Chapter 324 Save Her
The woman seemed to have been disappointed in this world. She raised her head, wanting to keep the disgusting faces around her in her heart, and then she could go to the underworld to sue these people for driving herself to death.

When her eyes fell on Hua Jiujiu's face, she was slightly taken aback.

This person is different, unlike everyone else!
In the woman's eyes, a glimmer of hope gradually ignited, and that light of hope was completely impossible to ignore.

Hua Jiujiu knew that he couldn't escape now, otherwise he would really be the sinner who completely pushed people into hell.

I don't know whether to say that I am nosy, or meddling?

Hua Jiujiu sighed silently.

The woman pushed the old woman away, ran to Hua Jiujiu, knelt down in front of her and begged, "Miss, can you save me, I promise to use the rest of my life to do everything for you."

This is her last hope. If this person is not willing to give her a hand, then she really doesn't know what to do.

All the people around looked at Huajiujiu, as if they were watching a play.

The old woman sneered even more, she didn't know what she was struggling with, really thought someone could save her?
She just wanted to see how this woman was even more desperate!

In such a place, she also saw the despair of others, and even felt that this despair was a kind of enjoyment.

Hua Jiujiu was not affected at all, she looked down at the begging woman, and said softly, "If I don't save you, what should you do?"

The woman didn't expect Huajiujiu to ask such a question, she was stunned for a while, and when she was about to say that she had no choice but to die as everyone wished, she swallowed it back abruptly.

She felt inexplicably that if she answered this way, she would definitely be completely given up.

She didn't want to, not at all.

"I don't know what to do, but I don't want to die, not at all." The woman didn't know what else to do, she couldn't find a way out.

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips, looked at the dazed woman in front of her, opened her lips slightly, "What do you think you can do for me with such a short time?"

The woman in front of me is very good-looking, and she has the feeling of a Jiangnan woman.

If she hadn't suffered such a catastrophe, such a woman should have been sincerely protected by a man.

The woman was stunned for a while.

Hua Jiujiu turned around in disappointment.

"I can die for Miss." The woman said firmly before Hua Jiujiu stepped forward.

Hua Jiujiu paused slightly.

Without turning around, she heard the laughter of people around her.

After all, isn't he still dead?

With such a dirty body, how could this woman feel that she could die for others.

That would be an insult to an innocent girl.

Hua Jiujiu ignored them, turned to look at the woman, "Perhaps, I might let you die sooner."

"I'm not afraid." At least, her death was not so desperate.

Hua Jiujiu looked at her for a long time, finally walked up to the old woman, and said indifferently, "How much is she worth?"

The old woman never imagined that someone would actually be willing to buy this dying dirty woman.

For a while, I couldn't react, and when I finally realized it, I foolishly uttered a sentence, "Two taels... No, no, one tael."

A filthy woman who is dying and worthless at all.

If you shout too much, wouldn't it scare people away.

Unexpectedly, before this person died, he could still make a fortune for her, which is really not a loss at all.

Hua Jiujiu lowered his head and asked softly, "How much money did the person who sold you sell you?"

Women don't understand what Huajiujiu is going to do.

But he still replied: "Twelve taels."

Twelve, for the sake of twelve, he actually dragged people into the abyss!

Hua Jiujiu frowned, and took out ten taels of silver from his pocket, "Give me the deed of sale."

The old woman and the people around looked at Huajiu in disbelief.

This person must be stupid, people said one or two, but she actually gave out ten times.

How much money is a fool?
The woman also had some doubts, but she didn't ask.

"Ah, the contract of sale...the contract of sale is here." The old woman was afraid that Huajiujiu would regret it, so she quickly touched the contract of sale.

Just as he was about to hand it to her, he suddenly thought of something and shrank his hand slightly.

Since people are willing to spend ten taels of silver, they must be willing to spend more information.

I don't make money and I don't make money.

Hua Jiujiu saw her thoughts and said with a mocking tone, "Have you ever heard a word, Mom?"

"Huh?" The old woman didn't recover.

"People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants." Hua Jiujiu's tone was cold.

The old woman is the procuress of the brothel, she has met countless people, how could she fail to understand the meaning of Hua Jiujiu's words.

She shuddered, and hastily and respectfully took out the contract of sale.

I can't afford to mess with this person!

Even if she has never met her, she does not know who she is.

Hua Jiujiu took the deed of sale and took a look.

It says Xia Yu was sold when she was 14 years old, and she is only young now.

In the past four years, how much torture has she suffered!

Hua Jiujiu's expression remained unchanged, and he handed the contract of sale to the woman, "At the beginning, that person sold you for ten taels of silver. Now, I will also buy you back for ten taels of silver. It's also ten taels. Life becomes completely different."

The woman looked at Huajiujiu in disbelief. The deed of sale was actually returned to her?
Aren't you afraid that she will take the deed of sale and run away?

However, looking at Hua Jiujiu's eyes, it was clear that she was not worried.

What a trust!

Seeing this scene, the people around felt that this person was stupid and pitiful.

In the end, he just said a few words and left.

After all, there is nothing to watch.

Only the old woman took a deep look at Huajiu.


Don't underestimate these twelve, this is rebirth, a respected rebirth.

Don't say it's only ten taels, why are you so surprised.

However, how many people are willing to pay these ten taels?
Even if they are really rich.

This little girl who doesn't look like a hairpin is definitely a person with great fortune.

If Xia Yu hadn't contracted the disease and could live on forever, she might have a better life than her in the future.

The old woman sighed silently and left with the crowd.

Xia Yu held the deed of sale with trembling hands.

"Do you want to continue using this name?" Hua Jiujiu felt that since he had a new life, he also had a new identity.

Xia Yu shook her head strongly, and said firmly: "No, I don't use this name anymore, I hope Miss can give it a name."

She was bought by Huajiu, and life and death are decided by Huajiu.

This name was naturally decided by her, and she also hoped so.

Because my new life was bestowed by Huajiujiu.

Even if not for long.

But she's also looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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