Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 300 The Process of Tormenting the Dead

Chapter 300 The Process of Tormenting the Dead

After Chang An went out, Hua Jiujiu took out the silver needle and said before inserting the needle, "Be mentally prepared."

It must be very painful!
Every stitch is like a cramp and a broken bone.

Akizuki nodded.

Only then did Hua Jiujiu concentrate, picked up the silver needle, and inserted it into the first acupuncture point accurately.

Pain instantly swept through Qiu Jinyu's body.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he almost fainted uncontrollably.

However, he couldn't get dizzy, because he said that he had to perform the needle while awake, otherwise it would be useless.

After going on for a while, Qiu Jinyu only felt that his whole body was trembling.

He couldn't figure it out, he obviously didn't feel anything in his legs before, why Hua Jiujiu's injection made him feel so painful all over his body, he couldn't help twitching due to the pain.

It's also due to Hua Jiujiu's injection that made him unable to move, otherwise he might not be able to help but move, and Hua Jiujiu would not be able to give the needle, and all previous efforts would be in vain.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Qiu Jinyu, who had red eyes but still didn't cry out, and couldn't help feeling a little different.

It's so tolerant.

Her patients have worked so hard, so how can she, as a doctor, not work harder?
Thinking of this, Huajiujiu re-entered the state, every injection was fast and accurate.

Qiu Jinyu was also suffering from Lingchi-like aches and pains again and again.

Finally, during the last few stitches, he cried out in unbearable pain.

Chang An, who was waiting outside the door, felt his heart tremble violently.

I couldn't help but wanted to go in, but was stopped by the people from Huajiujiu.

Chang An was so distressed that he couldn't help crying.

The young city lord is being tortured, and he can't bear to let the young city lord suffer alone!
"Young City Lord!"

The moment Hua Jiujiu heard the voice from outside, she said coldly, "Shut up!"

How dare you disturb her acupuncture!

I don't know if this will have an impact on both patients and doctors!

That voice was so cold that Chang An couldn't help trembling.

The person who stopped Chang An was also afraid that he would yell again, so he slapped him after his stamina and let him fall asleep directly.

There was no sound outside, and Hua Jiujiu once again devoted himself wholeheartedly.

It can be seen that there are fine beads of sweat oozing from her forehead. It is obvious that the acupuncture this time took a lot of energy from her.

Just when Huajiu gave the last injection, Qiu Jinyu's pupils suddenly became dilated.

Hua Jiujiu's face darkened.

He can't hold it anymore!

"Qiu Jinyu, you can't give up, this is the last shot!" Hua Jiujiu had to shout.

However, Qiu Jinyu's pupils became more and more dilated.

Huajiujiu quickly took out the Lingquan from the space and poured it into his mouth.

"Qiu Jinyu, did you hear that, you can't give up, you still have a lot of things to do!"

"After so many years of staring at you, you have not given up. How can you give up when you are full of hope!"

While feeding Lingquan, Hua Jiujiu encouraged him in his ear.

Qiu Jinyu felt that he was walking in the darkness, and no matter how he shouted, he got no response. He cried out in despair, but no one paid attention to him.

Despair enveloped him, and he gradually gave up.

Until suddenly a light shone on him.

He felt warmth and heard a call.

He has not been given up by everyone, and there are still people who are desperately trying to pull him up, so he can still have hope.

Finally, Qiu Jinyu's eyes were no longer distracted.

Only then did Hua Jiujiu find the right time, and finished the last injection.

Qiu Jinyu yelled again in pain.

That voice was hoarse and terrifying.

You can feel what kind of torture he has been suffering.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't bear to look at Qiu Jinyu, whose veins were bulging in pain.

However, she had no way to relieve the pain, so she could only just watch.

How could such a good person be tortured like this?
Sure enough, some people's hearts are so vicious.

Finally, the pain subsided, and Hua Jiujiu pulled out the silver needle.

Fortunately, the process of pulling out the needle was not painful, otherwise Qiujin felt that he couldn't hold on anymore.

After pulling out all the silver needles, Qiu Jinyu felt himself alive.

However, he still looked terrified.

Hua Jiujiu wiped the sweat from her brow, to be honest, she couldn't hold it any longer.

I didn't expect this acupuncture method to consume so much physical strength and energy.

Fortunately, she has always used Lingquan to nourish her body, otherwise she might not be able to survive.

She turned around and went to get the wheelchair, "Take the medicinal bath immediately." For convenience, the tub was placed inside the house.

Of course, the time between acupuncture and medicated bath should not be too far apart, otherwise today's acupuncture would be in vain.

Even though Qiu Jinyu didn't feel pain anymore, he still felt weak all over.

His hands that had just been propped up softened, and he lay back down again.

Hua Jiujiu stepped forward to help him up, and finally successfully moved him from the bed to the side of the bed.

Just as he was about to help the man onto the wheelchair, Hua Jiujiu's eyes suddenly went dark and his hands softened.

Following Qiu Jinyu, he fell to the ground.

Qiu Jinyu didn't fall too much, and nervously asked Huajiujiu who fell on the ground, "How do you feel?"

"It's okay, I didn't slow down for a while." I didn't expect that I could stand it better than Qiu Jinyu.

Hua Jiujiu yelled out the door.

The man outside immediately ran in, saw Hua Jiujiu poured on the ground, and hurried over to help her up.

Hua Jiujiu sat on the bed and said, "Put him in the bathtub."

The tub was green, obviously boiled from the medicine caught.

After the man put Qiu Jinyu in, Hua Jiujiu let him out.

She also calmed down after drinking a cup of Lingquan, walked over with a porcelain bottle, and poured the transparent water in it.

"After a while, you will feel like thousands of ants crawling through your body. When this feeling disappears, it means that your treatment for today is over."

This is not much better than the pain of cramp and broken bones just now.

Who can bear the feeling of thousands of ants crawling across the body?
Although that kind of feeling doesn't hurt, it is extremely itchy, making people want to scratch their own skin and reach into the flesh and blood to scratch it.

Qiu Jinyu originally thought about what kind of pain that would be.

As a result, the pale face changed suddenly in the next second.

His whole body trembled uncontrollably, and he almost reached out to grab it, but was controlled by Huajiujiu.

"You have to hold back."

Originally, it shouldn't be so uncomfortable all over his body, but the poison on his body has already spread all over his body.

Therefore, when detoxification occurs, there will be pain and itching all over the body.

As long as the poison fades away bit by bit, there will be less and less uncomfortable places for him.

This process will be extremely difficult.

The veins on Qiu Jinyu's forehead bulged, and he couldn't help but want to go crazy, but Hua Jiujiu grabbed him tightly.

She can't do without grabbing, because this time, she can't fix his body with silver needles.

It seems that she will have to prepare a rope next time.

(End of this chapter)

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