Chapter 316 Happy Cooperation
"If Madam wants it, I can give it to Madam." Hua Jiujiu said generously.

Mu Rouqing was overjoyed, but she soon calmed down, staring deeply at Huajiujiu, "What do you want me to do, my lord?"

There is no free lunch in this world.

As a powerful person, she deeply understands this truth.

"Ma'am, I just want the women to have one more favorite." Hua Jiujiu smiled lightly.

That magnanimous smile makes people feel ashamed.

How could you doubt his sincerity?

They are so sincere and kind.

Mu Rouqing was immersed in such emotions for a while, and then she woke up.

She looked at Hua Jiujiu with a bit of fear and amazement.

This person is definitely a profiteer!
She was almost cheated by him.

"To tell you the truth, my lord, I am afraid that I am powerless." Although her family is considered good, she is a married daughter after all, so naturally she cannot be the master of the family.

What's more, the opponent is the Ximen family of the four major families in the capital!

Even if their family has some power, they will definitely not be able to resist such an existence!

Although the person she married later was one of the best families in Lingcheng.

However, she is a woman after all, and there is nothing she can do at all.

Even if she could do anything, the group of old antiques would still stare at her, wanting to find her fault and ask her to take out the dowry in her hand to make up for it.

What a bunch of shameless guys.

"Being powerless now does not mean that you will be powerless in the future." Hua Jiujiu took a deep look at her.

Mu Rouqing narrowed her cold phoenix eyes.

Did this person guess what?

Hehe, don't you think highly of her?
Lingcheng's family is also the only existence that can compete with the Jingcheng family.

Therefore, Huajiujiu naturally wanted to seize this opportunity.

As for why Qiu Jinyu was not asked to help.

Now he is too busy to take care of himself, and he will definitely not be able to help so quickly.

Moreover, her plan for Qiu Jinyu at that time was not like this from the beginning.

After all, establishing a foothold in Lingcheng and establishing a foothold in Siyuan Town are completely different things!
Mu Rouqing fell into deep thought.

After waiting for a while, he said: "I can agree to the young master, but the young master also needs to do me a favor."

"Tell me." Mu Rouqing would agree, Hua Jiujiu was not surprised.

"Prescribe some medicine for me." Mu Rouqing lowered her voice.

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, he actually took this path.

But yes, so the speed can be fast, isn't it?
After all, she couldn't wait that long.

"Yes." Hua Jiujiu agreed without thinking.

Mu Rouqing didn't need to say anything, Huajiujiu knew what medicine to mix.

After Mu Rouqing came out with her own medicine and Huajiujiu's other medicine, she still felt like she was dreaming.

Everything was so smooth that she thought it was a dream.

Mu Rouqing patted her face to keep herself awake.

It's okay to be unconscious, if you are not careful, you will die in that dark place!
"Eldest sister?" Mu Rouxue just came over to do skin care, but when she saw a person who looked like her sister coming out, she yelled uncertainly.

"En." Mu Rouqing responded lightly.

Mu Rouxue stepped forward in disbelief, "Sister, you...why did you change your appearance?"

"Isn't it good-looking?" Mu Rouqing was in a very happy mood, and even her tone was smiling, which made people feel a lot closer.

Mu Rouxue was so shocked that she couldn't react to her eldest sister's friendly tone.

After reacting, he said excitedly: "It's beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

Mu Rouqing's face softened a bit.

"Eldest sister, where did you get your rouge and gouache? Could it be that the Rouge shop has released a new product?" Mu Rouxue asked impatiently.

She also wants to be beautiful!
Mu Rouqing snorted softly, "Roumeipu doesn't have such ability."

Mu Rouxue immediately guessed something.

She remembered that on the day Jinhua Pavilion opened, someone had put makeup on many people, and it was rumored that this cosmetic was also made by Mr. Qianzui, but there were not many cosmetics, so very few people bought them.

Originally, I thought to wait for Mr. Qianzui to open before buying this exciting cosmetics.

However, he was told that it was not for sale, and Mr. Qianzui had no plans to open a shop for the time being.

Every woman was so disappointed that she almost cried.

She almost cried at first.

"Big sister, have you bought this cosmetic?" Mu Rouxue lowered her voice and asked.

Obviously he didn't want to cause trouble for his sister.

"Master Qianzui gave it to you." Mu Rouqing didn't hide it.

Mu Rouxue opened her mouth in disbelief.

Master Qianzui actually gave cosmetics to the elder sister?
Did something happen that she didn't know about?
Could it be because her elder sister came here every day recently?

But, it's just that she hasn't come here for the past two days, and she also came before the elder sister, why didn't she?

Seeing Mu Rouxue's envious expression, Mu Rouqing was in a good mood.

"If you want to use it, I can use it twice for you." Up to two times, any more will be useless!

In fact, a set of cosmetics can still be used for a long time.

Mu Rouxue said excitedly, "Thank you, big sister."

"Well, I'm tired, so I'm going back first." Feeling tired, Mu Rouqing got into the carriage and went back.

Since contracting the disease, she has felt worse and worse.

Fortunately, Mu Rouxue told herself about Young Master Qianzui, and finally she chose to believe him.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that I will die of heart disease so aggrieved!
In this case, no one would scold that man, but only scold them for being undisciplined women!
Thinking of this, Mu Rouqing's eyes were filled with ice.

However, she is not in a hurry to go back, she will continue to stay here with Mu Rouxue, and wait for her body to recover!

Mu Rouxue still needed skin care, so she didn't go back with her, and happily went in for skin care.

Since she took care of her skin, she felt several years younger. Coupled with the makeup techniques she learned last time, her man has often visited her yard recently.

Thinking about the medicine that Young Master Qianzui prescribed for her, she felt that she would be able to conceive a child soon!

Hua Jiujiu was upstairs, seeing all of this, but didn't say anything.

It's just that the mood has become very good.

My own plan has taken another big step forward.

Thinking about it, it won't be long before she can open the Liangyan Hall and expand these two stores!
Not long after Hua Jiujiu was happy, someone came to see her again.

Helpless, I had to go down to entertain.

Alas, it is really not easy for her to become famous.

So, forget it.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, when everyone mentions Mr. Qianzui, they will say, this is a doctor who is more effective than Songzi Guanyin!
(End of this chapter)

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