Chapter 325 Uncontrollable
Looking at the person in front of him trying to run towards the sun, "Xia Xiaoxin." Hua Jiujiu slowly uttered three words.

"When dawn breaks, there is light."

Xia Xiaoxin's eyes became brighter and brighter, like the sun that is about to dawn, enough to illuminate the entire land.

"In the past, your life has been in the dark and rainy days, so the future will be in the sunny summer."

This is the life expectation that Huajiujiu gave her.

Xia Xiaoxin looked at her head, at the warm and bright sun in the sky.

Even though it was dazzling, it made her extremely satisfied.

"Thank you miss, I like this name very much." Xia Xiaoxin looked away and smiled at Hua Jiujiu.

"Miss, what do you need me to do, I can help you now." She doesn't have much time, so she should cherish every minute and every second, and don't let the lady's money go to waste.

"No rush, see a doctor first." Hua Jiujiu said.

Xia Xiaoxin smiled wryly: "Miss, there is no cure for my disease, so don't waste time."

Hua Jiujiu raised an eyebrow, "Who said there is no rule of law?"

Xia Xiaoxin looked at Hua Jiujiu in shock.

"Let's go to Yuyantang." Hua Jiujiu curled his lips and walked ahead.

Xia Xiaoxin stayed where she was.

It wasn't until Hua Jiujiu walked away that he suddenly recovered and quickly followed.

It turned out to be Yuyantang!

How lucky is she to be able to meet this person!

Hua Jiujiu took her directly to the backyard and asked her to stretch out her hand.

"Miss, do you know medical skills?" Xia Xiaoxin asked in surprise.

"My senior brother is so famous, I can't do nothing." Hua Jiujiu smiled lightly.

She couldn't quite trust this man yet.

So I don't want to reveal my identity.

Xia Xiaoxin nodded repeatedly.

That's right, Mr. Qianzui is so powerful, how could his junior sister not know medical skills?
In fact, at the beginning, she also thought about seeking medical treatment from Mr. Qianzui, but she was afraid that she would hurt Mr. Qianzui's reputation.

After all, I have never heard of a cure for my illness, so don't hurt the reputation of Mr. Qianzui, and also dirty Mr. Qianzui's territory.

Huajiujiu once cured a person suffering from Hualiu disease.

However, that person was infected, and it wasn't that serious.

However, the person in front of her was too serious, so serious that she didn't have much confidence.

However, it is not unsure to add more spiritual springs.

Hua Jiujiu knew it already, so she went to the pharmacy to dispense the medicine herself, and when she came out, Xia Xiaoxin looked at her anxiously.

"This is the medicine formulated by Mr. Qianzui. You take it for a while and cooperate with my acupuncture. Then we will see what happens."

Xia Xiaoxin looked at her in disbelief, "I... my disease, can... be cured?"

"En." Hua Jiujiu gave affirmation.

Xia Xiaoxin was stunned for a moment.

Then, he sat on the ground, covered his mouth, and wept silently.

No one knew how excited and happy she was.

It's like a fish out of water, suddenly released into the sea.

How can you not be excited!

That is the hope of life!

She was ready to die!
Hua Jiujiu understood her mood and gave her enough time to recover.

Xia Xiaoxin was agitated for a while, and then she had stabilized her emotions. She knelt down in front of Huajiu, and said firmly: "Miss, I, Xia Xiaoxin, swear here that I will never betray Miss in this life. If you break this oath, you will die land!"

There was a light shining in her eyes, that light was both destruction and hope.

As long as Hua Jiujiu says a word, no matter what it is, she will complete it without hesitation!
"Get up."

Although Hua Jiujiu hasn't figured out what to do with her, but she never saves people for nothing, but each takes what he needs, so she won't force the other party to do something. Of course, if the other party is not worth it, she will Can't use people.

After Hua Jiujiu finished speaking, he gave Xia Xiaoxin the needles, not the set of silver needles that Mr. Qianzui uses every time, but the ones he usually uses.

After finishing the injection, let her go to the backyard to rest and stay temporarily.

Seven days of injections are needed, so it is more convenient to keep her.

As for his identity, Hua Jiujiu's eyes flickered for a moment, but he didn't say much.

In the evening, Lou Sijin knew about this matter, and couldn't help asking Hua Jiujiu what arrangement he had for that person.

After all, he couldn't see any value in that person.

"Ajin, don't underestimate anyone who wants to live." Hua Jiujiu smiled.

Lou Sijin agreed with this sentence, and asked, "Do you need training?"

"I don't need it for the time being." Not to mention that her illness has not been cured, it is that she has not yet figured out what to ask Xia Xiaoxin to do.

As for training, too many of the same people are not interesting.

So, she decided to observe what stood out about this person first.

She doesn't believe this man, he really only knows how to spread his legs.

"Speaking of which, what have you been up to these two days." He didn't even pester her. In the past, he used to give Qiu Jinyu the needles, but this person kept his eyes on him.

"Treat some fleas." Some people stretched their hands too far. If they are not handled properly, the flowers and wine will be exposed.

Hua Jiujiu was silent for a moment, and said, "A Jin, it's good to have you."

She was very grateful to Lou Sijin for buying her so much time so that she could catch up with him.

Lou Sijin ruffled her hair.

To be honest, it should be his fault, so Hua Jiujiu had to hurry up, obviously it could be easier.

However, there are too many people staring at him.

It was his best effort to prevent those people from seeing Hua Jiujiu.

"A Jin, don't think of me too weakly." Hua Jiujiu is not afraid of those conspiracies, she has the ability to protect herself.

"Well, our Ah Jiu is very good." Lou Sijin said with a smile.

How lucky I am to have met her.

Hua Jiujiu raised her chin and said triumphantly: "Then I'm just kidding you!" Even if the emperor came, she would not be cowardly!
Lou Sijin's face was full of doting smiles, he hugged Huajiujiu into his arms, those deep eyes, where Huajiujiu couldn't see, shone with a ruthless light.

That person, it's best not to touch his bottom line, otherwise even if she is...

He didn't mind sending that man on the road with his own hands either!
The noble woman who was leisurely resting on the imperial concubine's chair in the deep palace suddenly opened her beautiful eyes.

It can be seen that the depths of those eyes are full of fear.

"Come on!"

A black figure fell.


"Have you found it yet?" the noble woman asked coldly.

"If you go back to your mother, not yet."

"Trash!" The noble woman threw the wine glass on the table angrily.

The man in black lowered his head even lower, for fear that this man would take off his head and throw it as a ball to vent his anger.

"Look for it soon!"


The man in black immediately disappeared.

The woman's bright and noble face was hidden in the darkness.

It seems to be getting more and more out of control...

(End of this chapter)

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