Chapter 328

An Qingyan lowered her head in disappointment.

Ah, when will she be able to eat such a delicious hot pot again!
Huajiujiu definitely doesn't eat hot pot every day, and Dongfang Lan's delicacies restaurant can't be opened in a short while.

This is to starve her to death!
"You deserve it to death." Dongfang Lan couldn't help but said.

"Shut up, you!" An Qing gave Dongfang Lan a displeased look.

Dongfang Lan immediately fell silent.

Why is this woman so fierce!

Sure enough, he is a duplicity person, obviously he was not treated like this in front of outsiders before.

Hua Jiujiu looked at An Qingyan's pouted face, and couldn't help but want to feed her.

There is no way, An Qingyan is so beautiful, no matter what expression she makes, she looks good.

Not to mention this grievance.

Of course, if the parent's parents were cuter, like Hua Youyou, she would definitely go to prepare things and feed them immediately without saying a word.

Finally, An Qingyan dropped by Huajiujiu for some snacks, and left contentedly.

Dongfang Lan looked at her back and clicked his tongue twice: "I don't know what magic power you have, so that this woman was defenseless and completely revealed her worst appearance."

"Is it bad?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

Dongfang Lan pursed her lips.

Is it bad?
No, it's pretty cute.

Hua Jiujiu took a deep look at him, and then took Xia Xiaoxin to perform the acupuncture.

Dongfang Lan was a little annoyed by Hua Jiujiu's eyes.

He rubbed his hair, then left here with the plan.

"Young Master Dongfang likes Miss An." Xia Xiaoxin, who was following Huajiujiu, couldn't help but said.

"You see it too?" Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows.

It took her a long time to see it, but Xia Xiaoxin saw it once, and she saw it.

"I've met a lot of men, so I naturally know what men are thinking." Xia Xiaoxin's words were not sarcasm.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at Xia Xiaoxin.

Who said she didn't have other skills, didn't she have one?
While administering needles to Xia Xiaoxin, Hua Jiujiu said, "If you have anything you want to do, you can do it to your heart's content, and you don't need to deliberately suppress yourself."

Xia Xiaoxin was slightly taken aback.

Want to do something?
It seems that there is no.

Hua Jiujiu didn't say much, after finishing the injection, he explained some things to her, and then changed back to the appearance of Mr. Qianzui to see a doctor.

I feel like I'm really a spinning top, I can't stop being so busy!

It is estimated that the name of Qianzui Gongzi Guanyin's gift has really been made public, and the Yuyan Hall has been very lively recently.

Not only people from nearby towns and counties came, but even people from Dafu City came.

Some of them were not sick at all, and they all came to beg her to see them.

Hua Jiujiu just wanted to roll his eyes.

If she is really a man, then she doesn't mind giving them a haircut each, so that they can have a good pregnancy!
Really enough!

When she is free?

After several days of intensive medical treatment, Hua Jiujiu finally couldn't stand it anymore and fell ill.

Lou Sijin put on a straight face again.

"As long as I'm not here, you're going to spoil your body like this?" His voice became rare cold.

"I was wrong." Hua Jiujiu admitted his mistake very positively.

Lou Sijin just felt helpless.

Every time this little woman said she was wrong, but never once did she really correct her mistakes.

In order to let her remember the lesson, Lou Sijin didn't forgive her right away, and his face became colder and colder.

Hua Jiujiu admitted his mistakes time and time again, but was never forgiven, and finally panicked a little.

This is really angry.

"Brother Jin, I really know I'm wrong, please forgive me." Hua Jiujiu hugged Lou Sijin's arm coquettishly.

Lou Sijin only felt that her heart was hit hard by a small powder fist.

His pupils became very deep.

This little woman really knows what his weakness is.

Who can resist this!
I almost couldn't stand it before, let alone now!
Hua Jiujiu saw that his expression was cracked, and immediately increased his horsepower, "Brother Jin, then tie me by your side from now on and keep an eye on me all the time, okay?"


Lou Sijin completely collapsed.

His pupils are so deep that they can devour people.

"Brother Jin... um..." Hua Jiujiu's red lips were completely blocked.

Can't let this little woman talk like this again, otherwise he really can't stand it!

Hua Jiujiu's beautiful eyes were full of cunning.

But then, he thought of something again, and hurriedly pushed Lou Sijin.

I'm still sick, but I can't infect this man, he is busier than me.

However, Lou Sijin was willing to let go of the flower wine and hugged her to deepen the kiss.

When Hua Jiujiu was dizzy, Lou Sijinbai let her go, and embraced the soft and boneless little woman in his arms.

"Ajin, I... am still sick and will infect you." Hua Jiujiu's tone was coquettish.

Lou Sijin almost couldn't hold back.

"It's okay, I'm strong." Lou Sijin resisted the impulse, and a deep and hoarse voice sounded.

Hua Jiujiu snorted softly, rubbed against Lou Sijin's warm chest, and closed her eyes.

She suddenly felt a little tired and wanted to have a good sleep.

Recently, I don't seem to have a good sleep, even in the space.

Speaking of space.

It seems that she hasn't bathed in Lingquan water for a long time, no wonder she fell ill this time.

Otherwise, since she started drinking the spiritual spring water and taking baths, she has never been sick.

It seems that I really should pay more attention, otherwise, if this continues, even the spiritual spring water will not be able to withstand it.

Hua Jiujiu fell asleep after a while.

Lou Sijin looked down at the tired Hua Jiujiu, her face full of distress.

This stupid woman.

She clearly agreed to rely on him more, but in the end she still endured so much.

Lou Sijin gently smoothed her slightly furrowed brows.

Exactly how many things are in the heart, so that even sleeping is so unsteady.

Sure enough, the pressure I put on the little woman was still so great.

Too weak, he is still too weak, so the little woman has to force herself to become stronger as soon as possible.

If he is stronger and fearless, then whether the little woman is strong or weak will not have any influence.

Lou Sijin's black pupils were dim, no one knew what he was thinking.

After a while, she gently put Huajiu on the bed, and after she gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead, she walked away from here.

How can he make his little woman so tired? He should bear it.

Therefore, he must quicken his pace!

The aura on Lou Sijin's body changed suddenly, he was like the king of Hades in hell who was in charge of everyone's life and death.

With a wave of hands, it is hell!

(End of this chapter)

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