Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 322 Discuss Conditions with Dongfang Lan

Chapter 322 Discuss Conditions with Dongfang Lan

Hua Jiujiu stayed for a while, and when he was about to leave, a fiery figure rushed in.

"An Qingyan, is that girl Huajiu with you?" Dongfanglan arrived before the voice came.

Hua Jiujiu got up and went back again.

What a coincidence, she was just about to find this person.

However, it is best for this person to come to him first.

When An Qingyan heard this voice, she rolled her eyes, "Here it is again, come and roar every now and then."

After hearing this, Hua Jiujiu knew how eager Dongfang Lan was.

"I'll send him away." An Qingyan didn't know that Hua Jiujiu had business with him, so she got up and said.

"No, I happen to have something to look for him." Hua Jiujiu quickly asked her to sit down.

An Qingyan became a little curious, seeing that Hua Jiujiu didn't shy away from her, so she stayed and listened together.

When Dongfang Lan came in, he was stared at by two women.

He didn't feel embarrassed either, and went straight to Hua Jiujiu, "I finally found you."

Hua Jiujiu said, are you sure you are looking for her?

You shouldn't just go to one place to find someone.

Hua Jiujiu took a meaningful look at Dongfang Lan and An Qingyan.

These two people are somewhat worn out.

Dongfang Lan and An Qingyan felt their scalps tingle.

Before they protested, Hua Jiujiu asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Don't you know?" Dongfang Lan found a place to sit down by himself.

He can be said to be the most idle person now.

Because, his restaurant closed down!
With so many people cheering every day, he really didn't have the desire to continue opening, so he simply closed down.

However, he did not notify the public that he was closed down, but closed the door for renovation.

He wants to cheer up and compete against Zhenxiu Restaurant again.

"How would I know, I don't pay attention to your affairs." Hua Jiujiu did it on purpose, just to see Dongfang Lan anxious.

Dongfang Lan only thought that this little girl was really mean-spirited, "You said you could help me last time."

How could it be forgotten?
Moreover, it made him unable to find it all the time.

Of course, he didn't look for it at the beginning, but after the restaurant closed, he couldn't find it.

He suspected that Hua Jiujiu avoided him on purpose.

"Oh, it seems that there is such a thing." Hua Jiujiu nodded.


He almost believed it!

"Let me help, but, what benefits do you want me to gain?" Hua Jiujiu stopped playing charades and asked straightforwardly.

Dongfang Lan knew that this woman couldn't be helped for nothing.

I'm afraid it's going to kill him severely.

It might even be more ruthless than Nangong Yu's.

Well, being ruthless is inevitable, after all, I am so passive now.

To be honest, if he is so passive, he might as well find another place to operate and not compete with Nangong Yu for this place.

However, he is really not reconciled, this is after all his painstaking efforts for so many years.

How could he just admit defeat like this?

Most importantly, if it gets out, I will lose face.

"I can add [-]% to the conditions Nangong Yu gave you." This is already sincere enough.

However, Hua Jiujiu just looked at him with a smile on his face.

Dongfang Lan frowned, this man was not satisfied yet.

A peasant girl has such a big heart!
However, it doesn't seem surprising to have such a big heart.

After all, she has worked with An Qingyan, Nangong Yu, and Young Master Qianzui before.

How can you not have such a big heart after being fed by so many people?
He even felt that it would not be too much for Huajiujiu to cost him the entire restaurant.

Dongfang Lan lowered his head, obviously thinking about it.

Hua Jiujiu was not in a hurry, just sat there and waited slowly.

Seemingly bored of waiting, he took out a pack of pork buns from the space.

An Qingyan's eyes gleamed directly.

This damn wine actually hides snacks!
Hua Jiujiu coughed lightly, and gave half of the pork shop to An Qingyan, and the two of them ate snacks and waited for Dongfang Lan to figure it out.


Can you respect people?

Dongfang Lan's face was slightly distorted.

Almost didn't lift the table up.

"Have you figured it out?" Hua Jiujiu asked as he watched him look up, eating at the pork shop.


Really too much!

"I'll give you [-]% more at most, and nothing more."

Give her an extra [-]%...

In the restaurant I opened, I can only take a small part of it!

This is so frustrating!
In the future, I am afraid that Huajiujiu will sell his hard work, and he will not be able to say anything.

The corner of Huajiujiu's lips twitched.

It worked!

From the last time she revealed to Dongfang Lan that she could bring his restaurant back to life, maybe even surpass Zhenxiu Restaurant, she knew that she must be able to succeed!

Of course, this is also thanks to Dongfang Lan holding back for so long, and he has been hiding for long enough, otherwise he would not have agreed so easily.

"However, if you fail to make my restaurant earn more than before, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

Dongfang Lan's words were not a joke. It was impossible for him to be wronged like this and not fight back.

"Don't worry, I will make your restaurant famous all over the world!" Hua Jiujiu was confident enough.

Dongfang Lan was taken aback for a moment.

Then he leaned in front of Huajiujiu, and asked with a playful smile, "Can it be better than Zhenxiu Restaurant?"

Hua Jiujiu showed a wicked smile, "What do you think?"

The dissatisfaction in Dongfang Lan's heart disappeared instantly, "My young master forgives you!"

Thinking of Nangong Lan's angry expression, he couldn't help but want to chuckle.

Let him find someone to help behind his back, and keep preventing him from finding someone to help with him.

The next step is to make him look good!
Hua Jiujiu didn't say anything, but there was a faint light in his eyes.

If it is famous, it must be that the new hot pot is more famous.

However, it doesn't mean that Nangong Yu's restaurant will be completely suppressed.

There is not much conflict between these two meals.

"However, I still have one condition." Hua Jiujiu added.

Dongfang Lan's happy face immediately pulled down.

Isn't the condition he gave enough, and he still has to raise the condition.

This is probably too greedy.

"In the future, if Master Qianzui and I have any conflicts with your family, you don't need to help us, but you must not add insult to injury!" Hua Jiujiu ignored his dissatisfaction and said directly.

That's why she didn't find Dongfang Lan so quickly.

Dongfang Lan's eyes flickered slightly.

What kind of conflict can she and Mr. Qianzui have with his own family.

What are they planning?

Dongfang Lan is more interested in this point.

However, Huajiujiu definitely didn't know what to say, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Don't worry, I am me, and my family is my family." At first I thought it was an excessive request, but it turned out to be a request that had no effect.

(End of this chapter)

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