Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 321 It Turned Out to be a Mirror!

Chapter 321 It Turned Out to be a Mirror!
An Qingyan couldn't wait to eat.

Sure enough, the flowers in each flower cake are different, and they all taste very good.

"This is really delicious and amazing." An Qingyan couldn't stop eating.

It wasn't until I finished eating the two packets of flower cakes that I burped contentedly.


Isn't this girl too edible?
She gave her the amount for several days, and she ate it all at once!
"You didn't eat at noon?" Hua Jiujiu asked suspiciously.

"I ate it, and it was served with the kimchi you gave me last time." An Qingyan really likes to eat now.

Well, I used to like it too.

But, now I like it even more.

"Then you can still eat so much?" Hua Jiujiu was speechless.

This person's belly is probably not a bottomless pit.

Besides, why doesn't she get fat no matter what she eats?

"Why can't I eat it? I think I can still eat it." An Qingyan was puzzled.


Well, when she didn't ask.

"Jiujiu, do you still have this flower cake? I want to send some to my grandmother." An Qingyan thought that her grandmother must also like this flower cake, so she pestered Hua Jiujiu to make some for her. .

Hua Jiujiu looked at her quietly, "Are you sure the ones I made are only for your grandmother?"

"Hey, I'll keep a little bit for myself, just a little bit." An Qingyan squeezed her little hand.

Hua Jiujiu rolled his eyes, he really couldn't trust foodies.

If she only made the amount to send to her grandmother, she would definitely deduct some of it.

When the time comes to send it to her grandmother, there will be only one left.

People will definitely feel that I am a stingy person who makes things, and I only give such a little.

So, why doesn't she make more and send them over?
An Qingyan saw Hua Jiujiu's appearance, she knew that she agreed, and she was as happy as a child.

This is completely different from the An Qingyan I saw outside just now.

Sure enough, it's not easy for people from big families.

"Jiujiu, why did you visit me today?" An Qingyan got to the point after eating and drinking enough.

"I can only find you if I have something to do?" Hua Jiujiu raised an eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" An Qingyan asked back.


Well, something really happened.

"How are you preparing for the jewelry store?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"The decoration is almost done, and the source of goods is lacking." Selling jewelry must not only sell the gemstone jewelry provided by Huajiujiu, but must also find some other sources of goods to sell.

"I've also made a batch over there." When Hua Jiujiu was planning to cooperate with An Qingyan to make jewelry, he asked someone to make jewelry.

"By the way, my mother also made matching clothes, and they can be sold together at that time."

An Qingyan's eyes lit up.

She remembered the outfit she wore on Hua Jiujiu's birthday last time.

It's just amazing!

If they can really be sold together, the princes and nobles will surely scratch their heads.

"I'll urge you to open as soon as possible." An Qingyan was a little hungry and couldn't wait.

"No hurry, I think we can do more publicity." It must be to attract more princes and nobles.

Although Fangyuan Town is not small, and there are many merchants, compared to county towns and prefectures, there are still fewer powerful and wealthy people.

"Alright, we can come to an auction then." An Qingyan nodded in approval.


"I will arrange this matter." An Qingyan also wanted to make herself better as soon as possible, so this matter would not be delayed any longer.

"Are you busy?" Hua Jiujiu asked involuntarily.

"Say it as if you were too busy to come here." An Qingyan knew that Hua Jiujiu was also busy, don't think that she was just talking every time, sometimes she thought about more things than she did.

"Don't worry, I can do this little thing." An Qingyan patted Hua Jiujiu on the shoulder.

Hua Jiujiu smiled knowingly.

I am very lucky to have met this friend.

"By the way, I have something for you. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday, but it hasn't been delivered to me yet, so I can only delay it until now." An Qingyan went to the room to get it. Comes out of a nice box.

"What is this?" Hua Jiujiu asked curiously.

"Open it and have a look, I guarantee you will like it." An Qingyan said expectantly.

When Huajiu opened it, it was an oval with a handle, and the back was very delicate.

She vaguely guessed what this would be, but she couldn't believe it.

Hua Jiujiu took the thing out of the box, turned it over, and saw himself in it very clearly, and was stunned for a moment.

"How about it, are you startled, hahahaha." An Qingyan said with a smile.

"When I first saw it, I almost threw it out. I thought it was a monster from somewhere."

An Qingyan only felt that Huajiujiu was still too calm.

"Guess what this is, you must be guessing..."


"... not."

An Qingyan was stunned, and asked in disbelief: "Jiujiu, how do you know this is a mirror, have you seen it?"

Hua Jiujiu looked a little complicated, she shook her head and asked, "Yanyan, where did you get this mirror from?"

It stands to reason that with ancient technology, mirrors cannot be made.

Moreover, I haven't heard of any mirrors in ancient times, and they only appeared at a later stage of development.

"My brother brought this back from his business experience." An Qingyan didn't understand Huajiujiu's emotions.

"Do you know the specific place?" The merchant must have passed through many places.

"I have to ask about this." An Qingyan saw that Huajiujiu was quite concerned about this question, so she planned to send Feige a letter to her brother to ask.

"Hmm, I'm in trouble."

"What's the trouble with this, but Jiujiu, what's wrong with you?" An Qingyan asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I just remembered something." Hua Jiujiu smiled and shook his head, "Yanyan, I like this mirror very much, thank you."

"As long as you like it." An Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief, "My brother brought back two mirrors. I heard that they are hard to get. It will be fine. We each have one."

As soon as Hua Jiujiu heard it, he knew how precious this thing was.

There were only two mirrors in total, and An Qingyan didn't even distribute them to the rest of the family, and just gave her one, which shows how much she cares about her friend.

"Yanyan, you are so kind." In the future, she will also give An Qingyan a unique gift.

"You know I'm fine, why don't you make me some more snacks." An Qingyan looked as if she had succeeded in her scheme.

Hua Jiujiu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and threatened: "Be careful to become a little fat man."

"I'm not afraid, I don't expect a man to take care of me." An Qingyan said proudly.

Hua Jiujiu raised her eyebrows, this is indeed a strong woman, men who want to chase her in the future will have to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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