

At least, you can hold on until she shows up.

Lou Sijin's eyes flickered, as expected, nothing could be hidden from this little woman.

"it is good."

Hua Jiujiu still seemed worried, and took out several bottles of medicine for Lou Sijin.

Lou Sijin's pupils are deep, and there are many things hidden in this bosom.

The next day, Lou Sijin left. Hua Jiujiu didn't feel anything at first, after all, she was quite busy.

However, without seeing each other every day, I always feel that something is missing.

When Lou Sijin was here before, he would meet each other every day, even if he was not free during the day, he would meet before going to bed at night.

This caused Huajiujiu to suffer from insomnia.

It's been a long time since I lost sleep.

Hua Jiujiu really couldn't fall asleep, so he got up and went out for a stroll.

As a result, I saw that the lights were still on in the study, and I was a little curious about who else was there at such a late hour, so I approached there gently.

I saw a small figure, sitting there straight up and studying.

"Yuyou?" Hua Jiujiu said softly.

Hua Youyou was still taken aback, and looked back at Hua Jiujiu in a daze, "Sister, why are you here?"

"Sister can't sleep." Hua Jiujiu walked to the desk and saw her studying. The contents of this study were not taught by the female teacher.

"It's so late, why don't you rest?" Sitting beside Hua Youyou, Hua Jiujiu asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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