Chapter 335

Although Hua Jiujiu recovered from her illness, Lou Sijin still refused to let her get the needle, after all, it was too sad.

Fortunately, Yu Miao'ai was able to withstand it, otherwise Hua Jiujiu would not be obedient.

Without seeing a doctor or administering needles, Huajiujiu suddenly had a lot of free time, so he went to various places.

After all, she is also a shareholder of An Qingyan, Dongfang Lan and Nangong Yu's business. If she doesn't go to inspect or something, how can she pass?
The first one to go is Zhenxiu Restaurant whose business has stabilized.

Nangong Yu was also a little surprised when he saw Huajiujiu. After all, this woman was too busy, and every time he wanted to see her, he couldn't see anyone. This meeting turned out to be on his own initiative.

"You also know that you have a share in this restaurant, and I thought you would not show up until the dividends are paid." Nangong Yu's words were sarcasm no matter how they sounded.

"I'm someone who wants to do big things, how can I come every day when I'm free." Hua Jiujiu said confidently.

Nangong Yu snorted coldly.

It's a big deal, and he even helps Dongfang Lan start his own business.

Although there will not be much conflict with his own restaurant, it is impossible that the income will not be affected.

"I plan to expand Zhenxiu Restaurant to the outside world," Nangong Yu said.

Originally, he planned to expand, but he found that Huajiujiu could make Zhenxiu Restaurant better, so he didn't rush to expand.

"Next location?"

For Nangong Yu's decision, Hua Jiujiu was not surprised, it was an inevitable result, he was absolutely unwilling to just go here, just like herself.

"Wanju County." Nangong Yu replied.

Huajiu raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Nangong Yu knew something was wrong just by looking at her expression.

"If you need any help, feel free to come to me." Hua Jiujiu replied.

Nangong Yu understood immediately.

Huajiujiu's next destination is Wanju County.

It's just that this is a bit too fast.

After all, the shop she opened with Mr. Qianzui had just opened for a short time.

Should it be said that Mr. Qianzui's ability is too strong, or should he be said to be too arrogant?
The first store usually needs to gain a firm foothold, but he is so anxious to open the next store.

Nangong Yu stared at Huajiujiu for a while, and then suddenly thought of something.

"Master Qianzui and Mr. Miao Ai are working together?" Hasn't Mr. Miao Ai been sitting in Yuyan Hall recently?
Only this can make him so fearless, isn't it?

After all, Mr. Miao Ai's reputation is not comparable to that of Mr. Qianzui. If you stomp your feet, you are the one who makes the world and the court tremble.

"Yeah." Hua Jiujiu knew what Nangong Yu was thinking, but she really didn't open the next branch so soon because of Yu Miao'ai.

"I'm really getting more and more curious about Mr. Qianzui." It stands to reason that these two people are in a competitive relationship, but it's really incredible that they can get mixed up in the end.

Hua Jiujiu inexplicably wanted to laugh.

What would Nangong Yu's expression be if he knew that Young Master Qianzui was her?
It must be an expression of eating Xiang.

Really looking forward to it.

Looking at Hua Jiujiu's half-smile expression, Nangong Yu felt goosebumps all over his body for no reason.

Why some bad premonition?
"I'm looking for you today, and I have another matter. I want you to help me sort out the flow of people and all the environmental information around the town in the past few years. The more specific the better." Hua Jiujiu entered today's theme.

"What do you want this for?"

Although Fangyuan Town is not small, and there is a dock, but it can only go so far. What's more, Huajiu Wine is going to open a branch elsewhere, so what's the use of knowing so much?

"Do you think Fang Yuan Town can only be like this?" Hua Jiujiu hooked his lips.

Looking at history, the wharf never disappoints, maybe it will develop into a city in the future?
What's more, her roots are here, how can she not develop more here, she must completely control this place in her own hands.

Of course, there is a gold mine near Wanju County, but the nearby places are really not sure.

Nangong Yu stared deeply at Huajiu.

This sentence always has a deep meaning, and it makes him believe it inexplicably.

"Didn't you notice that more and more people have flowed into Fangyuan Town recently?" Hua Jiujiu said again.

Although a large part of the reason is the stores they opened.

Nangong Yu lowered her eyes, lost in thought.

After a while, he said: "I see, I will sort it out for you in detail as soon as possible."


Hua Jiujiu thought that there were still two places left, so she got up and left.

Nangong Yu looked at the back of Hua Jiujiu leaving, a strange light shone in those fox-like eyes.

He had a hunch that this woman would surprise him very much!

Oh, it's always been a surprise, but it will be even more surprising!

After Hua Jiujiu left, he went to find Dongfang Lan and An Qingyan, who naturally asked about the decoration.

The progress of the renovation was within Huajiujiu's expectations, she only made a round of inspection, and if there was anything wrong, she just offered a suggestion.

After finishing these things, it was dark.

But anyway, if you are full and full, you can just go back and rest.

"Jinyue, relax, it's not that dangerous here." Hua Jiujiu felt Jinyue's tense emotions and said.

Today's night breeze is very comfortable, you should take a relaxing walk, how can you be so nervous?
"Miss, it hasn't been peaceful recently." Jin Yue didn't relax at all.

"Even if it's not calm, it won't affect here." This is just a small town, although there is a pier.

Hua Jiujiu could probably guess where the restlessness was.

It should be in the hall.

After Lou Sijin recovered from her illness, she rushed to deal with it. It was obvious that something serious had happened.

Hua Jiujiu thought, it was useless to know his level, so he didn't ask any more questions.

All she can do now is try to be herself.

Jin Yue didn't reply, but she still kept an eye on her surroundings.

Hua Jiujiu was a little helpless, and didn't want Jinyue to be tense along the way, so she didn't go shopping anymore, otherwise the night market in this town is pretty good.

The two of them went directly to the direction of Yuyantang, but they didn't hurry, and they walked back normally.

Suddenly, Jin Yue stopped, and Hua Jiujiu also stopped.

The two looked at each other.

However, this murderous intent didn't seem to be aimed at them.

Almost at the same time, both of them reached an agreement and stepped back.

They don't want to go into this muddy water, so it's better to take the initiative to avoid it.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and it was obvious that the matter was not small.

Thinking of what Jinyue said just now, Hua Jiujiu just wanted to say, what a slap in the face!

(End of this chapter)

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