Chapter 317
For the next month, Huajiujiu basically spent his time seeing a doctor.

It can be said that every day is very full.

However, Huajiu doesn't stop there.

Whenever I have free time, I will discuss with An Qingyan about opening a jewelry store, and discuss with Su Mo about opening a branch in other places.

It's not slow, it's not fast, after all, it will take some time for the renovation.

Moreover, her workshop has to be expanded, otherwise the supply will be in short supply.

As for the clerk, during this period of time, Lou Sijin helped Huajiu recruit another group of people.

These people don't need to be too talented, but they need to be loyal enough.

After a month of training, it was enough, not to mention that she didn't use it so quickly, and she could train for a while.

"Su Mo, where do you think this first branch should be opened?" Hua Jiujiu asked Su Mo who was getting more and more calm.

This month, many people came to make trouble. Every time Huajiujiu hadn't come forward, Su Mo solved them perfectly, which shows how strong his ability is.

With such a capable assistant, is Huajiu still worried that the store will not be able to expand?

"My lord, I think it's more appropriate to open in Wanju County." Su Mo put forward his own idea.

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, motioning for him to continue talking.

"The yamen is located in Wanju County. There are more rich people gathered there. Not only are the surrounding towns close to it, but it is also closer to the Fucheng. It will be more convenient for us to open a store in the Fucheng." Su Mo explained seriously.

Hua Jiujiu nodded, it was exactly what she thought, "Just as you said, Su Mo, I will leave this matter to you, are you acceptable?"

"Thank you for your trust, Mr. Su Mo will definitely not disappoint you." Su Mo said firmly.

Hua Jiujiu said that she would never be disappointed with this person.

After all, this is the person she has always been optimistic about.

"My lord, all the preparations for the Liangyan Hall have been completed. When do you plan to open?" Su Mo suddenly thought of something and asked.

The decoration of Liangyantang was completed half a month ago, but Huajiujiu had no plans to open, so Su Mo didn't know what she was thinking.

It stands to reason that with the influence of Yuyantang, even the Ximen family would not dare to make a move easily.

What's more, there is a thousand drunk young master that they have never figured out.

"It won't be long." Hua Jiujiu lay comfortably on the rocking chair.

Calculating the time, it probably won't be too long, that person went back half a month ago.

Of course, she can also open the business now, but most of the risks have to be borne by herself.

At that time, it will be quite troublesome.

It's tiring to deal with trouble every now and then.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, just open the branch first." She wanted to open the branch as quickly as possible.

"Yes." Su Mo had some guesses in his heart, no matter what, he believed in Huajiujiu.

After all, she said that she would take him to the highest position and trample that person under her feet!
Just as Hua Jiujiu was about to take a nap, there was a loud noise from downstairs. She frowned, and was about to check when she saw Su Mo coming up.

"What happened?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"My lord, they are all people who come to see your doctor." Su Mo replied.

"Why are there so many people here all of a sudden?" People came to see her every day, but it was normal before, why so many people came here all of a sudden today.

"Because many of the infertile people treated by the young master before became pregnant, people from nearby counties heard the news and came to ask the young master for treatment." Su Mo felt miraculous and admired.

After all, it has only been so long, and within two months, she was already pregnant.

Before that, they hadn't been pregnant for several years, and even gave up hope on you.

If you can really get pregnant, it doesn't matter that the doctor is a man.

Nothing is more important than giving birth to a stable position.

So no one shied away from it, and came to seek medical treatment one after another. Anyway, there were others with them, so there was nothing to lose face.

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, it was so fast.

Should it be said that his medicine is too good, or should it be said that the young couples are working too hard?

However, the medicines she gave were all good medicines, and it was normal for them to take effect so quickly.

However, Hua Jiujiu's expression was a little weird.

It seems that I am sure that I am the Guanyin who sends the child!

It's all about infertility.

So, in ancient times, why were there so many infertile people?

The corner of Hua Jiujiu's mouth twitched fiercely.

Su Mo probably also guessed what Hua Jiujiu was thinking, and couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, Young Master Qianzui didn't want to be so famous at first.

Hua Jiujiu sighed faintly, resigned to his fate and went down with Su Mo to see a doctor.

Once downstairs, Huajiujiu was surrounded by a group of women, all of them shouting, son, give me a child quickly.


It's really short of calling Songzi Guanyin.

"Everyone, don't worry, come one by one." Su Mo rescued Hua Jiujiu from the crowd.

After finally maintaining order, Hua Jiujiu saw a doctor for them.

Sure enough, it's all about infertility.

The flowers and wines I watched were numb.

After taking a woman's pulse, she said blankly: "There is nothing wrong with your body."

"How could it be? There is nothing wrong with my body, why can't I conceive?" The lady on the opposite side couldn't believe it.

"I said before that pregnancy is not only a woman's problem, it also has something to do with men." Hua Jiujiu said lightly.

The lady's face changed. Does this mean that there is something wrong with her man?
However, how can men have problems, only women have problems.

Looking at this man's appearance, Hua Jiujiu could guess what she was thinking, "Have you ever seen a woman who can get pregnant without a man?"

The reason is very simple, but women in ancient times didn't dare to think about it.

The lady's face froze again.

What you said is true, but how dare their women challenge the authority of men.

There is no man who can accept it and others say he can't.

"If you really want a child, let him come and see it together." Hua Jiujiu didn't care what the woman thought, and said, "Next."

The lady left in a daze.

Hua Jiujiu continued to see doctors for the people behind, and finally finished it at night.

When Lou Sijin came back from errands, he heard that Huajiu hadn't had dinner yet, and his face collapsed again.

Hua Jiujiu's heart tightened, and he quickly grabbed his arm and said coquettishly, "A Jin, I don't have an appetite. I want to eat the seafood porridge you made."

What else can he say?

I can only blame him for coming back too late, making his little girl hungry.

"Hey, eat some pastry first, and I'll make it for you." Lou Sijin rubbed her hair helplessly.

The little girl I found, I have to pamper her even on my knees.

Looking at Lou Sijin's leaving back, Hua Jiujiu showed a happy smile.

This silly man~
(End of this chapter)

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