Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 301 Another Infertility Watcher

Chapter 301 Another Infertility Watcher

Qiu Jinyu tried all the pain today.

No, not just today, but for the next three months, he will be tortured like this.

In the next three months, although it will not be as painful, it will be very difficult.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle!
However, the more this happened, the more unwilling he was to give up, and the more he hated the person who poisoned him.

When he recovers, he must make that person suffer a thousand times more pain!

With a roar.

It's finally over.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Qiu Jinyu with great admiration.

Looking at such a thin person, I didn't expect to hold on.

"Very well, you made it through today."

The words of Huajiujiu made Qiu Jinyu's face change slightly.

Yes, he just survived today, and there are still three months to go!

No, since it has already started, he must persevere and must not make mistakes in the middle, otherwise everything is really not worth it.

Chang'an outside had also woken up, and when he saw the door open, he rushed in immediately.

As a result, Qiu Jinyu was sitting on the ground with a pale face.

"Young City Master!" Chang An hurried over to help him up.

Hua Jiujiu just felt that Chang'an's slender arms and legs could really carry such a big man.

"Take your young city masters home." Hua Jiujiu turned and left after saying this.

Chang An really wanted to say that Huajiujiu was too unkind, so at least he asked him to rest for a while or eat something, but in the end he just drove him away.

However, he has already gone far, and it is useless to say it himself, and it may pierce the heart of his young city lord.

"Let's go." Qiu Jinyu just wanted to go back and have a good sleep now, he felt that his whole body was exhausted.

Chang An hurriedly dressed Qiu Jinyu and took him away.

After they left, Hua Jiujiu yawned and went back to her room to sleep.

She also consumed a lot of energy and strength today, and if she didn't sleep, she might be exhausted.

Hua Jiujiu slept until the evening before waking up.

As soon as he went out, he saw Su Mo.

"My lord, do you want to eat?" Su Mo asked with concern.

"Alright." After sleeping for so long, I'm already hungry.

Su Mo hurriedly went to eat with Huajiujiu.

After eating all the wine and wine, Su Mo said: "My lord, there is a lady who came to see you."

"Then why didn't you say it just now?" After waiting for so long, I'm afraid that the lady would have left impatiently.

Su Mo pursed his lips and said nothing.

In fact, when Hua Jiujiu was sleeping, the lady had already said that she wanted to see a doctor.

However, he didn't want to disturb Hua Jiujiu, so he didn't report.

When Hua Jiujiu woke up, the lady was getting impatient, and he was dismissed with other reasons.

That lady was also a coaxable person, but she was really coaxed down in the end, waiting for the flowers and wine.

"Take me there." Hua Jiujiu didn't say much.

Su Mo hurriedly took Huajiu to the box where the lady was.

The lady was fooled by the waiter and completely forgot that she had made an appointment with Mr. Qianzui to see a doctor.

It wasn't until Huajiujiu arrived that he remembered anything.

"Sorry for keeping Madam waiting." Hua Jiujiu said sincerely.

Everyone apologized, and she didn't feel like getting angry, and she didn't feel that she was waiting for someone just now, so the lady didn't say anything.

"I heard that you have excellent medical skills and are also proficient in women's diseases." The lady asked.

Why didn't Hua Jiujiu know, there was news that he was very proficient in women's diseases.

However, anyway, they are collectively referred to as good medical skills, and there is no difference.

She nodded slightly, "Madam, what's wrong?"

Only then did Madam straighten her face.

"Since I gave birth to a big girl, I haven't been pregnant for five years. I want to ask you if there is any way."

Hua Jiujiu's mouth twitched slightly.

Why is it another one who looks at infertility?

She looks like a cure for this?

However, it may be because the shop she opened is related to women, so people have this illusion.

Maybe these people are also dead horses as living horse doctors?
"Do you and your master have regular intercourse?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"Although it's not as frequent as before, it's still a few times a month." After all, there are too many goblins in the backyard, and she can't keep occupying the master.

Hua Jiujiu nodded, and asked some more questions about this.

The lady answered without hesitation.

Hua Jiujiu is glad that this lady is not so shy, she cooperates with the doctor very much, which is also convenient for her to see a doctor.

I probably confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the man. After all, other concubines can have children. Although these children did not survive in the end, it may be the wife's problem.

However, it was still possible to give birth before, why is it suddenly impossible to give birth now?
Hua Jiujiu thought of those children who could not be born successfully, and knew that the backyard of this big family must be full of all kinds of dirty things, and said: "Madam, stretch out your hand, and I will give you a pulse."

While feeling her pulse, she asked, "Madam, have other doctors seen it?"

"Yes, I have seen many doctors, and they all said that there is nothing wrong with my health."

Hua Jiujiu checked her pulse for a while, and she already had a bottom line in her heart, "Madam's health is generally fine, but it is really impossible to get pregnant."

"How could this be? It's not like I haven't been pregnant before." Madam couldn't accept it.

"In the past, my wife didn't have musk in her body, so it was indeed easier to conceive, but now..."

Before Huajiujiu finished speaking, the lady immediately understood.


How could there be musk in her body!

As a woman in the backyard, she naturally knew about this, so when she heard Musk, her face changed drastically.

Because she knew the dirty things in the backyard, she was very careful in this aspect, and even invited doctors to see her regularly, but the doctors said that she was not poisoned, and there was nothing abnormal in her body, and now she was told that she had musk hidden in her body , which made her unable to accept it.

"Madam doesn't have a lot of musk in her body, so ordinary doctors can't detect it." Hua Jiujiu explained.

Madam's face was full of shock, who could be so slapped so hard that even the doctor couldn't find out!

If I hadn't found someone with great medical skills today, I'm afraid I would have been kept in the dark all along!

"My lord, how can I get rid of the musk in my body?" Madam asked.

"It can be cured, but if the source of the medicine is not eradicated, it will be useless to cure." You can't cure the poison every now and then.

The lady's face was very ugly.

What Young Master Qianzui said is not wrong, if the source of the medicine is not eradicated, it will be useless to cure the poison, she should be tricked or she must be tricked, then she will never be able to conceive.

(End of this chapter)

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