Chapter 327 Eating Hot Pot

When An Qingyan thought about what Hua Jiujiu and Dongfang Lan had talked about yesterday, she knew what was going on, but she just felt a little heartbroken.

Why did Hua Jiujiu let this man run the hot pot, her favorite hot pot, it's so uncomfortable!

Seeing An Qingyan's deflated appearance, Dongfang Lan was in a good mood, and was extremely looking forward to this so-called hot pot.

It must be a very good thing, otherwise, how could An Qingyan, a snack food person, be so excited?

An Qingyan didn't want to talk to Dongfang Lan, and went to the kitchen like a little mouse looking for food.

Dongfang Lan looked at An Qingyan's background and snickered.

Immediately, he put away his smile again, what is going on with him, he actually thinks this duplicity woman is very cute!
But pull it down, he is the man who wants to divorce!

I don't know how long it took, but the fresh dishes were brought out one by one. Dongfang Lan looked at the raw food without any interest.

Until the hot hot pot was brought out, Dongfang Lan took a sharp breath.

This taste is very fragrant!
He couldn't wait to walk to the table and looked at the two kinds of soup bases, "Is this the spicy pot bottom and tomato pot bottom you mentioned?"

"En." Hua Jiujiu responded.

Speaking of this spicy pot bottom, Huajiujiu feels extremely difficult.

It took her an unusually long time to find chili peppers, and finally found it in a remote pharmacy thanks to Lou Sijin's ability.

Huajiujiu had been thinking before that when there were chili peppers in ancient times, they were not used as seasonings, but as medicinal materials, so I asked Lou Sijin to pay attention to this aspect, and unexpectedly found it.

After finding peppers, Huajiu couldn't wait to use the space to cultivate them, and later planted some in his own yard, and then he was able to harvest so much.

"The taste is quite fragrant." Dongfang Lan praised.

He has some expectations.

"It tastes even better." An Qingyan spoke to him in a rare way.

Huajiujiu prepared quite a lot of ingredients, so they called Xia Xiaoxin and Jinyue to come and eat together.

Another close contact with Mr. Qianzui, An Qingyan expressed that she was a little excited.

No matter how you look at it, Mr. Qianzui is so perfect.

The nympho look naturally fell into Dongfang Lan's eyes, and he snorted unhappily.

It's just a little boy, what's there to get excited about.

Could it be that he is worse than this little boy?

Hua Jiujiu had a panoramic view of Dongfang Lan's expression. Sure enough, it is not impossible for these two people, but it will take a long time.

Just do it, just keep doing it, and they will accept it in the future.

Huajiujiu made sauces for everyone, and then asked everyone to pick up something and eat it hot.

Everyone was not polite, and moved their chopsticks one after another.

Only Xia Xiaoxin was still a little apprehensive, she never thought that she would be able to serve the table, and still eat with so many noble people.

She felt that she was unworthy, and she was also afraid that she would dirty them, after all her illness.
So much so that Xia Xiaoxin didn't move her chopsticks until Hua Jiujiu picked up a piece of meat for her and said, "If you don't eat any more, you will be snatched away."

This guy Dongfanglan, from his disdain at the beginning to the state of crazily grabbing meat with An Qingyan later on, An Qingyan was so angry that he almost quarreled with him.

However, rather than wasting time arguing, it would be better to continue to grab meat, so the two of them reached an agreement by coincidence, and crazily ate meat.

Xia Xiaoxin stared blankly at the meat in the bowl, her eyes were a little red.

Huajiujiu never regarded her as a lowly woman who came out of Hualou, but really treated her as a normal person. How could such respect not make her moved and determined.

Xia Xiaoxin calmed down, picked up the meat and ate it, "It's delicious!" This was the best thing she had ever eaten.

Hua Jiujiu smiled slightly, "Eat more if it tastes good."

"Yeah." After that, Xia Xiaoxin also joined the ranks of grabbing meat, but she was still a little apprehensive.

Jinxue and Jinyue were also not to be outdone, but fortunately they had long been used to the kindness of young ladies, otherwise they would be as anxious as Xia Xiaoxin at this moment, and they would have to grab a lot less meat.

After a meal, everyone was very satisfied.

Not only did he finish eating all the meat, but he also finished eating other dishes.

Appetite is not too big!

Dongfang Lan rubbed her bulging stomach and said, "Hua Jiu Jiu, I believe what you said."

"Tch, you believe it." An Qingyan said contemptuously.

She has never doubted Huajiujiu, she said that she can make delicious things!
Dongfang Lan glanced at her.

As soon as this woman encounters food, she has no bottom line.

"Huajiujiu, I can't wait to open." Preferably by the end of spring.

This hot pot is the most comfortable to eat in winter.

Ah, why didn't Huajiujiu tell him about it earlier, he will definitely open it when winter comes.

However, it is not impossible to operate in summer, but the cost may be a bit high.

Because he had to prepare ice cubes to cool down the restaurant.

However, it is a service that can only be provided in private rooms.

After all, ice cubes can only be used by rich people, and even he can't get so many ice cubes.

Maybe the ice cold I saved and the ice cold I bought back are not enough, and I don’t know what to do when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lan felt a little melancholy.

In the end, Hua Jiujiu said surprisingly, "You don't have to worry about the ice cubes." She can make ice.

As long as there are materials.

And this material is not too difficult to find, as long as you look hard, you will be able to find it.

Dongfang Lan looked at Huajiu suspiciously, what else could this woman do?
However, he didn't bother to think so much, anyway, there was still a long time before the hottest time.

"Aren't you in a rush to decorate the new restaurant? Why don't you leave?" An Qingyan asked involuntarily, after waiting for a long time without letting Dongfang Lan go.

"Hey, what does it have to do with you whether I leave or not? What are you trying to do all the time driving me away?" Dongfang Lan felt that An Qingyan had some conspiracy.

"Cut, if you don't go, then don't go." An Qingyan snorted coldly, then walked up to Hua Jiujiu, and said with a smile: "Jiujiu, last time you said that the hot pot ingredients can also be taken away, you Are you ready, can I take some away?"

Dongfang Lan was surprised when he heard that, can this hot pot base be prepared in advance?

If this is the case, then you will not be afraid of the hot shop at that time!
"Not yet." Hua Jiujiu said that she didn't have that much time.

Recently, he was detoxifying people, seeing a doctor, and studying Lou Sijin's physical condition. How could he have time to do this? Being able to make some snacks is already very good.

(End of this chapter)

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